Home coffee machine: types, selection rules, best models

Every year coffee and drinks based on it are becoming more and more popular. People young and old drink coffee every day. But progress does not stand still, technologies are constantly evolving. If earlier, in order to taste this fragrant drink, it was necessary to leave the apartment and go to the nearest coffee shop, now the process has become much faster and easier. All you need is a coffee maker or home coffee machine. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the difficulties and pitfalls of choosing a coffee machine, be sure to consider the most famous brands of coffee machines and successful models: from cheap to expensive, from small to large.

Coffee maker on the table

Types of coffee machines

A good home grain coffee machine does not have to be professional. Many models cope with all the necessary functions, while being relatively inexpensive. What is the principle of operation of the device? Hot steam or water flows through the fine coffee powder, the drink is brewed. This description is very general and fits all types of coffee machines, but there are differences in details between them.

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If your wishes and requests are not satisfied with an ordinary coffee pot or coffee maker, then it's time to learn about the types of automatic coffee machines.


The most easy-to-use machines have a semi-automatic control type. They work as follows: ground coffee should be placed in a small room, which is called a horn or holder. Next, it must be placed in the body of the coffee machine and securely fixed. All that needs to be done next is to press the button, then the boiling water will pass through the powder, saturate with taste and aroma, and the finished drink will fill the mug. Waste coffee should be thrown away and the holder should be carefully washed.

Here you should pay attention to the material from which the horn is made. Choose metal, because plastic impairs the taste of the drink and wears out quickly. The price of carob coffee machines is pleasantly pleasing: it starts from 5 thousand rubles.


In this case, special capsules are used to prepare coffee - plastic containers with ground coffee beans. There are a lot of capsules, with their help you can create a variety of drinks: from simple espresso to cocoa. During the preparation process, the capsule is pierced inside the device, hot water passes through the hole, the finished coffee is poured into the cup.

Capsule machines are now becoming very popular, since manual labor during their use is minimized, and the taste of drinks from such a machine is soft. So far, only the high cost of the capsules themselves is upsetting.


Pod devices almost do not differ from capsule ones. The only difference is that in this case, special pods are inserted into the device instead of plastic containers. Chalda is a small portion of ground compressed coffee packed in filter paper. Outwardly, it looks like a tea bag, only round and without the usual "tail". The process of brewing the drink is accelerated when compared with the aforementioned competitors, and the price starts from 5 thousand rubles.

Coffee machine pods

Espresso harvester

This variant is a combination of a coffee grinder and an espresso machine. Real coffee beans are poured into the device, which are ground and fed to the holder. The dimensions of the device will seem quite large, but the smallest bean coffee machines are also on the market. Pay attention to the grindstones. They can be metal and ceramic, but we will dwell on this in detail below.


This is perhaps the best coffee machine ever. Its work is fully automated, a person only needs to add water to it from time to time, add grains and press a simple combination of buttons to adjust the strength and amount drink. Automatic machines are very popular in homes and offices, although they are considered expensive coffee machines. The price for them starts at 15 thousand rubles, and especially sophisticated models can reach 100 thousand.

What to look for when buying

A coffee machine is a household appliance that is purchased for a long time. Therefore, it is important to make the right choice, do not miscalculate, evaluate all the parameters of the device and personal preferences. It is also important to reasonably calculate your material resources. There are many additional functions in devices that often determine the price of a product.. Think about which of them will not be useful to you, and which you will not be able to live without.

The presence of a cappuccino maker

A device such as a cappuccino maker is used to whip milk into a fluffy froth. It is commonly used to make cappuccino and latte. The cappuccino maker is placed inside the device and is attached to a special steam pipe. The device is of two types:

  • mechanical - milk must be whipped in a separate container with steam;
  • automatic - milk is frothed inside the machine and placed in a cup of coffee.

Control type

The control type is also of two types:

  • mechanical - there are 2-3 switches on the case;
  • automatic - the panel can consist of multiple buttons or a trendy touch screen.

