How to use a chainsaw: instructions and maintenance of the device – Setafi

In this article, you will learn what a chainsaw is, what you need to do before starting the saw, how to turn on the chainsaw, instructions for how to use chainsaws, how to fell trees with a chainsaw, safety precautions when working with gasoline saws, maintenance petrol saw.

The chainsaw is popular in manufacturing / mining, repair, construction and household sectors. Every master who has just purchased a chainsaw wants to test it as soon as possible. If you have not used such equipment before, we recommend that you stop and figure out how to use a chainsaw.

All recommendations for using the tool can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Checking, preparatory work.
  2. Inclusion.
  3. How to use. How to cut down trees
  4. Safety engineering.
  5. Device care.

Let's take them in order.

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The content of the article

  • Checking and preparatory work before using a chainsaw
  • How to turn on a chainsaw
    • chainsaw start
  • Chainsaw Safety
    • How to use a chainsaw
  • How to cut down trees with a chainsaw. Rules for sawing branches with a chainsaw
    • Chainsaw Care
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Checking and preparatory work before using a chainsaw

Preparatory work includes refueling, checking/inspection of equipment, lubrication/filling with oil.

Chainsaws have a two-stroke internal combustion engine inside, so they cannot run on pure gasoline. Chainsaws are filled with a mixture of oil and gasoline. Requirements for gasoline: it must be fresh, high-octane, clean, unleaded AI-92 gasoline.

Why? Two-stroke engines are designed in such a way that only one particular gasoline can burn normally in them - high-octane. If it’s clear with a clean one - pollution will clog the elements and filters of the engine, the device will not work effectively / just work, then what about unleaded?

Leaded gasoline is gasoline with metal additives, most commonly lead, with an alcohol/ether additive base. Because of this, it is easier to ignite / burn. Two-stroke engines are not as powerful as four-stroke ones. They cannot use conventional fuel on a permanent basis - it is difficult for them to ignite it.

As for freshness - gasoline weathers and decomposes. That is, over time, gasoline loses its properties - after four months of inactivity, it burns worse by 30%, after six by 50%. We do not recommend using gasoline from last season unless you want to ruin your equipment.

Why AI-92 and not AI-95? AI-95 can also be used, but it depends on the chainsaw. Chainsaws of the middle class will not be able to work for a long time on 95th gasoline. It is considered more environmentally friendly, explosion-proof and of high quality, but the point is in its additives. They reduce the possibility of an explosion, however, gasoline burns worse because of this, so we recommend using AI-92 gasoline for chainsaws of lower and middle classes. Expensive chainsaws - depending on the situation 92/95. In general, first look at the instructions. The manufacturer always indicates which fuel is best suited for the device.

Oil requirements - specialized oil for chainsaws / branded, which is recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions. Regular motor oil will not work. The chainsaw may start several times, but then get ready to go to the service - the engine oil will clog the filter, the carburetor. Although motor oil and chainsaw oil are similar, they are different. We do not recommend using mining, surrogates and engine oil to refuel the chainsaw engine.

You also need to keep an eye on the viscosity of the oil - low viscosity oils freeze at lower temperatures. Synthetic oils with a viscosity of W30 / W40 are used for work in extreme conditions. They freeze at -40, mineral ones already at -20. All data is in the oil viscosity table.

Preparation of fuel for a chainsaw. It is prepared from gasoline and chainsaw oil. You need to mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1 to 50 - 20 milliliters of oil per liter of gasoline - and shake.

Sometimes there are chainsaws with a ratio of 1 to 40, so before mixing liquids, look at the instructions. The manufacturer indicates the brand of recommended gasoline, oil, the proportions of their mixing, shelf life. The standard shelf life of such fuel fluid is 2 weeks. After that, its use is not recommended.

Pour the mixture into the fuel tank. Do not confuse it with the oil tank - they are usually located nearby. The tanks can be distinguished by their size - the gas tank and its neck are larger, as well as by the covers - a gas station is drawn on the gas tank cover, and a drop on the oil tank cover.

Filling with oil and lubricating the saw bearing. Oil is poured into the oil tank, how to distinguish it from the gas tank - we wrote above. Fill it with only proven branded oil, which is indicated in the instructions.

