What is a petrol cutter? Purpose and principle of operation of the tool - Setafi

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Among construction tools, devices for cutting and dismantling structures are distinguished into a separate group. They allow you to eliminate blockages, cut off a piece of metal, cut through a doorway. These include a power cutter - this device is often used in rescue work. How the device is arranged, and in what areas it is still used, is described in this article.

The content of the article

  • Gas cutter device
  • Purpose of the tool
  • Types of petrol cutters

Gas cutter device

The tool is equipped with a gasoline engine, mainly 2-stroke. It is mounted on the body and equipped with handles. A disc is mounted on the working part of the power cutter, which makes cuts. Its diameter reaches 30-40 cm. On the one hand, the disc is protected by a casing that ensures the safety of the operator.

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If you study what a power cutter is, you should also mention the principle of its operation. When the engine is started, the torque is fed through the belt to the drive, which rotates the cutting disc. In this case, the cutter has 2 tubes - one is supplied to the gas tank, the other - to the oxygen tank. When the mechanism starts, gasoline enters the nozzle, and the supply of oxygen atomizes it and greatly increases the speed.

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Purpose of the tool

We can say about the gas cutter that this is a special unit for cutting dense materials:

  • concrete;
  • asphalt;
  • metal;
  • granite;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • brick.

The main scope of application is rescue work, when you need to quickly dismantle the rubble, enter a damaged room or cut a car after an accident in order to extract a person.


In fact, this is a large angle grinder that runs on a gasoline engine. The tool is used not only for professional, but also for domestic purposes. For example, using such a device, you can cut through a technological or doorway. In some cases, capital buildings are dismantled, chasing is carried out. This will require more powerful tools.

Types of petrol cutters

The classification of these devices is mainly related to the cutting technology:

  • dry;
  • wet.

In the first case, work is carried out under normal conditions, and in the second, water is supplied to the disk and working surfaces, which flows through the tubes. This reduces overheating and dustiness. Therefore, the device works noticeably longer - it does not need to be constantly turned off to cool down.

Thus, we can say about a power cutter that this is such a device that allows you to effectively dismantle structures even from very durable materials, including concrete and asphalt. The device is more often used in rescue work, although it can be useful in everyday life. Depending on the purpose, more or less powerful tools are chosen.

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