Error code 10 Tricolor TV: what is it, how to fix it and what to do - Setafi

In most cases, Tricolor error 10 appears due to a lack of funds on the balance sheet. But if the funds are available or have already been received, but the code remains, the reason is related to a change in the tariff plan or even a system failure. A description of the main factors, as well as ways to solve the problem, can be found in the presented article.

The content of the article

  • Out of money on balance
  • No subscription
  • Other reasons
    • The error did not disappear even after replenishment
    • The money was debited, but the package was not connected
  • What to do if the error persists

Out of money on balance

We can say about error 10 on Tricolor that this is a malfunction, the main reason for which is the lack of funds in the personal account. If there are no funds in order to extend the paid package, the broadcast will stop, and a corresponding inscription will appear on the screen.

Tricolor error 10

It is clear what error 10 Tricolor means, and how to fix it in this case. You should replenish the balance, and there are several ways to do this:

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  • make an online transfer from a bank card;
  • redeem from YuMoney or other electronic wallet;
  • if there is no access, error 10 can also be corrected by replenishing cash in the QIWI terminal;
  • there is also a way to deposit cash at Tricolor TV offices or showrooms;
  • what else to do with error 10 Tricolor - deposit funds in cash through the Svyaznoy or Euroset salons.

After payment, the funds are credited to the personal account almost immediately. This can be done without a commission from the company, with the exception of transfers from banks. In this case, you need to focus on the commission and the terms established by the rules of a particular credit institution.

What does error 10 tricolor mean

When enrollment occurs, it will no longer be necessary to find out what error 10 means on Tricolor. However, if the broadcast has not resumed, you can go to your personal account and check which paid packages are available. When choosing a specific set, you should click the "Transfer" button, after which the funds will be debited and access to the broadcast will be restored.

If it is clear what error 10 means for Tricolor, but you can’t replenish the balance right now, you can take the promised payment. It is activated in your personal account, choosing the method of receiving a check. The money is received immediately, after which access to the channels is resumed. If this does not happen, the most likely reason is that the previous promised payment has not been repaid.

No subscription

In some cases, you need to further understand what error 10 Tricolor TV means. Even if there are enough funds in the account, it can still arise. For example, a package may disappear due to the fact that the rules of tariff plans have changed in the company.

Then you need to activate the tariff by selecting from the available list and connect the subscription. If necessary, select a new tariff plan. Immediately after that, error code 10 Tricolor will disappear.

To enter, you must specify the ID number, enter the captcha code (letters and numbers). Then the system will issue data on the status of the receiver. It must be registered on the network - otherwise the device will also not work.

Error Code 10 Tricolor

Other reasons

If error 10 appears on Tricolor TV, there may be other reasons. Moreover, they are observed even in cases where the money was deposited on the balance sheet. The most common situations look like this.

The error did not disappear even after replenishment

When the money has already been deposited, but there is still error number 10 Tricolor, it means that they did not transfer from the personal account to payment. Such situations are sometimes observed if you deposit money in cash through Svyaznoy or another communication salon. You need to go to your personal account, check the status of your account and, if necessary, pay for the package by renewing the subscription. Here's what to do if paid, but the error 10 Tricolor remains.

The money was debited, but the package was not connected

If the funds were credited to the balance, but the package remained inactive, the reason is a system failure on the part of the company. Such situations are extremely rare, but they cannot be completely ruled out either. Therefore, you should contact the hotline and double-check everything again.

What to do if the error persists

When it is clear what Tricolor error 10 means, but it is not clear how to fix it, several actions should be taken:

  1. Turn off the receiver and after 10 minutes plug it back into the outlet. As a rule, a reboot solves many problems, including incomprehensible situations where it is impossible to understand the exact cause.
  2. Go to the receiver menu and reset the settings, and then set new ones.
  3. Install a new version of the software. If you do not update regularly, various failures may appear. Then you have to find out what error 10 Tricolor TV or other codes means.
  4. Make sure that the set-top box recognizes the card. To do this, go to the receiver settings and check if the card is visible. If not, it is rearranged after cleaning the chip.
  5. Studying what error 10 Tricolor means and how to fix it, you need to say about such a reason for the appearance as old keys. You need to get a new version - for this, the receiver is placed on a channel to which there is no access. Within an hour, the keys should be updated.

Thus, error 10 Tricolor usually occurs due to lack of funds on the balance sheet. It is quite simple to fix it, and you can replenish your personal account without leaving your home. If there is money on the balance sheet, and the exact reason is not clear, you should contact the support service and check the condition of the equipment.

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