Ceiling in the kitchen - 7 ways to decorate

  • Whitewash
  • Painting
  • Using Wallpaper
  • Plasterboard ceilings
  • Plastic
  • Rack Ceiling
  • Stretch ceiling

Kitchen - this is a special room, the design in which should be functional and practical. But in pursuit of convenience and reliability, one should not forget about aesthetics, because here we organize family evenings, friendly "gatherings" and create in the process of preparing culinary masterpieces. We also need to take into account the microclimate of the room - high humidity, a lot of pollution and sudden temperature changes. So what is the ceiling to do in the kitchen?

Deciding how to trim the ceiling in the kitchen, pay attention to the following types of decor:

  • Whitewashing or painting;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Drywall;
  • Plastic;
  • Rack systems;
  • Stretch ceiling.


The shattered ceiling of the kitchen is no longer as relevant as it used to be in Soviet times. It was replaced by modern types of decoration, but so far this method of facing can not be discounted.


  • This is the cheapest and most common material for many, which is made from lime or chalk;
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  • The bleached ceiling due to its porosity provides better air exchange;
  • Pulling the ceiling with your own hands is very simple.



  • Whitewashing is less suitable for the ceiling of the kitchen, as it does not tolerate high humidity and temperature changes;
  • Whitewash will often have to be updated, because you can not wash the whitewashed ceiling in the kitchen - along with the greasy stains and soot, the cover also disappears;
  • In addition, several layers of lime, applied to each other, will form unattractive irregularities, but the surface defects will not hide;
  • The bleached ceiling starts cracking and splashing fast enough.

Advice! Keep in mind that if the ceiling was previously whitewashed with lime, then it must be renewed with lime, not chalk and vice versa.


The second traditional option is painting. The painted ceiling in the kitchen looks like bleached, but still, this method is better suited for the kitchen.


  • A painted ceiling can be washed, and it is more tolerant to moisture than a whitened one;
  • Painting can be done by yourself.

Cons of painting:

  • Short-lived - as well as whitewashing, after a while the paint begins to crack;
  • Over time, the white color of the ceiling is lost;
  • From strong moisture, for example, from water leakage, the paint can peel off from the ceiling;
  • If the paint is cracked in one place, then the ceiling will not be restored locally. It is necessary to completely remove the old finish, re-level the ceiling and only then paint it again.

Using Wallpaper

The ceiling of the kitchen can be wallpapered.


  • This is a relatively inexpensive design option, capable of hiding surface defects;
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be washed;
  • For the work will be required only glue and wallpaper;
  • Possibility of local repair.


  • Bonding of dense cans, additionally weighted with glue, can be problematic;
  • In addition, the constant hot air from the plate and all kinds of evaporation will cause the wallpaper at the joints to deform and diverge.
  • And the wallpaper will certainly deteriorate in case of flooding by neighbors.

Advice! Ceiling for the kitchen is better decorated with washable wallpaper (vinyl), because they are easy to care for, and all the dirt from their surface is "washed away" with soapy water.


Plasterboard ceilings

Suspended ceiling in the kitchen of gypsum plasterboard (necessarily waterproof) - this is a very good decoration design. With the help of this material, you can realize many design projects - multi-level and combined designs, with different types of lighting and decor.

The ceiling of gypsum cardboard in the kitchen has a number of obvious advantages:

  • Possibility of complete concealment of base defects or engineering communications;
  • Strength and resistance to external influences;
  • Long service life;
  • Quick installation;
  • Relative cheapness;
  • Possibility of coloring, pasting and combination of decor - as a finishing finish, plaster and painting are most often chosen here.

Advice! Ceilings of plasterboard in the kitchen must necessarily be calculated by professionals, otherwise the risk of collapse of the structure is great.


However, before you can decorate the ceiling in the kitchen with plasterboard, you need to know about the shortcomings of the material. So, drywall deteriorates when flooded, and at constant temperature changes, typical for the microclimate of the kitchen, at the junctures between the sheets there will be cracks. This can be avoided only by using movable two-level CD connectors, but they significantly increase the cost of the design. In addition, the finish in the form of a colored layer will require periodic updates.


