Concrete mixer repair: we find problems and fix them ourselves - Setafi

As the operation of the concrete mixer becomes contaminated with a mixture of cement and sand, some parts become unusable. Therefore, it is necessary to know the device of the mechanism in order to correctly determine the cause. You can repair a concrete mixer yourself if you know exactly what is broken. Step-by-step instructions for the most common cases can be found in this material.

The content of the article

  • Causes of breakdowns
  • How to repair a concrete mixer
    • Drive replacement
    • Drive Tension Check
    • Clogged concrete mixer
    • Bearing replacement
    • Pulley replacement

Causes of breakdowns

There are objective causes of failure associated with wear and tear over time. But often the mechanism breaks down in cases where the equipment is not used correctly. For example, a concrete mixer is obstructed by concrete due to excessive load. Poor storage conditions or lack of lubrication on the ring gear can harm. Very often, breakdowns occur due to the fact that the drum is not cleaned immediately after the end of the batch.

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Before you repair the concrete mixer with your own hands, you need to figure out which node is damaged:

  1. Gears break usually due to errors during operation. Often, owners lubricate the crowns and gears, believing that this reduces the load on the motor. But in fact, as a result, it only increases. Due to the lubrication, the cement-sand mixture is caught on the teeth, so the friction increases. Therefore, it is important to understand how to use the concrete mixer correctly.
  2. Reducer - it wears out quickly against the background of overloads or insufficient cooling. This unit is not subject to repair - you only have to replace the part or the entire assembly.
  3. The ring gear also experiences heavy loads during operation. Most often, parts made of cast iron break, so it is better to put a plastic crown. It is necessary to figure out how to disassemble the concrete mixer, and correctly make a replacement.
  4. Shutdown buttons - often a breakdown is associated with them. For example, when pressed, the mechanism starts normally, but stops after a few minutes. Then you need to put a new button. It is important to know the device of a household concrete mixer. The new button must be exactly the same in terms of the number of contacts.

After you have managed to understand the cause, you can begin to repair the device. To do this, prepare screwdrivers and other tools, if necessary, remove the case and replace the nodes.


How to repair a concrete mixer

Repair depends on which part is broken. In some cases, for example, when replacing a drive, it is quite simple to implement it. But if you do not have the necessary skills and understanding of how the concrete mixer works, it is better to turn to specialists so as not to damage the mechanism. The main types of repair work are described below.

Drive replacement

If the drum does not rotate, and the motor is running normally, this is most likely due to a belt malfunction. To correctly assess the situation, you need to remove the cover and inspect it. In this case, the contacts must be disconnected.

The simplest case is when the belt works but just slips off. It is enough to return it to its place. If it is worn out, it will need to be replaced. They operate like this:

  1. Remove belt.2
  2. Loosen locknut.3
  3. Unscrew the bolt securing the drive mechanism.4
  4. Lift it up and unscrew the belt.5
  5. Taking a new belt, thread it between the drive gears and lower it to the limiter.6
  6. Tighten the fixing bolt and locknut.7
  7. Install the belt in place.8

After replacing, you need to figure out how to properly use the concrete mixer. If you work carefully and avoid unnecessary loads, the unit will last long enough and without repair.

Drive Tension Check

If the condition of the belt is normal, but it is loose, then the problem is due to insufficient tension. Solving it is quite simple - for this they act like this:

  1. Tilt mixer.9
  2. Remove belt.10
  3. Loosen locknut.11
  4. Loosen the bolt.12
  5. Pull the mount with the electric motor to the desired distance and fix its position with a bolt and lock nut.13
  6. Reinstall the belt and check its tension.14

Clogged concrete mixer

During operation, the unit is inevitably clogged with a cement-sand mixture. Normally, it should be washed immediately after use, but sometimes the mixture hardens and covers the surface with a dense layer. To figure out how to wash a concrete mixer from hardened cement, you can use the following methods:

  1. Mechanical cleaning - a hardened mass is removed with a chisel or hammer, after which they pass with a grinder with a special brush. Smaller details are cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. Chemical method - use professional tools, for example, "Anti-concrete". They can also be used for prevention.
  3. Hydraulic method - removal of dirt using a powerful pressure of water.

In all cases, it is important to know the design of the concrete mixer, especially when working with a hammer. In order not to damage the device, you need to act carefully, commensurate with the force of impact. If you are not sure, it is better to use a grinder and emery, and then treat the surfaces with a special concrete remover.

Bearing replacement

If you figure out how to work with a concrete mixer, the mechanism will work for a long time. But in any case, the main components wear out, so they need to be replaced. For example, if the device turns normally, but it doesn’t start right away, and the motor gives extraneous sounds, buzzes, the reason is probably related to the bearing.

To understand how to work with a concrete mixer correctly, during the repair, they act as follows:

  1. Remove the box covering the motor.
  2. Remove the pear, then remove the gear.
  3. After that, it is necessary to remove the retaining ring, after squeezing it.
  4. Knock out the shaft.
  5. Substituting a wooden board on it, they knock it out, removing 2 bearings.
  6. Then they make a replacement and assemble the assembly again, acting in the reverse order.

After that, you need to start the unit again to check its operation. If the sound is standard, and the course is normal, then the cause has been corrected.

Pulley replacement

The pulley is made of plastic. In this case, the shaft on which it is put on is machined with a cutter on one side. Therefore, when the hole on the pulley acquires a completely round shape, it begins to rotate freely. As a result, the motor and pulley spin normally, but the shaft does not. In such cases, you should figure out how to remove the pulley from the concrete mixer. They operate like this:

  1. Loosen 2 nuts.
  2. Remove 2 bolts (they fix the box to the frame).
  3. The box is removed, as well as the pulley.
  4. Open and remove the retaining ring.
  5. As a result, the pulley falls out on its own.
  6. Then they make a replacement and assemble the unit again, acting according to the reverse algorithm.

Thus, it is not so difficult to repair the unit. It is necessary to determine the cause, and then understand how to remove the barrel from the concrete mixer, remove the pulley or replace the bearings. If there is no certainty, it is better to seek additional advice from professionals.

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