Curtains on hinges: DIY master class (PHOTO + VIDEO)

The decor of window openings today has become an integral part of the overall interior design: with the help of curtains, tulles, curtains decorators can solve not only the problem of color accents, but also visually expand or narrow the space of the room, highlight its purpose or make the decoration as much as possible functional. And in recent years, such type of window textiles as hinged curtains have become especially popular (photo and master class at the end of the article).

Do-it-yourself curtains on stitches

They will perfectly decorate any room - from the kitchen to the nursery, from the office space to a cozy bedroom or balcony. The convenience of such curtains also lies in the fact that almost all types of curtain rods and rods are suitable for their fastening. Removing and hanging them is very simple, because the strong loops are easy to put on the bar. In addition, the hinges themselves can become a design accent, highlighting the originality of the decor.

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Types of curtains on the hinges

It turns out that there are several types of curtains that are equipped with hinges (they are also called pats):

  • Curtains with overhead hinges are a classic version, in which wide stitches made of fabric of the same or contrasting color are sewn to the panel.
Curtains with overhead loops
  • Curtains with loop-ties - they have their own "zest", because for fixing on the cornice not sewn stamps are used, but cords, ribbons or strips of textile, which can be effectively tied with a knot or bow.
Curtains with tie loops
  • Velcro-looped curtains are a stylish and comfortable look that is easy to create on your own.
Curtains with Velcro loops
  • Tulle with button loops is also a simple and beautiful option for window decoration.
Tulle with button loops

Each of these variations can be easily sewn by hand yourself, embodying your ideas for decorating windows.

The choice of material and type of curtains

The choice of material for curtainsDepending on what type of curtain you want, it's worth considering your fabric choices. The loop fastening looks good on classic long and dense models, on modern French or English curtains, on short Roman prefabs.

For light and scalloped English and French, light fabrics are suitable - silk, chiffon, veil-chiffon, muslin. Roman ones can also be cut out of denser types - flax or cotton, heavy silk. And to create a basic classic curtain, you need well-draped, but dense materials, for example, tapestry, upholstery, velvet or velor. By the way, to provide additional density, you can use a lining when designing curtains - such a product will maximally protect the room from street light.

Another factor in the choice of textiles is the width and size of the hinges: if you want to make a window curtain with wide large hinges, it is worth giving preference for stiffer fabrics, but fastening to ribbons or weightless thread loops is suitable for the lightest tulle made of transparent materials.

Preparation of items for sewing

Before proceeding with cutting and sewing, you need to prepare everything you need to create hinged curtains. This:

  • Fabric for the product itself and for patches;
  • Tailor's meter or tape;
  • Adhesive backing tape;
  • Threads;
  • Needles;
  • Scissors.
Necessary tools and materials for sewing curtains

It is also worth preliminarily placing the cornice over the window. Remember that it should be located no lower than 10 centimeters from the top of the window opening to avoid a streak of light between the curtain and the eaves. It is also necessary to measure the width of the curtain or curtains, to determine whether the curtain will be folded or smooth.

Calculating the size of the canvas

Calculation of the size of the canvas for curtainsDepending on how the curtain will be located on the cornice - hanging in the center or symmetrically on the sides, covering the entire wall or part of it - we calculate the size of the canvas. For smooth curtains, it is enough to measure the estimated width and add 1.5 cm seam allowances on each side.

For pleated curtains, in order to make the flounces spectacular, experienced craftsmen suggest calculating the width twice as much as would be needed for a smooth curtain. The loops are not attached to the folded curtains directly to the material, but to a special edging, which is sewn or glued from the seamy side.

Similarly, we calculate the height of the curtain based on the height of the eaves. If you are going to sew a Roman-style curtain, be sure to add fabric to the horizontal folds.

Determination of the size and number of loops

Calculation of the size of the canvas for curtains

Calculation of the size of the canvas for curtainsThe next step is to mark the loops. Decide on the quantity, try not to place them far apart to avoid sagging. For thick curtains, the optimal width of the loops will be about 6-8 centimeters, and for thin tulles that weigh much less, narrower stitches are also suitable.

Example: for a single curtain that will hang directly above the window, in an opening of a standard size of 140 centimeters, it is quite 6 loops with a width of 6 centimeters each will be enough, which will be located at a distance of about 20 centimeters from each friend. But you can make the number of loops even larger, focus on them as an interesting decorative element.

Cut out the details of the curtains

After the final preparation and taking measurements of the future curtain, you can proceed directly to the cutting. It is recommended to make a pattern-template for the main fabric and a standard buttonhole, especially if you are doing this for the first time or plan to sew several curtains at once.

Open the curtains

Place the pattern on the fabric, measure the allowances on each side, mark them. Cut out the fabric, trying to keep the warp threads parallel and perpendicular to the edges.

For buttonholes, measure exactly twice the width of the fabric (each buttonhole will be reversible). Cut in strips taking into account allowances.

Separately, you need to cut a strip of fabric for edging - it will be about 10 centimeters wide and the same length as the width of your future curtain. To the piping strip, cut a strip 8 centimeters wide and the same length as the piping from the glue lining.

How to sew curtains on hinges

We begin the process of assembling curtain parts with our own hands. Bend each buttonhole strip in half vertically facing inward and sew, stepping back about 1 centimeter from the edge. Turn out each piece and iron it out.

Fold the main fabric 1 centimeter from the bottom and sew. From the sides, fold 1 centimeter, walk with an iron, and then fold back 2 centimeters on each side to the wrong side.

On the top of the curtain with pins, secure from the inside out the loops bent in half. Put a strip of lining on top of them, bend the upper edge of the canvas 2 centimeters, put a strip of piping on top of it, then attach everything together. Fold the raw edges gently and sew.

How to make eyelets

In addition to the method already described on how to make wide textile loops, you can experiment with stitches. A couple of tips will help you create aesthetic and reliable hinges for any type of curtain.

Hinges on curtains
  • Try to make them not deaf, but fastened with buttons or large buttons - this method is great suitable for the kitchen and nursery, where it is necessary to wash curtains often, because it is easier to remove them from the bar simple!
  • Another secret - do not attach the loops tightly, but equip them with Velcro.
  • Use non-standard buttonhole materials - satin ribbons, twisted cords, old ties, chains or lace ribbons - anything can go. And complement them with fittings! Beads or decorative buckles on them will be quite appropriate.
  • Large loops will not work for the lightest tulle. But loops made of thin but strong "iris" -type threads are quite useful. You can crochet such stitches, forming a column of air loops twice as long as the intended loop.
  • Another variation of tulle patches can be made with a regular game. Take a longer thread, thread it into the needle and secure the edges with a knot - we need a double thread. Secure the thread to the canvas, then form a small loop and pull the thread through it. Repeat until you have a number of knots enough to attach to the cornice. After that, fold the loop in half and fasten it to the fabric.

How to sew on the piping

The edging will allow you to secure the loops on the folds of the curtain. It can be a strip of the same material as the base, or contrasting in color and texture. There is only one difference from the usual sewing method in the case of piping: the piping is attached from the front side. In the same way, place the loops on the canvas, cover with a strip of piping with pre-processed edges on top, sew from all sides.

Video: do-it-yourself curtains and tulle on eyelets, strings and patches - master class


Curtains with Velcro loops

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains

Building and sewing curtains on hinges is a fairly simple process that can be easily mastered even by novice seamstresses. Choose the right fabric and type of curtains that will be appropriate in a particular room, do the calculations accurately and do not forget about the little tricks described in this article.

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