When and why do you need to replace the cuff of the hatch of the LG washing machine? We repair the cuff ourselves - Setafi

Replacing the cuff of the hatch of the washing machine is necessary after a few years, since the seal wears out due to mechanical contact, poor-quality powder and other factors. In some cases, urgent repairs may be needed. How to do it is described step by step in this material.

The content of the article

  • In what cases will the cuff need to be changed?
  • Preparatory work
  • Step-by-step instructions for dismantling
  • Mounting a new part
  • How to save a new gum

In what cases will the cuff need to be changed?

The cuff, which is also called an elastic band or a seal, is a material folded in several layers and located between the door and the drum. It provides complete tightness, i.e. does not let water through during washing, rinsing and spinning.

The seal is made of special rubber with the addition of silicone. It is a heat-resistant and water-resistant material that cannot be damaged even by very hot water. But over time, the gum wears out, and can also suffer from careless handling. Replacing the cuff of the hatch of the LG washing machine is required mainly in such situations:

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  1. Contact with sharp parts of clothing, for example, locks, buttons with angular edges, rhinestones. You can’t completely insure yourself against this, but you can at least turn the underwear inside out and fasten it from the back.
  2. Replacing the cuff on the LG washing machine will also be needed when washing non-standard items. For example, boots, shoes with protruding parts, especially with spikes, it is preferable to wash in a special bag, and even better - by hand, so as not to damage the machine.
  3. The task of how to remove the cuff on the LG washing machine also arises in case of natural wear. The elastic is constantly in contact with clothing, as well as with the door. Therefore, it inevitably wears out. If the material is of sufficient quality, it will last without complaints for at least 4-5 years.
  4. Also, instructions on how to change the cuff on an LG washing machine are referred to due to bad water or poor-quality detergent. Due to constant contact with such a liquid that stagnates in the folds, mold may appear, and the material itself may suffer.
  5. Another cause of wear is abrasion from contact with counterweights.
How to change the cuff on the LG washing machine

Thus, during normal operation, the question of how to remove the seal on the LG washing machine will not arise very soon. But if you do not wipe it, do not unfold and do not wash it, this will lead to fairly rapid wear.

Preparatory work

First you need to inspect the gum and see if it needs to be repaired. You can do this in the following ways:

  • instructions on how to replace the cuff on an LG washing machine will be needed if it shows obvious signs of abrasion, especially leaks and especially cracks (even if they are small);
  • cuts may also be noticeable - in this case, washing cannot be started;
  • due to large and even minor damage, water smudges will appear under the tank.

It is quite possible to replace the gum on an LG washing machine on your own, without contacting the master. To do this, you will need improvised tools - a set of screwdrivers (curly and flat), a basin and a rag, as well as detergent.

Step-by-step instructions for dismantling

Replacing the sealing gum on an LG washing machine looks like this:

  1. With a flat screwdriver, the cuff is carefully pulled towards itself and the retaining clamp is found. This is a metal part-clamp in the form of a circle.Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-1
  2. It is pulled up and dismantled. This is preparatory work before changing the gum on the LG washing machine.Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-2
  3. Now remove the cuff itself from the frame.Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-3
  4. Unscrew the 2 bolts located on the right (they fix the device that blocks the hatch before washing).Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-4
  5. Before you understand how to put on the cuff on the washing machine, you need to remove the part (just squeeze it out with your hand).Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-5
  6. And then disconnect the contact, as shown in the photo.Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-6
  7. The hatch handle of the LG washing machine may also need to be replaced (if the door does not lock and the wash does not start). But first you need to remove the plinth - the lower part of the unit.Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-7
  8. Dismantle the front panel.Step-by-step instructions for dismantling-8

This completes the first stage - the old part was removed, and the unit was also prepared for the installation of a new part. Replacing the seal in the LG washing machine is described in the next section.

Mounting a new part

Next, they act like this:

  1. Locate the fixing screw of the cuff and unscrew the fastening.Installation of a new part-1
  2. Remove the clamp that secures the elastic.Installation of a new part-2
  3. It is clear how to remove the rubber cuff on the washing machine - they simply remove it and apply a new part.Installation of a new part-3
  4. Put the fixing clamp in place.Installation of a new part-4
  5. The fixing screw is also returned to its place.Installation of a new part-5
  6. Now you no longer need to learn how to remove the elastic band on the LG washing machine. It remains to install the front panel in place.Installation of a new part-6
  7. Put the plinth, tighten the screws.Installation of a new part-7
  8. They return the device that blocks the hatch and tighten it with bolts.Installation of a new part-8
  9. At this point, the instructions on how to replace the elastic band on the LG washing machine put back the fixing collar.Installation of a new part-9
  10.  It remains to connect the device to the power supply and carry out a test wash (you can do it in fast mode).Installation of a new part-10

How to save a new gum

Now it’s clear that removing the rubber band from the drum of the LG washing machine, as well as putting in a new part is quite realistic and on your own. But in order to carry out repairs as little as possible, you should stick to a few simple rules:

  1. After each spin or wash cycle, the seal is unrolled and wiped thoroughly to prevent liquid residue from stagnation, which can cause mold.
  2. Always leave the door slightly open between washes to allow the water to evaporate faster.
  3. Do not use "aggressive" powders and other drugs that are prohibited according to the instructions (indicated in the description of the model from the manufacturer).
  4. Do not abuse washing at high temperatures - many things are normally cleaned even at 40 degrees.
  5. If the unit vibrates too much, it must be leveled - otherwise, not only the cuff, but also the drum will suffer.

Thus, you can replace the seal yourself in just 1 hour. If the gum is too worn out, do not save it - it is better to buy a new one. To do this, you need to purchase exactly the same part suitable for a specific LG model.

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