How to use the cotton candy machine? Instructions for use - Setafi

A machine that produces cotton candy heats the crystals, melts them, and then spins them at high speed to make fine cobwebs. They are wound on special sticks - and as a result, the delicacy is ready. The article discusses the cotton candy machine, instructions for it, as well as some useful tips on what to do in case of a particular error.

The content of the article

  • User manual
  • Name and device of the device
  • Safety
  • Possible problems

User manual

Understanding how to use the cotton candy machine is quite simple. It does not require special knowledge, only sleight of hand is important, and in the literal sense. In just a few minutes, you can figure out how to act correctly. And if at first it doesn’t work out, it’s quite normal - the main thing is to try again.

You should act according to the following rules:

  1. The unit is assembled according to the instructions and connected to the network for heating (5 minutes is enough).
  2. Pour the right amount of sugar using a measuring spoon, and wait until it is completely melted.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. As soon as the web begins to form, prepare for the main stage.
  5. Continue explaining how to use the cotton candy machine with a stick. It is taken and held with 3 first fingers, i.e. large, index and middle are involved.
  6. The wand must be sharply screwed into the resulting web. You can understand how the cotton candy machine works: it melts sugar crystals and turns them into thin threads.
  7. These threads are quickly wound around the stick, making a sharp turn, and you should not wind it while the stick is inside the working chamber. Otherwise, the “cap” will turn out to be excessively dense - this is the principle of operation of the cotton candy machine.
  8. Making circular motions, continue to wind the threads on a wooden stick.
  9. If this did not work out, you need to insert the tip of the stick into the melted sugar and, having described the figure eight in the air, wind thin threads. If you work in this technique, the volume of the “cap” will increase significantly, and the resulting portion will seem very large.
Cotton candy machine

Name and device of the device

Another question is related to the name of the cotton candy machine. You might think that this is a cumbersome phrase, and one word is used instead. But in fact, there is no exact designation in Russian for this device. Therefore, there is no answer to a request about the name of the device that makes cotton candy. For simplicity, it is simply referred to as an apparatus or device.

There are quite a few models of such devices. Moreover, their principle of operation is approximately the same. Aggregates consist of several elements:

  • electric motor;
  • heating element or spiral (maybe a gas burner);
  • bowl (catcher);
  • head.

The device for the cotton candy machine is quite simple. It is turned on to the network, the heating element is warmed up. Heat is transferred to the head, where sugar is poured (in the form of ordinary sand). Soon it begins to melt and turn into a viscous caramel.

In turn, the head rotates due to the electric motor. Centrifugal force acts on the molten sugar, so it is squeezed out through numerous small holes. The result is thin threads. Therefore, although it is impossible to say exactly what the cotton candy machine is called, the principle of its operation is quite clear.

Since the threads are sticky (like sugar itself), they quickly become entangled, forming a kind of loose web. This web must be wound on a stick with the help of energetic movements (make several turns). In a matter of minutes, the delicacy will be ready.


Now it’s clear what the device for cotton candy is called, as well as how to use it in practice. But along with this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic safety rules:

  1. When the head rotates, no foreign objects should be inserted into it, especially fingers.
  2. Sugar falls asleep before the start of rotation - and during operation, the head can no longer be filled with anything.
  3. It is recommended to wear goggles while preparing treats.
  4. The cobweb is wound only on special sticks - arbitrary objects are not allowed to be used.
  5. After the end of the work (shift), it is necessary to drive away and remove all remaining sugar. Thanks to this, the cotton candy machine, the instructions for which are presented above, will work longer.
  6. After the head is completely empty, turn on the maximum heating for just a minute, which will burn out the remaining sugar crystals. But in no case should you pour water into the head.
  7. Rings must not be scratched. They are simply wiped with a clean, damp cloth, and the unit is first turned off from the network.
  8. The head is not completely filled, but a maximum of 90%. Thanks to this, it will rotate efficiently and will not vibrate.
  9. If the heating element is a spiral, it must be kept in its original form, i.e. do not snag or stretch.
Cotton candy machine - photo

Possible problems

If we talk about the name of the machine for cotton candy, the answer is clear - this is an apparatus or device. It allows you to get threads from molten sugar and quickly wind them on a special stick.

Basically, the unit works normally. But sometimes the following problems may occur:

  1. Little cotton wool is produced, although there is enough sugar added. In this case, you need to make sure that there is no carbon deposits on the surface of the spiral. The tool is disconnected from the network, the ring is removed and soaked in water, after which it is cleaned, dried and collected back.
  2. The instructions for using the cotton candy machine also indicate that a power surge can be the reason for the production of a small amount of cobwebs. This is excluded only in one case - when the model is equipped with a special transformer.
  3. If there is an unpleasant smell, the device smokes, this is due to the spiral. It can burn out, due to which the described phenomena are observed, and performance is also reduced.
  4. With smoke and a distinct smell of burning, you need to reduce the heat and again evaluate the work. If this does not help, it is important to check the spirals - they should have their original shape, i.e. without unevenness and stretching.
Cotton Candy Machine

Thus, there is no clear answer to the question of what is the name of the machine that makes cotton candy. However, the operating principle is quite clear from the instructions, as well as instructions for using the device. You can master it in just an hour, after which the skill will be brought to automatism.

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