To extend the life of the chainsaw, every month you need to lubricate the bearing. It is located at the end of the bus inside the main unit. There is a hole nearby, you need to pour a few drops of oil into it - use a syringe.

How to turn on a chainsaw

The section consists of several stages: checking the tension, turning off the idle, starting, checking the oil supply.

Tension check. Before starting the chainsaw, check that your chain is properly tensioned. From below, it should hang down by 4-6 millimeters; if you pull on the top links, they will rise. Pull the chain along its movement - it should go with little effort.

Idling is a condition in which the engine of the device is running, but does not transmit torque to the working elements. It is turned on to warm up the device, create gaps between the cylinder and the circle, and warm up the fuel mixture. On a chainsaw, idle speed is controlled by the position of the chain brake. Chain brake - a plastic shield, a regulator that connects / disconnects the motor shaft. It is located near the front handle. To turn on idle, pull the control away from you.

chainsaw start

  • Place the unit on the floor, support it with your foot.
  • Hold down the power button.
  • Open the damper.
  • Pull on the cord. In order not to tear it, you need to pull the handle and pull with medium effort.
  • When the engine starts, close the choke.
  • Disengage the chain brake, if it has been engaged.

Before using the tool, it must be warmed up.

Open / close the throttle only when turning on a cold engine. When starting a heated chainsaw, you can not touch the damper.

Checking chain lubrication. Just put your hand, a piece of paper, a board, or something clean on the bottom of the saw. If there are oil stains on the object, the chain is lubricated. If there are practically none, then there is no oil in the oil tank or the supply system is clogged / broken.

Chainsaw Safety

You need overalls. We all understand that a chainsaw is a traumatic tool. Due to improper use, you can get deep wounds or lose limbs.

Gloves will protect your hands and fingers from sharp saw teeth and cuts. When the hand is next to the working part of the saw, it begins to be sucked in. This is due to the high speed of rotation of the chain - it creates an air flow that pulls the hand. When they come into contact, the fabric of the glove is wound around the chain first.

Headgear (helmet, plastic cap) will protect your head from branches and loose chains. Goggles will protect your eyes from dust and flying particles.

Metal plates are sewn into specialized shoes. They protect the legs from the chainsaw, taking the blow on themselves.

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How to use a chainsaw

  • Hold the saw firmly by the handles (working hand on the rear handle, the second on the front)
  • Set your feet firmly and wide. They should be on the side of the cut line.
  • The back should be straight.
  • When you cut, do not bend over.
  • Saw the main part. Sawing with the tip is dangerous - there may be a kickback, the chain may get stuck or come off.
  • You can cut on both sides of the tire. When sawing the bottom, the device pulls forward, the top - back.
  • You can carry the chainsaw turned off or at idle (pull the shield near the front handle towards you).

How to cut down trees with a chainsaw. Rules for sawing branches with a chainsaw

Trees are sawn in several stages:

  1. Choose the side where it should fall.
  2. On this side, make a straight cut to a depth of ¼ of the diameter of the tree.
  3. Above, you need to make a second cut at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees.
  4. Get the sawn wedge out of the wood.
  5. Saw the tree at the level of the wedge from the opposite side until it begins to roll. You can insert a wedge to keep the saw from being pinched.
  6. Quickly remove the chainsaw and step aside.

Due to incorrect calculations, wind speed, weight transfer of the trunk, it can fall into an unplanned place, so when the tree falls, do not take your eyes off it.

Most injuries occur when sawing branches. To avoid injury, follow these rules:

  • You can not cut above the shoulders, keep the chainsaw at a great distance from you.
  • If the saw is stuck in a tree/branch, do not pull or start it. Raise the trunk/branch, widen the cut and remove the tool.
  • Put clamps under the barrel so that it does not tilt / move during operation.
  • Trim the lower branches first.
  • Thick branches sawn from the end to the trunk.

Chainsaw Care

  • Clean the device from dirt at the end of work.
  • Check if the chain is tensioned (described above).
  • Check the air filter every few months, otherwise there will be problems with turning on.
  • Do not leave fuel in the tank - either work until it runs out or drain it into a container. You can store a mixture of oil with gasoline for no longer than two / three weeks.
  • Inspect the engine and carburetor once a season.
  • Change the chain, bar and sprocket - they wear out most often.
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