The quality of oxygen in our room directly depends on the charge of ions in the atmosphere. If there is an imbalance, there are almost no advantages for our body from such air. You need to quickly correct the situation and make an air ionizer with your own hands.
In our article, we will share several ionizer assemblies that you can make at home from improvised means. Go!
The content of the article
- How does a homemade ionizer work
- We assemble an ionizer with our own hands from available parts at home
- Do-it-yourself machine air ionizer - how to make
- How to make an air ionizer with your own hands. Another option - for the most advanced
How does a homemade ionizer work
Before starting to assemble the ionizer with our own hands, we will talk about the basis of the operation of the device: how it works and why it is worth using the device.
In the air mass of an apartment or house, according to statistics, ions that positively affect the human body are ten times less than negative ones. This is not normal, since under natural conditions the average is up to several tens of thousands of cubic meters. cm. Divide the number by 10 and get a fortune in your apartment.
Therefore, we need to saturate oxygen with useful ions in a short time. For this, an air ionizer circuit is used. It has been scientifically proven that ionization has a positive effect on overall immunity, and the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is also restored.
Fatigue, allergic reactions to foreign organisms (dust, wool, fungus) are also noticeably reduced, and the chance of getting infectious inflammations is reduced. This applies not only to a homemade air ionizer, with factory models the results are even better.
The basic principle of the scheme of operation of a do-it-yourself air ionizer: charges with a “-” sign are transferred to particles of the atmosphere - they affect the improvement of the environment and human health. However, to obtain negative particles, the entire air mass must slip through the apparatus and receive the necessary charges through an increased power discharge.
Additionally: various allergens in the air, passing through the ionizer circuit, assembled by hand, are destroyed by electricity. After reaching the air flow on the ionizer plate, all particles with the opposite charge settle on the surface and are attracted by the same plate. Thus, all dirt and dust settles on the surface of the device. Then it is removed during the weekly cleaning of the apartment.
The current required for ionization can only be recreated with an assembly index of at least 15,000 watts. It is applied to the electrodes.
There are also contraindications for the use of the ionization system. For example, the device cannot be installed and turned on when your home has:
- cancer patients;
- people with colds and flu (when high fever or fever);
- newborn babies.
It is recommended to stop using ionization equipment and replace it with analogues (for example, cleaners).
We assemble an ionizer with our own hands from available parts at home

The installation of homemade equipment should be based on the scheme of the air flow itself. Let's say in advance that incorrect assembly of an air ionizer with your own hands at home can not only not give a positive effect, but also cause irreparable harm. Only a person who understands the matter is insured against burns and current discharges.
The basis of our homemade ionizer can be a system unit from a computer (empty, only the case). The ventilation system is a cooler from the same PC. We also need a boost transformer. Pick it up any, the main thing - its performance. They should be in the range of 220/18-20 watts.
For an air ionizer for an apartment with our own hands, we need additional equipment:
- Textolite electronic board with a thickness of about 3 mm.
- Fasteners.
- Cables for connecting the structure.
The assembly is carried out according to a pre-printed electrical circuit. For the ionizer, also buy KT315 transistors and 815 stabilizers.
Professional designs use so-called diode bridges, but there is nothing to build them from at home, so a simple chain of diodes will do. Diode readings must be at least 400 volts and half an amp.
The remaining components of the ozonator are both used in their original form and are replaced by analogues.
First of all, we need to make ozonizer electrodes. To do this, we take a stranded copper cable, clean it from insulation and bend each core at a right angle. You should get an "umbrella" design.
An umbrella is installed at the optimal distance from the ionizer so that a sufficient amount of negative ions is produced.
The cores must be constantly purged so that the air flow is constantly replaced by a new mass. To do this, a power supply and a fan (cooler) are installed inside the system unit. A correctly assembled ozonizer will work at the first connection, the main thing is to set up the system for optimal air passage and ozonation.
Do-it-yourself machine air ionizer - how to make
Since there is even less space in the car interior than in the living room, the air there almost does not circulate at all. Therefore, a do-it-yourself air ozonizer for a car is a good way to saturate the atmosphere with useful particles. Believe me, the air conditioner in the car does not give any result at all - only cool air. Benefits are out of the question.
The assembly begins with the creation of an electricity flow generator. It consists of a core (you can take it in any electronics) and wires. Then you need to make two circles of winding: the first cycle - 14 times and the second - 600 turns of the wire.
After winding the system for the first time, you need to isolate the circuit. Tape or electrical tape will come in handy. We isolate the secondary winding 6 times - after every hundred turns of the cable around the transformer.
Next, we need a current amplifier. It can be made from 10 kW capacitors and diodes of the KC 106 brand. The distance of the diode bridge for the multiplier should not exceed 3 cm between the diodes.
After assembling the structure, the ozonizer is connected to the system panel of the car. The ionizer is ready to use.
How to make an air ionizer with your own hands. Another option - for the most advanced
Another option on how to make an air ionizer for the home is Chizhevsky's scheme. It consists of only 2 elements:
- The chandelier itself.
- Multiplier (converter).
Chandelier - aluminum hoop up to a meter in diameter. On it we wrap copper millimeter cables. Wrapping is carried out in such a way that a grid is obtained in increments of up to 5 cm. A metal needle is attached with a soldering iron in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intersection of the wires. Its dimensions are up to 4 cm.
The sharper the needles, the better. The quality of the homemade device depends on this. Three copper cables are attached to the hoop so that they capture the entire plane at the same distance. If the circle has 360 degrees, then the wire is located every 120. The ends of the cable are soldered over the structure.
The soldering point of the copper cable is connected to the current converter. We need to get a voltage of at least 25 kV. The larger the room, the more voltage the ionizer should have.
To increase the processing area, the chandelier is supplemented with diode multipliers. After assembly, you can test the device and adjust it to fit your room.
Now you know how to make an air ionizer (ozonizer) at home. It does not need supernatural elements - just go to an electronics store and pick up a high-quality circuit.
We strongly recommend: if you do not know or do not understand what is needed for a homemade ionizer, do not make it yourself! It is better to buy a ready-made device in a store or use analogues. Good luck with your builds and have a nice day!