There are several ways to sterilize bottles in the microwave. The easiest option is to put them in a container, pour enough hot water, turn on the oven for 2-3 minutes and then let cool. There are other options, for example, to carry out the processing in a bag or a special sterilizer. The main methods and useful tips are described in this article.
The content of the article
- Tank preparation
- Processing without a sterilizer
- Processing in batches
- Processing in a sterilizer
- If the bottles are self-sterilizing
Tank preparation
Before you figure out how to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave, you need to prepare them. The processing itself can be carried out in different ways, for example, in boiling water, a microwave oven or a slow cooker. But regardless of this, the preparatory stage is the same:
- First, the nipples are unscrewed from the covers and put together.
- Before the sterilization of the bottles in the microwave begins, the containers are washed using salt or soda. You can also use a special tool.
- The inner walls are wiped with a clean brush (for this purpose it is better to purchase a separate tool).
- The containers are washed with water under the tap 3-4 times to completely remove the remnants of salt, soda or the drug.
- The nipples are washed in the same way - they need to be given the most attention, since especially a lot of residues accumulate in the fixing rings and tabs.
- Next, it remains to figure out how to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave.

Processing without a sterilizer
For processing, they often acquire a special container - a sterilizer. Although it is quite possible to do without it. Sterilization of bottles for newborns in the microwave is carried out in an ordinary plastic box. To do this, they act like this:
- Take a large container in which food is usually heated.
- Wash it well using a special agent, soda or salt.
- Then they wipe it dry and put the containers (one or how many will fit).
- Further, it is easy to understand how to sterilize bottles in the microwave without a sterilizer. The containers must be filled with cold water, and so that it covers them completely.
- The container is closed until it stops with a lid, put in the microwave.
- Turn it on to maximum power. It's easy to figure out how to sterilize feeding bottles in the microwave. To do this, leave the oven on for only 1.5-2 minutes.
- When the cycle ends, do not immediately open the door. It is advisable to wait another 2 minutes when the dishes have cooled down a bit.
- After that, they take it out and wipe it dry. This completes the sterilization of baby bottles in the microwave.
Processing in batches
There is also such a method of sterilization as processing in special packages. This is a more convenient option since no additional container is required. You don't even need a microwave bottle sterilizer, which makes things a lot easier. The main steps are:
- Containers for baby feeding are washed with water and salt, then simply under running water, as described above.
- Prepare hot water in advance (you can bring to a boil and let cool slightly).
- They take packages for sterilizing bottles in the microwave and put containers there, pour hot water, carefully fasten them. Just in case, they check how tightly they are closed - turn them several times in different directions.
- Do not doubt whether it is possible to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave. This is a safe and convenient way to process. It is only important to carry it out correctly. To do this, the package is placed in a sufficiently large plate of heat-resistant material.
- Put it inside and turn on the heating to maximum power. You can sterilize the bottles in the microwave for 2 minutes. In this case, it is worth focusing on the instructions for the packages - perhaps a different time will be indicated there.
- As soon as the signal sounds, you can immediately remove the plate and let the bags cool down a bit. After that, the water is drained and the bottles are thoroughly wiped.

Now it’s clear whether it is possible to sterilize bottles in the microwave. This is a very simple process, it only takes 2 minutes and is much faster than preparation. But it should be borne in mind that it is better to start processing just before feeding, so that the containers do not get dirty again.
Processing in a sterilizer
Finally, there is such a way as to sterilize a bottle in the microwave - using a special container. In fact, this is a container made of heat-resistant plastic, which has several holes. You can put several containers in them at once and sterilize in 1-2 cycles. In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows:
- This time, you need to rinse not only the bottles, but also the container itself (sterilizer). Do this using salt, soda or a special tool.
- Rinse the containers under the tap and put the bottles in the sterilizer cells.
- Pour water up to the indicated level. Moreover, the instruction on how to sterilize nipples in the microwave is exactly the same. They are placed in a container of water.
- Next, turn on the oven at full power for 2-3 minutes.
- They let it stand for another 10 minutes so that the water cools down, then they take out the bottles, wipe them, as well as the nipples and start feeding.

If the bottles are self-sterilizing
It is even easier to understand how to use a microwave bottle sterilizer if the containers are equipped with a self-sterilization option. Then the processing instruction is as follows:
- Rinse the bottles under the tap, rinse.
- Pour water into the nozzle.
- Insert the nipple with the lid, close the container.
- The basic way to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave is exactly the same. The stove is turned on for 2 minutes, while the power should be maximum.
- Then let the water cool down a little and drain it.
Carrying out the processing of children's containers is quite simple. The process takes several stages - first the bottles are prepared, and then put in the microwave for only 2-3 minutes. Then they immediately start feeding or put the dishes in storage in a clean container, which is put away on a separate shelf in the refrigerator.