The first option will be more to the liking of those who do not want to delve into the coffee business, but simply want to get their own aromatic drink. The mechanical type is easy to use and reliable. Automatic control will seem too complicated to many, but it has advanced capabilities and additional functions. The touchpad looks stylish and modern when combined with a metal body.

Steam function

Dispensing steam makes coffee preparation much faster, and you can turn milk into milk froth with it. If there are two thermoblocks in the device, then this function will certainly be activated.

Grinding adjustment possibility

The degree of grinding determines the taste of the coffee. The finer the powder particles are, the less time it will take to brew the drink. A fine grind is most commonly used to make a strong espresso, while an Americano requires a coarser grind to soften the flavor.

Brewer type

The brewing mechanism is always included in the device of the coffee machine, there are two types:

  • removable - from time to time it will need cleaning. It must be separated from the housing, removed and cleaned with detergent and a soft sponge. Do not start this process, always keep the mechanism clean;
  • non-removable - you don't have to do anything to clean the mechanism. Just press one of the buttons on the body of the machine and a special tablet or solution is used to clean the teapot.


The power of a coffee machine is directly related to the speed at which the beverage can be brewed. There is a difficult choice here: fast or strong. The fact is that when it quickly passes through the coffee powder, hot water does not have time to be properly saturated with a special aroma and taste. That is, the faster your coffee brews, the less strong and rich it will be in the end.

The optimal power of the coffee machine for home use is approximately 1000 W. Options for both 800 W and 1500 W are within the normal range.

Type of grinding millstones

The millstones are located in the device of those machines that grind the grains on their own. These include an espresso harvester and automatic ones. Millstones, as mentioned above, are of two different types:

  • ceramic - perform their functions very quietly, almost silently. They are not able to burn the grains by friction, do not oxidize over time. However, the service life of ceramic millstones is not too long. The material is fragile, it can be easily damaged if a small pebble or splinter accidentally gets into the device along with grains;
  • metal - strong and reliable, with a long service life. And they have their drawbacks, however. The machine with metal millstones works very loudly, makes a lot of noise: it will not be possible to make coffee for yourself in the morning, having woken up before everyone else, without waking up all the household members. Another property of the metal is the possible combustion of grains.

Which manufacturer is the best?

The best coffee machine manufacturers are Swiss companies. Their product is distinguished by high quality, increased attention to detail and features that make life much easier for humans. You can find coffee machines straight from Switzerland on the windows of stores of household appliances in Moscow, as well as in the assortment of various online stores.

In order for you not to get confused among the variety of firms and models, we have prepared several ratings that should help you finally make your choice.

  1. Popular. Ideal for home use are models where there is no excess in functions, but there is a compact size and a pleasant appearance. The following companies have such options:
    1. Philips.
    2. Bosch.
    3. Delonghi.
  2. Ideal for cappuccino. The overwhelming majority of fans of this drink, therefore, many purchase a coffee machine only for its preparation. For those who like the authentic process, there are models with a mechanical cappuccino maker. For those who choose simplicity and speed, there is an automatic mechanism. A distinctive feature is a powerful cappuccino maker, which is able to make an airy but strong milk froth. The following firms are winning on the market:
    1. Delonghi.
    2. Bosch.
    3. Redmond.
  3. Budgetary. Not every coffee lover can afford to buy a premium machine. However, the low price does not always mean the mediocre quality of the finished drink. It's no secret that the cost of a product sold very often depends on the brand's popularity. Inexpensive coffee machines can be found from the following manufacturers:
    1. KRUPS.
    2. Melitta.
    3. Caffitaly.
    4. Kenwood.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to once again draw attention to some of the features. When choosing a coffee machine, be guided by your financial resources, requirements and preferences. Pay attention to the durability of the device, ease of use and service life. Be sure to consult with family members, correct and discuss important nuances. Happy coffee drinking!

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