The ceiling in the kitchen can be sewn and plastic, for which a special lining and sealant is used, which is necessary for processing butt joints. There are the following types of lining - suture and seamless, the latter being considered the most expensive.

The ceiling in the kitchen of plastic is considered practical, easy to implement and a relatively inexpensive way of finishing. That's why they choose it when the budget for repairing the kitchen is small. The ceiling of the kitchen is made of plastic and incredibly durable - it will survive even flooding. And if some panels fail prematurely, local repairs are always possible.

However, you need to know about the existing restrictions - it's better if you choose plastic from an expensive segment, because cheap PVC panels may not be too eco-friendly. In addition, any plastic is exposed to ultraviolet rays, as a result of which its decorative surface changes color and turns yellow.

The ceiling in the kitchen from plastic must be wiped quite often, because if you fix a thick layer of fat and soot, then it will be extremely difficult to wash it. At the same time, regular washing with conventional household chemicals (on gel, not abrasive) guarantees an excellent result.


There is one more nuance - it is better to use matte, rather than glossy plastic, as the last will be more visible all kinds of spots.

Rack Ceiling

You can trim the ceiling in the kitchen with special slats-lamellas. There are various design options for the rack ceiling - with open and closed seams, with metallized and opaque surfaces, and so on.

However, the kitchen ceiling is not made with open seams, because they will accumulate pollution and condensation.

Such a ceiling in the kitchen is easy to assemble on its own, as it is realized in the form of ready-made systems resembling a designer.


Rack systems can be plastic and aluminum, the latter - more reliable and expensive.

As for the design, the lath ceiling in the kitchen can be any colors, but the most common are white, mirror and gold.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen in most cases becomes an ideal solution. However, installation of such a structure is possible only with the involvement of a specialist and special equipment for heating and stretching the web.

As a result of professional installation we get a ceiling in the kitchen with the following characteristics:

  • Resistance to moisture;
  • Ease of care;
  • Ideal evenness;
  • Complete concealment of surface defects in the base;
  • Excellent opportunities for combining with other types of coatings;
  • Design variability;
  • There is one more nuance - the stretch ceiling of the kitchen will survive even the present flood - it will collect all the water, not allowing it to spill onto the floor. Drain then water can be, puncturing the needle cover in several places;
  • When installing a stretch ceiling, you can rethink the lighting of the kitchen.

The disadvantages of such coverage are:

  • You can not mount it yourself;
  • The cost is relatively high;
  • It takes away precious centimeters of the height of the kitchen, so it is not suitable for kitchens with low ceilings;
  • In addition, the coating immediately makes holes for the installation of fixtures, so that they will not be transferred in the future.

As for design, then there are the following options for invoices:

  • Satin, including material with antibacterial treatment;
  • Perforated lacquer and varnish;
  • Moire;
  • Metallic;
  • Pearlescent surfaces;
  • Imitation of suede and leather;
  • Under the marble;
  • Imitation of natural stone.


Often when choosing a stretch ceiling, the question arises: which ceiling in the kitchen is better glossy or matte?

Here you need to rely only on personal preferences. The matt ceiling can not be distinguished from the just whitewashed ceiling. This is a universal solution, appropriate in any style, not distracting attention from the interior and not overloading it. In addition, the dust on such a ceiling will not be visible.

On the other hand, the gloss in the ceiling finish is now in vogue. It successfully echoes with smooth glossy facades of a kitchen set and glass in furniture, and for the count of light visually increases the space of a small kitchen, makes it lighter and beautiful glitters. But with the brilliance of such a ceiling can easily overdo it and yet not every interior of it can harmoniously fit.

A spectacular ceiling in the kitchen will be obtained in the event that you decide to combine the coverings. Thus, you can zonate space or create a unique design of your kitchen, which you will be proud of.

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  • . Roof ceiling in the kitchen - features selection and installation.
  • . Plastic panels on the ceiling of the kitchen are profitable and practical.
  • . Plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen - from design to installation.
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  • . How to repair the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands.

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