How to choose a circulation pump for heating: making an informed choice - Setafi

The efficiency of a heating system depends on several factors. The main one is the uniformity of heat supply through the pipes. This can only be ensured with a productive and high-quality pump.

One of the most popular options on the gas equipment market is a circulation pump. Why is it so good - see our short article right now! Perhaps knowing which circulation pump for heating is better will help you save tens of thousands of rubles.


The content of the article

  • How to choose a circulation pump depending on the model range
  • How and by what parameters to choose a circulation pump for heating
  • Summary

How to choose a circulation pump depending on the model range

Any circulating compressor has a rotary part and an electric motor to disperse heat. An impeller rotates through the rotor, sucking in water. From this, the liquid receives pressure and moves smoothly through the pipes.

The placement of the rotor determines which type of pump is in front of you:

  1. Device on a "wet" rotor. The element itself, the shaft and the impeller are completely under water. The starter is separated by a special glass so that water does not get into the motor itself. “Wet” pumps are distinguished by a low noise level - the operation of the compressor is almost silent and does not emit unpleasant vibrations. True, and without shortcomings can not do. This is its efficiency - about 60%, no more.
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  2. "Dry" rotor. The element is not absorbed by water and does not come into contact with it. The difference from the previous version in performance is 80% or more. But here there is no noise, because the water does not dampen the movement of the rotor. Another disadvantage: installation without knowledge and experience is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Not sure it's going to happen.

How to choose a circulation pump and not make a mistake? Count on the scope of the devices: "dry" - for large volumes of water, so it is suitable for industry, because it is already so noisy there. And for home use, a compressor with a “wet” element is enough.

How and by what parameters to choose a circulation pump for heating

We will not stop at varieties. Now let's go into the realm of the technical part: what should be and what should not be in circulating motors:

  • Mains voltage. There is a network for 220 V (single-phase) and 380 V (three-phase). In most cases, you will only encounter single-phase networks, since the latter are more in demand in production. A conventional circulation pump is bought for network 220. If there is not enough power, install a 380 network, but it will cost much more than the usual option. Everything has to be paid for.
  • Temperature indicator of water. For old samples of "circulars" heating to high temperatures is characteristic - about 90 degrees. Now this figure can be further increased - devices give out 110 or more. The higher the temperature the pump can withstand, the better the materials in it. Accordingly, the model will last longer.
  • Dimensional indicator. This is important during installation, since it is unlikely that you will install an overall “colossus” in a one-room apartment. Pay attention to both the dimensions of the pump and its connections. The latter can sometimes take up more space than the compressor itself.
  • Protection against power surges and moisture ingress. On the device, it is indicated by a class from 1 to 4 with the IP mark. It consists of two digits, 44 is the maximum for the circulation pump.
  • Manufacturer. An important factor: trust a manufacturer with experience and authority, or take a chance and buy from an unknown, but half the price? We are not advisors here. We can only recommend one thing: choose a device with the possibility of warranty service for 1 year or more. Otherwise, you can only protect yourself with experience and knowledge of how to choose a circulation pump.


In recent years, heating prices have skyrocketed, but you want some heat. Although even with an overpayment for heating, you are unlikely to get anything worthwhile from public utilities. Therefore, you have to look for all the ways to increase the efficiency of your heating network. One of these is the right choice of a circulation compressor, about which we have told all the available information.

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