How to put on a chain on an electric saw? Installation and dismantling - Setafi

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It is quite simple to figure out how to properly put a chain on an electric saw. First, they take the tire, install the chain, make sure that the teeth are in the correct direction, then pull it onto the saw and fix it with a nut. The main installation steps with a photo and a description of the actions, as well as sharpening methods are described in this material.

The content of the article

  • Instruction
  • How to sharpen a chain


To understand how to pull the chain on an electric saw, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm. The main steps are:

  1. Take the tire and gently hold it.1
  2. Put on the chain.2
  3. Make sure that the teeth "look" forward.3
  4. Straighten the chain.4
  5. To figure out how to tighten the chain on an electric saw, you need to make sure that it rests on the sprocket.5
  6. Install the cover, exactly hitting the special groove.6
  7. Since the spring is very strong, it must be held on one side and started on the other.7
  8. At the same time, insert the pin into the groove of the bar.8
  9. Tighten the nut, but not all the way. This is the right way to properly install the chain on the saw.9
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  11.  Scroll the chain - this allows you to make sure that it sits correctly in both the tire and the sprocket.10
  12.  Finally tighten the nut. After that, it is clear how to put the chain on the electric stove - this is not difficult to do, but you need to control each step to ensure the correct tension.11

How to sharpen a chain

With use, the chain will inevitably become dull. This is especially true when the tool is used on a daily basis. Therefore, it is normal to regularly sharpen the saw chain. You can do it yourself at home. To do this, you will need the following tools:

  • a flat-shaped file - it corrects the depth limiter;
  • round file - must have reference lines marked on the surface;
  • calibration device;
  • a mandrel that is used to correctly determine the angle.

The main way to sharpen an electric stove chain at home is to use such a simple device as a file. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First, the chain is pulled on the saw and fixed with a clamp.
  2. Adjust sharpening angle. To do this, use the slots that are located on the tire.
  3. Insert the file into the hole so that it is well pressed.
  4. The first tooth (from which the sharpening process begins) should be marked separately, so as not to confuse anything later.
  5. Move the chain away from you.
  6. Loosen the clamp and slide along the tire towards you.
  7. Insert the file into the hole again and repeat these steps.
  8. At the end of the work, it is necessary to make sure that the tension of the chain on the electric saw is maximum. The tool is then ready for use again.

You can also sharpen on a special mill. To do this, the cutting element is fixed and the machine is connected to the network. The motors that are installed in the carriage rotate. After that, the carriage must be lowered using the handle. The disk is pressed against the cutting edge and sharpening begins. Then the carriage is lifted and the mount is loosened, after which the element is scrolled “through the tooth”.

It is clear how to put a chain on an electric saw. This can be done manually without using special equipment. But if there is nothing at hand, you can even sharpen the teeth. This is done with a drill or a conventional screwdriver. This method allows you to quickly achieve results, although the quality of work will be low. Therefore, it is better to use files or give it to a master who has a professional machine for sharpening.

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