How to disassemble a Bosch coffee grinder? Step-by-step repair of a coffee grinder from a professional - Setafi

Understanding how to disassemble a Bosch coffee grinder is easy. To work, you only need flat and Phillips screwdrivers. If necessary, also use superglue or new replacement parts. Step-by-step repair instructions with photos and descriptions can be found in the article.

The content of the article

  • Breakdown diagnostics
  • Disassembly step by step instructions

Breakdown diagnostics

Before learning how to disassemble a coffee grinder, it is advisable to carry out a diagnosis. This is necessary to accurately understand the cause of the malfunction. As a rule, you can install it yourself for a number of reasons:

  1. If, after turning on, the device does not make sounds and does not function at all, the problem is related to broken contacts or broken wires. They need to be cleaned, connected or completely replaced accordingly.
  2. It also happens that after parsing damage to the wires is not detected. Then the violation comes from the side of the engine, which can only be repaired at a service center. If the motor is worn out, it must also be replaced.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. If the coffee grinder works, but at the same time there is a smell of burning, and the knives scroll harder than usual, then the internal parts are dirty. But they can be clean - then the reason is due to the lack of lubrication.
  5. Sometimes the device does not make noise when turned on, you need to move the power cord directly at the entrance to the case. If the device starts to work, this indicates a breakdown. The solution to the problem is to replace the cable or re-solder it.

Disassembly step by step instructions

After the cause of the breakdown has become clear, you can begin the actual repair of the Bosch coffee grinder. To work, you need only 2 screwdrivers designed for a flat slot (thickness within 1.5 mm). It is more convenient to work together, you need to act like this:

  1. Holding the case firmly in your hands, press your finger on the bottom panel.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 1
  2. Help with a flat screwdriver by inserting it into the crevice and drawing along the contour like a chisel.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 2
  3. After that, remove the bottom.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 3
  4. And then the body itself is removed in the form of a cylinder.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 4
  5. Release the 3 plastic clips and disconnect the motor.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 5
  6. Unscrew the nut from below, while holding the chopper knives so that they do not scroll.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 6
  7. Next, remove the knife. To do this, you need to rotate it counterclockwise and at the same time hold the bolt with a screwdriver.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 7
  8. After the knife succumbs, it can be removed.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 8
  9. In this case, the reason is related to thread abrasion.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 9
  10.  To eliminate it, it is enough to apply 2 drops of superglue, after which you can put the knife back in. This is the repair of the coffee grinder.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 10
  11.  Next, assemble the device in the reverse order, correctly combine the wires.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 11
  12.  And check his work.Bosch coffee grinder repair - 12

The causes of breakdowns may be different. For example, a knife often wears out or ground products get on the contacts. If there is no exact understanding of the cause, it is recommended to contact the service center.

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