Siphons for sinks: types, pros and cons, assembly technology

The sink is the key and most essential part of all kitchen equipment. The most important element during its installation is a siphon for the sink, which serves to protect the room from unpleasant sewage "odors" and clogging of the drain with small food debris.

Washbasin siphon


The domestic market offers a large segment of sanitary products. The products are represented by chrome, metal and plastic devices for high-quality drainage. All units can be equipped with automatic and semi-automatic systems for shut-off and water supply. They are divided into three types.

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Standard gutter construction with ordinary rubberized or plastic plugs. All processes with a spillway are carried out manually, however, such designs have advantages in the form of:

  • Reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Longevity;
  • Undemanding service.


Such a spillway is controlled using levers or cables, which are arranged at points located above the level of the water being drawn. This design of the sink siphon has its advantages in the form of:

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  • Controlling with a remote crane;
  • Plug built into the drain hole.


Plumbing spillway equipped with automation. Such a siphon is combined into a single design with a filling device. Control here is due to a special valve that drains excess liquid into the drain hole when overloaded. These modernized siphon devices, which bring sheer pleasure to the owners of the house during their operation. However, they have one drawback, which is expressed in their rather rather big cost.

The most popular automatic spillways are those that have the following functions:

  • "Click-clack";
  • Rotary handle.


When arranging a room with plumbing, it is necessary to study the existing types of spillways, considering the features of each configuration. What are the types of sink siphons?


This sample is a pipe with some bend, in which a plug is formed. This type of siphon is very often clogged, however, thanks to thoughtful design elements, it can be easily disassembled and cleaned.

The sink tube siphon has the following advantages:

  1. Ordinary and ergonomic design.
  2. Optimal cost price.
  3. Large passage diameter.
  4. The simplicity of the service.


If necessary, installation in the sink located in the bathroom, a bottle-type spillway unit is installed. This design takes up a minimum of free space and is presented in the form of a bottle with a horizontal branch. Very often in the upper part of the structure there is a secondary outlet for connecting a washing machine. Has advantages:

  1. Compact vertical dimensions.
  2. Effective appearance.
  3. Easy to disassemble and clean the unit.


The most popular type of gutters, made of plastic corrugated pipe. The inlet branch with a metal mesh in such a unit has a rubberized compactor, which organically goes into a flexible pipe. Due to the fact that the structure can be easily compressed and corrugated, this unit has the following advantages:

  1. The increased plasticity allows the water seal to bend easily enough.
  2. The plastic configuration allows a siphon to be placed under the sink with minimal space. With the convenience of attaching it to the drain.
  3. With a minimum number of joints, this type of siphon is least susceptible to leaks.
  4. Excellent mobility in relation to pipe tapping.


This type of gutter is a short sink siphon. It appeared relatively recently, but it already has sufficient popularity among the consumer. In the event of a variant of the drying out of the hydraulic seal in cases of frequent and prolonged absence from the room, a dry sink spillway is installed. A special buoy is arranged inside such a unit, which, if there is water in it, is located on its surface. And if the siphon dries up, it goes down and blocks the flow of negative odors and vapors.

It has the following advantages:

  1. When the sewer system is discharged, a dry siphon under the sink has a protective function.
  2. No bent pipe parts that take up a lot of space under the kitchen sink.

Material classification

More recently, siphons for kitchens and bathrooms were made only of cast iron and brass. However, time does not stand still, and with it technology. Modern siphons are made of stabilized polypropylene, PE-RT polyethylene and high quality metal.


Chrome-plated metal odor traps are in perfect harmony with similar elements. Therefore, it would be a good enough option to install them in bathrooms. And expensive samples of metal assemblies will look simply luxurious. It goes without saying that the price of such devices will be much higher than their polymer "counterparts". However, their service life will differ much more.

The basis for the manufacture of metal siphons is taken from high-quality alloys:

  • Copper;
  • Brass;
  • Bronze;
  • Of stainless steel.

Such spillways are not susceptible to corrosive deformation, but they are subject to redox reactions. Therefore, a good-quality metal elbow under the sink must have an internal galvanic chrome plating. Such a coating will also serve as a barrier for the appearance of dirt and blockage in the water seal.

A small disadvantage of a metal spillway is the difficulty in fitting a pipe of the required size. Indeed, such a manipulation requires a professional tool and experience in its use.

Metal siphon


The most popular among the consumer units are spillways. Presented in the form of polymer connecting pipe elements. Such a siphon is easy enough to install in the kitchen or in the bathroom with your own hands. Due to its quality properties, this siphon has a number of advantages in the form of:

  • Resistance to corrosion damage and deformation;
  • Resistant to decay;
  • Resistance to chemical negative influences;
  • Assembly accessible even for a beginner;
  • Lack of formation of limestone deposits on the tubes;
  • Small overall dimensions;
  • Installation in the most inaccessible locations.

Plastic siphon

What to look for when choosing

With the existing criteria for choosing the required siphon, first of all, you need to take into account:

  1. Sink, washbasin and spigot calibration match.
  2. The metric characteristic of the limiting amount of liquid in the channel must be increased when connecting secondary plumbing units. In this case, the number of outlets to the sewer must be added.
  3. Compliance with the available space. With a tiny squaring, a compact corrugated spillway should be selected.
  4. The selection of a water seal must be in accordance with the design of the sink.
  5. Thorough inspection of the device for nicks and defective punctures.

When buying a siphon, special attention should be paid to its execution. Photos of chrome, metal and polymer samples of spillways can be viewed on the pages of Moscow online stores. You can buy a quality product at the manufacturer's price and significantly save your energy and money, even without leaving your home.

Assembly technology

The installation of the selected model of the hydraulic seal should be carried out strictly according to the instructions from the manufacturer. Carry out preparatory work:

  • Elimination of the old siphon;
  • Cleaning from the accumulation of the sewer outlet.

Next, you should proceed with the following steps:

  1. In the lower position of the sink, fix the sub-lattice, securely fixing it with a nut.
  2. Fasten the rubberized sealing ring to the outlet element and press it against the hole inside the sink.
  3. Assemble the key structure of the spillway and bring it to the drain.
  4. Secure with locking hexagon.
  5. Connect to the sewer with a corrugated pipe.
  6. When assembling the key structure of the spillway, it is necessary not to forget to fasten all the elements with monolithic rubber seals, which, during operation, will protect the unit from leaks.
  7. Put a sheet of paper under the sink, turn on full pressure, checking the quality of the installation.
  8. In cases where it becomes necessary to connect several drains to the siphon water seal, the spillway is equipped with a special diffuser.

Despite the fact that this work does not seem very difficult, it still requires analytical thinking and some experience. To avoid leaks or other problems, it is best to contact a professional with experience in this area.

Video instructions for assembling a siphon for a washbasin:

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