What color should you choose for your kitchen? Designers recommendations

If you ask any person what place in the house he considers the most comfortable and warm, the most “visited”, with a whole bunch of smells and aromas, then, without any doubt, he will name the kitchen. And he will be 100% right. This is a place where you can not only enjoy delicious food, but also discuss important issues with your family, relax and unwind after a working day. Therefore, the environment and the interior should not only please the eye, but also contribute to comfort and relaxation. Ideally, everything should be in harmony and combine: from the style in which the kitchen will be made, to the colors in all details and objects. It is worth approaching the question of how to choose the right color seriously, because the future mood, moral and emotional state, as well as a healthy and good appetite will depend on it.

What color to choose for the kitchen, based on the lighting of the room

When you need to decide what shade to choose for the kitchen, you need to build on the degree of natural lighting of the space without the use of lamps and lamps. And also take into account on which floor the apartment is located, and whether tall and spreading trees grow outside the window, preventing the penetration of sunlight.

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If the windows face the north side, then a significant part of the daytime there is a lack of natural light, it is gloomy and dim. In such conditions, dark colors are inapplicable: all shades of black (how to arrange in this color they wrote here), brown, graphite, gray.

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Graphite kitchen

For such rooms, all shades of light and pastel colors are better suited: cream, white, light pink, yellow, blue, light green. Glossy facades or metallic edging will look appropriate in such an interior. Light ones are reflective.

Pastel kitchen

And quite the opposite situation arises with the premises, the windows of which face the south side. There is plenty of light here, so the emphasis should be on dark and bright colors: bright blue, brown, red, purple, green, burgundy.

Along with the question of how to paint, related questions arise. For example, how to choose a countertop, and what curtains should decorate the interior. Everything should be in harmony.

What colors should be used?

Competently selected color schemes can effectively and accurately transform the interior of the dining room. Sometimes it is enough to change only the color, and it will acquire additional volume, and, conversely, kitchen 12 meters will become much more comfortable and miniature.

You can visually increase the volumes for a small dining room with the help of all kinds of light and warm colors: white, beige, yellowlight green. Light colors and their shades can visually expand the walls and raise the ceiling.

Kitchen color and dimensions

If the room, on the contrary, is spacious and large, then the selection of rich and juicy tones will help to create coziness and comfort in it. Surfaces of dark shades will help to visually reduce the space: brown, blue, black, graphite, burgundy.

Colors that have little or no effect on spatial perception are gray and green. Thanks to them, the space is perceived realistically and without changes.

What can you do to transform the kitchen radically and interestingly? This is possible with contrasting colors. Kitchen rooms in blue and yellow will play nobly and stylishly, red and red-black, yellow-red, red-green, orange-blue shades. Naturally, this is all for everybody, and before use it is advisable to take into account your taste preferences. Red and black kitchen


  • bright vertical stripes narrow the room and visually raise the ceiling;
Vertical stripes in the kitchen
  • horizontal stripes, on the contrary, seem to lengthen the room in width, adding volume to it, but at the same time the walls visually decrease in height;
Horizontal stripes in the kitchen
  • the use of a large drawing visually reduces the room, and a small one increases it.

What color is able to whet the appetite, and what color is able to pacify?

Yes, it happens. It turns out that color can affect food intake and further affect the general condition of the body. Nutritionists confidently declare that the correctly selected color background of the room in which food is taken has a serious effect on the body and, in particular, on the appetite.

Kitchens in greens, yellows, reds and oranges awaken the appetite and stimulate the body to eat. They are associated with ripe and juicy fruits, invigorate and charge with positive energy, which gives a message for eating. In such a room, you can easily feed capricious children and people with poor appetite.

Orange kitchen

But for those who are trying to keep themselves in shape, control their weight and nutrition, it is recommended to decorate kitchens in strict and cold shades: blue, brown, gray, black. They muffle the feeling of hunger, suppress appetite and allow you to eat a small portion. White has a neutral effect on food intake, but when combined with other tones, it will either induce food or pacify the urge to eat.

Choosing the color of the kitchen to suit your temperament

Psychologists assure that this directly affects mood, evokes certain emotions and desires, and also corresponds to certain types of person. In order to feel harmoniously and comfortably in the room, you need to select the colors for your character and temperament:

  • red - symbolizes activity and energy. It is necessary to use it in moderation, since overkill can cause aggression and irritation;
  • yellow - is responsible for a great mood, inspires positive thinking and energizes;
Yellow kitchen
  • orange - symbolizes joy and happiness, relieves tension and stress;
  • green - promotes concentration of thought, increases efficiency;
  • blue - has a calming and relaxing effect;
Blue kitchen
  • purple (considered here) - instills self-confidence and promotes meditation;
Purple cuisine affects mood
  • brown - symbolizes stability and constancy;
Brown kitchen
  • white is a symbol of purity, it goes well with any color;
White kitchen influence on mood
  • black - favorable for concentration and concentration, too much can lead to a depressing state.
Black kitchen

A competently and correctly made choice will allow you to purchase an appropriate kitchen set. It is not enough to want to make the kitchen in the desired color, you still need to decide on various factors and nuances, on which the overall impression of the entire interior will depend. The decision should be made taking into account the preferences of all family members and suit all household members, create a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Video: classic kitchens in different colors 

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