Which gas column is better to buy? Rating of gas water heaters 2021 - Setafi

The content of the article

  • 1 Electrolux GWX 12 NANOPLUS 2.0
  • 2 NEVA 4511
  • 3 Zanussi GWH 10 FONTE
  • 4 Ariston Fast Evo 11B
  • 5 BOSCH WR 10-2R

1 Electrolux GWX 12 NANOPLUS 2.0



The first place in the ranking of geysers in 2021 is occupied by a model from Electrolux. The device is equipped with a modern dashboard with a screen and controls, as well as many protective systems / functions. The device takes its place due to the low noise level during operation, reliability, modern technology, fast operation, economy and stylish design. The column is equipped with a huge number of sensors for a multi-level protection system. On the display built into the control panel, you can see the charge level of the battery / batteries and the temperature of the water heating. The case is made in a minimalist design - a strict white base with a dashboard at the bottom and the name with the manufacturer's logo.


  • Quiet at work
  • Heats up water quickly
  • Economical (uses a small amount of gas to heat water)
  • Security system from several levels
  • instagram viewer
  • Control display
  • Adjustable heating temperature
  • Digital battery indicator
  • Stylish design
  • Long service life
  • Low price


  • Missing

Price - 13,400 rubles

2 NEVA 4511

The second place in the top of the best gas water heaters for the home is NEVA 4511. The model is autonomous, with a high capacity of 11 liters per minute. Mechanical ignition is also a significant plus of the device. Built-in two sensors to control the temperature, there is also a gas protection system. Due to the small dimensions of the device, it can be installed in small rooms. The design is classic: a white unit with a control panel at the bottom, cutouts for heat dissipation on the sides and a chimney at the top. Light weight allows you to install yourself, but a partner is still recommended. When disassembling the unit, there will be no problems - the model has a simple design. Long service life. Of the shortcomings - it makes noise during operation and there is no plastic modulation.


  • Simple design
  • autonomy
  • Long service life
  • Light weight
  • Small dimensions
  • Works even at low pressure


  • Noisy
  • No modulation

Price - 11,200 rubles

3 Zanussi GWH 10 FONTE



The model from Zanussi firmly settled in third place in the ranking. Although the device does not shine with design (a yellowish-white block with controls and a screen at the bottom, as well as a company logo on top), it has a very good functionality. The main disadvantage of the geyser is manual control. To do this, there is a built-in handle - by turning it, the user increases / decreases the gas supply. The digital display shows the basic information - the water heating temperature and the column battery charge. It weighs a little, so the device is easy to install / dismantle from the wall. Of the additional there is water filtration, which significantly extends the already not short service life. Works quietly enough. There is protection against overheating and burnout of the heat exchanger. The latter automatically turns off the column as soon as the sensor detects a decrease in the pressure of the water flow. The copper radiator of the unit is covered with tin.


  • Little noise during operation
  • Parts and build quality
  • Long service life
  • There is a display
  • Simple control
  • There is protection against overheating and low water pressure


  • Manual control
  • The temperature of the water needs to be constantly adjusted.

Price - 12 350 rubles

4 Ariston Fast Evo 11B

A stylish modern geyser from Ariston takes fourth place in the ranking of the best models. The device is autonomous - it turns on and off by itself (can be adjusted in the settings). The device will easily provide hot water to a family of three / four people - it is capable of supplying up to 14 liters of water every minute. The unit is easy to operate, with a stylish design, there is a display for control (as usual, on it battery charge and water heating temperature are displayed), as well as a knob for changing the temperature water heating. Additionally, an indicator is built in that lights up as soon as the batteries need to be replaced. Thanks to this function, you can always know when you need to change the batteries. To regulate the volume of water supplied to the column, there is a special valve regulator. Also, the advantages of the model include thermostatic power modulation, an open chamber combustion, flame sensor, heating indicator, presence of a filter, attractive appearance and quality assembly.


  • Design
  • Detail quality
  • well put together
  • Long service life
  • Simple control
  • Works offline
  • Overheat/explosion protection
  • Power modulation
  • There is a sensor, an indicator and a water filtration system


  • Consumes a lot of electricity
  • Often breaks/leaks (usually due to a thin copper heatsink)
  • Gets clogged up quickly
  • Noisy

Price - 13,400 rubles

5 BOSCH WR 10-2R

Our rating is closed by a quality model from a German manufacturer - BOSCH WR 10-2P. Differs in reliable assembly, quality of details, long term of operation and reasonable price. The unit has two points for water intake. There is an indicator of operation - when the device is turned on and heats the water, a special light is on. There is a gas sensor. It just turns on and is easy to control. In terms of dimensions, this model is the largest in the entire rating, but its weight is like that of an average gas column. As previously mentioned, the device has a long service life, according to the manufacturer, it is 15 years.


  • Reliability and quality of work
  • Service life 15 years
  • light weight
  • Simple control


  • Lots of unimportant sensors
  • Batteries drain quickly

Price - 15 570 rubles

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