How to clean the washing machine from dirt and scale in 5 steps

  • Step-by-step instruction
  • And a little bit about prevention

Regular cleaning of the washing machine helps not only to keep it in its best form, but also to work efficiently. The fact is that washing machines tend to accumulate:

  • Fungus and mold in the rubber band and, accordingly, the appearance of unpleasant odors;
  • Scum on the TEN;
  • Remains of powder, rinse and other additives inside the machine;
  • Mud and small things in the filter of the drain pump;
  • Rust and sand in the filter of the filler hose.

Therefore, over time, you may notice that your clothes (especially light) after washing have ceased to shine with purity, as it was before. Yes, and external contamination, which quickly cover the door, table top and protruding parts of the machine spoil the view of the room.

How often should I clean the washing machine of scale and dirt? Optimal - 1 time in 2-3 months. If you have a pet at home or you often wash woolen things in a typewriter, then you need to clean up more often.

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From this material you will learn how to properly clean the washing machine in the complex, namely:

  • How to clean the drum of the washing machine, and most importantly - TEN;
  • How to clean the pump in the washing machine (drain filter);
  • How to clean the tray and the powder reception area;
  • How to clean the filler hose filter;
  • How to remove external dirt on the body and door of the machine.

And at the end of the article you will find some tips for the prevention and care of your assistant.


See also: How to clean the sofa and other upholstered furniture at home.

Step-by-step instruction

Well, shall we begin? To make the instruction clear, we decided to test the theory in practice and cleaned the washing machine Bosch. Looking ahead, we present you a photo of the result.


Step 1. Cleaning the drum and heater of the washing machine against scale

At the first stage we need to clean the machine from the inside, namely - to remove the deposits of minerals on the TEN and the drum. How do I clean the washing machine of scale? The secret of all methods is simple and one:

Since the scale consists of magnesium and calcium salts, then it needs to be affected by organic or inorganic acids. What kind of acids are there in every house and are there really pennies? That's right, ordinary vinegar or citric acid.

Method 1. How to clean a washing machine with vinegar and soda

You will need:

  • 2 cups of alcoholic white vinegar (preferably) or regular table vinegar 9%;
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda;
  • 1/4 cup of water;
  • Sponge with a hard side.

To get a 9% bite, we dissolved a 70% acetic acid essence with water in the proportions:

What should be done:

Mix soda and water in a small bowl, add the soda mixture to the detergent drawer of your machine, and pour the vinegar into the drum. Start the machine in idle at the maximum temperature and for the longest time.

  • Cleaning of the washing machine with vinegar and soda from scale, rust and mold from the drum and TEN
  • Cleaning of the washing machine with vinegar and soda from scale, rust and mold from the drum and TEN
  • Cleaning of the washing machine with vinegar and soda from scale, rust and mold from the drum and TEN

Method 2. How to clean a washing machine with citric acid

Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid is made even easier.

You will need:

  • 1-6 packets of citric acid. How much to pour citric acid depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its contamination.

What should be done:

Add citric acid powder to the detergent compartment. Start the machine in maximum temperature and operating time.

How much citric acid - 1, 2 or 6 packs at once, depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its contamination

Step 2. Cysticon cuff (sealing rubber)

Hooray! The machine has finished self-cleaning and we can begin to wash the sealing rubber. In this dark and humid place, dirt and mold like to accumulate, so it must be carefully cleaned. This can be done with any cleaning agent, for example, Pemlux or soda. If you see too much mold, which also exudes a strong unpleasant smell, then take a cleaner tool, such as Domestos, Duckling, Comet (pictured) or Whiteness. But keep in mind that the use of chlorine-containing agents is too often undesirable, otherwise it threatens deformation of the rubber.


What should be done:

Apply a little to a damp cloth or sponge on a damp cloth, gently pull the rubber toward yourself and wipe the metal part of the casing.

Also do not forget to clean the rubber cuff itself in the same way.

The bulk of the contaminants accumulate in the lower part of the hatch, but the whole of its circumference is to be cleaned.


Be careful not to pull the rubber too hard to avoid damage. Finally, wipe the entire cuff with a clean damp cloth.

See also: How to clean the iron inside and out - 10 home methods.

Step 3. Clean the tray (container / tray / dispenser)

Locate the operating instructions for your machine at home or on the Internet, where it is indicated how to pull out the detergent tray. Most often, you can do this:

  • Pull out the tray until it stops. If you see that in its middle compartment there is a blue / blue part (in modern Bosch, Samsung, Veko, etc.), then it must be pressed and pulled with force, while supporting himself container.

  • If the blue / blue parts in the tray of your machine are not (often so arranged trays in the machines of Indesit), then you just need to pull the tray towards you and down, then slowly moving it to the right and left to pull it out completely.

