Fridge odor absorbers: a review of products

Bad smell in the refrigerator. How to remove and fix it? Any housewife is annoyed by the appearance of an unwanted aroma in the kitchen. Therefore, everyone cope with this problem in different ways. Someone constantly washes and defrosts, someone puts a lemon wedge or cloves. And there is another way - odor absorbers. So which method is most effective?

Smell from the refrigerator

Sources and causes of bad fridge odor

Before you fight an unpleasant odor and choose the best absorbent for your refrigerator, you need to determine the cause and eliminate it.

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Sources of unwanted odor

  1. Plastic. If the refrigerator is new, there may be a plastic smell - this is acceptable for a new unit. To eliminate it, it is enough to wipe the inside and outside with a damp cloth. Leave for 2 days with the door ajar. If the problem persists for a month or more, you should contact the equipment dealers.
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  3. Microorganisms (the result of the activity of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria). Simple wet cleaning will not be enough to eliminate it. In this situation, both homemade and industrial absorbers are used.
Smell from the refrigerator

The main function of the refrigerator is to increase the shelf life of food at low temperatures. But there are times when this function is violated.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

  • breakdown of the refrigerator, which led to the defrosting of food;
  • power outages, which led to spoilage of food supplies;
  • improper storage of products, without sealed packaging;
  • storage of products with an expired shelf life.
The smell of fish from the refrigerator

Even with the elimination of spoiled food, the smell does not disappear quickly due to the peculiarity of plastic to absorb odors.

How to deal with bad odor

If odors arise, be it spoiled food or a new unit, a number of steps must be taken.

Stages of preparing the refrigeration unit for the use of the absorber

  1. Eliminate the cause (spoiled food or dirty trays).
  2. Intensive wash walls and shelves using baking soda. This natural remedy is capable of absorbing volatile molecules. Pay attention to the cleaning of the back wall and the upper sections of the shelves.
  3. Surface treatment clean water. To prevent the smell from returning, you need to let the unit dry well.
Washing the refrigerator

If this cleaning does not give the desired refreshing effect, the cleaning should be repeated. In exceptional cases, when the integrity of the walls of the refrigeration unit is violated, the problem remains. The only solution will be to buy a new device.

Fridge odor absorber

When deciding to buy a household air freshener, it is advisable to remember about its specifics of work.

Primary requirements

  • Lack of dangerous and unknown ingredients.
  • The presence of a holistic shell. In case of violation, the product must be replaced.
  • It is forbidden to use synthetic products. They have a negative effect on food even when sealed.
  • When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the period of operation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Absorbers

The main advantage is ease of use and efficient operation. And from the negative points - this is a possible violation of the tightness of the package and the unknown composition of absorbent substances.

Odor absorbers

Fridge odor absorber

When choosing a freshener, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. The best option for even exposure would be to purchase a kit. It is usually laid out on several shelves.
  2. It is not recommended to use formulations, the simultaneous action of which is aimed at eliminating undesirable aromas and at freshening the air. These functions replace each other, so one of them will not work enough.
  3. Velcro devices are inconvenient, as they are poorly fixed and constantly fall. This is due to the moisture content of the walls of the cooling device.

Industrial options are represented by a large assortment and differ in different forms and valid contents. The choice depends on the price, personal preferences and the desired effect.

Helium fresheners. They are more popular due to their fast action. The helium filler contains elements of lemon and algae. Some models add silver ions. In this case, the devices are characterized by antibacterial action. A convenient place for the absorber is in the egg compartment.

Refrigerator helium freshener

Indicator egg. The shape is similar to a chicken egg. Besides the main function of absorbing odors, it is a cold indicator. The model has a lilac color at room temperature, and whitens while in the refrigerator. If, under the conditions of the refrigerator, the color of the device has not changed and remains lilac, this indicates an insufficiently low temperature regime. In this case, the unpleasant air is caused by the rapid deterioration of food.

Odor absorber for refrigerator egg indicator

Ball models. The package contains 3 pieces. The simplicity of the device allows it to be disassembled. Unwanted aromas are absorbed by the silica gel bag in the roll-on capsule. Open the package before use. Unused balls are sealed in a bag. This type of air freshener is notable for its availability and long service life (about a year).

Fridge odor absorber

Dispensary absorbers. The product includes replaceable filters. Carbon has an absorbing effect. With the purchase, 2 more filters are additionally attached. The average period of work is about six months.

Dispensary odor absorbers for the refrigerator

Ionizers. This device is battery operated. He is able to destroy the problem and prevent spoilage of food supplies. For full operation, it is enough to turn on the ionizer for a few minutes every day.

Refrigerator ionizer

Using industrial refrigerator absorbers, many housewives have appreciated their help. Thanks to the work of these tools, you do not need to spend additional time cleaning and airing the refrigerator. The main thing is to use fresheners that are harmless to food and of a convenient, compact size.

DIY folk remedies: what to put in the refrigerator to remove the smell

Folk remedies for removing odors in the refrigerator

Self-made odor removers are simple, affordable and safe. Their main disadvantage is their short-term duration of action (no more than a day). For a homemade air freshener to eliminate odors, you must first wash and dry the refrigerator.

Baking soda. She is able not only to freshen the air, but also to disinfect. It is necessary to put a few pinches of soda in 2-3 small containers, after 2 hours a positive effect will appear. This method does not work in chambers with high humidity. Soda loses its properties as it becomes crusty.

Soda in the fridge

Activated carbon. The main action is aimed at collecting molecules that cause unpleasant odors and imparting freshness. For this, several crushed tablets are laid out in small plates.

Activated carbon

Vinegar solution. Before use, dilute in equal proportions and wash the walls and shelves of the chamber. No rinsing is required afterwards. You can put the solution in an open container for 2-3 hours in the refrigeration unit.

Rubbing the refrigerator with vinegar

A solution of ammonia. To prepare a washing solution, 1 teaspoon of ammonia is diluted in 1 liter of water.


Black bread. Fights new odors. For this, the halves of the loaf are laid out on the shelves. The maximum use time is up to 12 hours, then the bread is removed or replaced.

Black bread in the refrigerator

Coffee beans. They do not have the ability to absorb - they only hide an unpleasant aroma.


Lemon juice with vodka. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 1 part juice and 10 parts vodka. Good detergent. To fix the lemon aroma, a slice of lemon is left in the refrigerator.

Lemon juice and vodka

Use aromatic natural remedies (citrus fruits, coffee beans, dried herbs) are not recommended to eliminate the problem. Even in hermetically sealed food, they are able to add a light aroma.

Ways to prevent unwanted "aromas"

To prevent an unpleasant smell from causing problems and difficulties, you must follow simple tips:

  • carry out constant monitoring of the suitability of products;
  • store food in a packed form (in bags, containers);
  • remove contamination immediately;
  • use absorbers, both purchased and made by yourself;
  • carry out a general cleaning once a month with the washing of collapsible shelves;
  • in the event of an impending long absence, leave the unit empty.

To quickly eliminate unwanted odors, housewives often use industrial absorbers after cleaning the refrigerator. And in everyday life, they practice hand-made tools.

Video: do-it-yourself refrigerator odor absorber

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