Electric wall-mounted fireplace in the interior: how to choose for an apartment - Setafi

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Not so long ago, only summer residents or owners of a private house could dream of a fireplace. It is necessary to follow fire safety rules, it is forbidden to install an open flame in apartments, and many other rules made the owners of small apartments to envy the homeliness of the dacha. Now everything has changed. A wall-mounted electric fireplace can become an integral part of the interior of any city apartment.

The content of the article

  • What is an "electric fireplace" anyway?
  • Features of a wall-mounted electric fireplace
  • What is worth a look
  • How to install such a "miracle" in your home

What is an "electric fireplace" anyway?

Outwardly, such a device may not differ at all from the usual open fire - the realism of smoldering firewood and the sounds of cracking wood add a few ticks to the piggy bank of an electric fireplace. It doesn't look like an ordinary picture on the wall: halogen lamps, fan-cooled fabric and three-dimensional mirrors create the feeling of being near a country wood fire.

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Features of a wall-mounted electric fireplace

The flat wall mounted fireplace is compact and easy to use. For wall-mounted models, it is not necessary to pre-prepare the area for installation, and in terms of electricity, such devices are not voracious. What matters here is which option you choose for yourself: an exclusively decorative model or with a heating function. The second option, of course, will consume more electricity, but the heating function will justify itself.

Of course, a wall-mounted fireplace will not give you 100% realism of being near a real wood-burning fireplace. However, simulation technology has advanced to such an extent that sometimes it will even seem to you that the wall in the apartment is on fire. Come to your senses in time so as not to call the firemen again!

As mentioned above, there are several types of wall-mounted electric fireplaces for an apartment:

  • only as a decoration (picture against the background of the wall);
  • with the additional function of heat radiation.

A decorative fireplace can be installed not only at home: in the office, a pleasant fire will relax employees during steaming, and in a cafe an additional effect of warmth and comfort will be created.



What is worth a look

Before buying, it is important to think about what features you want from a new interior element. If only aesthetic pleasure - there are many options for fire: a static picture, a slide show or three-dimensional graphics.

In heaters, take a closer look at the power of the fireplace - it varies up to 2 kilowatts. This is quite enough to heat a room of about 20 squares. Pay attention to models with a control panel and a temperature sensor - you yourself set the parameters that you consider necessary.

How to install such a "miracle" in your home

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces can either be built into the wall or mounted on mounting strips. To prevent the device from falling, it is worth checking the safety and strength of the assembly line several times.

The most popular are “wall-mounted” electric fireplaces, mounted on a mounting plate. It comes with the device or is additionally purchased from the store. For a brick or concrete wall, it is enough to put a fireplace on a few dowels, and for a plasterboard frame, you should be smart and come up with a stronger installation. A few bars on self-tapping screws are quite suitable, because on one bar several tens of kilograms will not sag for a long time.

Also, a wall-mounted fireplace in the interior can look like a continuation of the wall, if it is “embedded” in a plasterboard frame. To do this, you need to fix a drywall frame on the wall, into which you then need to “seat” the future fireplace.

Attention: do not place the device near other household appliances (TV sets, landline telephones, etc.), because the generated heat can be dangerous for them!

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