As soon as you reach the tray, most likely, you will see the following picture - in its compartment accumulated the remains of powder. Dispose of these accumulations with any cleaning agent and wipe the compartment clean. Keep in mind that you need to do this carefully, so as not to damage the rubber branch pipe.

  • It was not easy to clean the powder compartment, as it contained a lot of hard-to-reach places, small protruding parts and grooves covered in rust. We deliberately did not bring the result to an ideal, it is too time consuming to work. But you can do more cunningly: generously sprinkle all the walls of the compartment with a cleaning agent from the atomizer, leave the coating soaked for a couple of hours and only then proceed with cleaning by hand
  • It was not easy to clean the powder compartment, as it contained a lot of hard-to-reach places, small protruding parts and grooves covered in rust. We deliberately did not bring the result to an ideal, it is too time consuming to work. But you can do more cunningly: generously sprinkle all the walls of the compartment with a cleaning agent from the atomizer, leave the coating soaked for a couple of hours and only then proceed with cleaning by hand

Next, proceed to cleaning the tray itself, which is usually covered with rusty coating, powder residues and other cleaning additives. For this you can use:

  • A mixture of vinegar and soda;
  • Pemolux and other household chemicals;
  • A mixture of hot water, vinegar and soda.

Cover the container with the selected product and leave / soak it for 30 minutes, preferably for a couple of hours.

Then start to clean it with a sponge and toothbrush (it is especially needed for washing hard-to-reach places). Finally, remove the remnants of the funds, wipe the tray dry and put it back in (for this, you usually just need to insert it into the compartment and slam it).

  • If you have a dishwasher, then you can wash the tray in it. Rust may not disappear completely, but it will be much easier to remove it after cleaning in a dishwasher.

See also: Cleaning the dishwasher 7 times.

Step 4. Cleaning the filter of the washing machine (drain pump)

It's time to clean the drain pump filter. If you strongly run the filter, the car sooner or later refuses to drain the water, because of what it will go up and can break out. Fortunately, cleaning the filter of the washing machine is very easy.

You will need:

  • Suitable for height storage, for example, the oven counter pan.
  • Towel or rag.
  • Flat screwdriver or any hard flat tool (if necessary).

What should be done:

  1. Open the access to the filter, which is usually located at the bottom of the case.
  • In some models of washing machines, the filter is simply closed by a small panel. If this is your case, then you can open it, if necessary, using a flat screwdriver as shown in one of the following photos.
  1. So, you see a closed filter. Before unscrewing the lid, place a towel on the floor and place a container under the sink to collect water (in our case it seemed superfluous). Please note that it can take up to half a liter!

The pallet in our case was superfluous, since the water was pouring completely past him. Therefore, we released the liquid directly on the towel, periodically turning it over, while opening or closing the lid

  1. Unscrew the lid in an anti-clockwise direction and remove all the accumulated debris and dirt from the hole: it can be coins, hair, wool, toothpicks and other small items.

As you can see in the photo, in our case there was very little rubbish in the filter

  1. Wipe the hole, close it and install the decorative panel in place.

Step 5. Cleaning the water filter

In addition to the drain pump filter, each washing machine has one more filter - this is a filler hose filter. Over time, this filter is clogged with rust and sand, then a malfunction occurs - the machine refuses to wash and reports that water set is not possible.

  • If all previous procedures need to be carried out regularly, then the cleaning phase of the filler hose filter can be performed less often, for example, once every six months.

You will need:

  • Old toothbrush;
  • Pliers or pliers.

What should be done:

  1. Turn off the cold water tap to the washing machine (be sure!).
  2. Turn the machine to open its back side. On the right at the top of the case you will see a water inlet hose.
  3. Unscrew the hose nut counterclockwise. Look inside the hole, see a small filter with a mesh? Get it with pliers or pliers.
  4. Clean the filter in water with a toothbrush;
  5. Replace the filter and tighten the filler hose clockwise.
  6. Open the access of cold water to the machine by turning the appropriate tap.

When you are finished, you can also rub the back wall of the machine, and then deploy it and put it in the usual place.

Step 6. Clean the cabinet and door

Well, that's all, inside the machine is clean and ready to go! You only need to bring in the exterior beauty: wipe the control panel (especially the protruding buttons), wash the door from the inside and outside, wipe the top and side panels.

And a little bit about prevention

  • Use just as much powder, bleach and conditioner as you really need (see. instructions of manufacturers of means). After surplus detergents do not enhance the result, but simply settle and accumulate inside the washing machine.
  • Always remove small items from pockets so they do not clog the drain filter.
  • Try not to delay with the start of the car, if you already threw dirty things into the drum. Well, get clean things immediately after washing and send it to dry.
  • Try to always keep the machine open, so that due to high humidity, mold does not start up in it.
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