Why does the washing machine tear clothes when washing? Causes, consequences and solutions of the problem - Setafi

If the washing machine tears things during washing, the reasons are associated with various factors, and sometimes they are associated only with the clothes themselves. The first action in such cases should be a careful inspection of the drum. It may have notches, but if they are not, the violation occurs due to worn bearings. A description of the main causes and methods of repair is presented in the article.

The content of the article

  • Why do things break
  • What to do if things are torn
    • Foreign objects have entered the drum
    • Malfunction of the drum, hatch
    • If the machine is vertical
    • Wrong mode selected
    • Worn bearings

Why do things break

The reasons why laundry is torn are not necessarily related to the washing machine itself. If this is observed for the first time, for sure the linen has certain metal inserts and other sharp elements. However, there are other explanations for why the machine tears the laundry:

  1. There are damages on the inner surfaces of the drum, for which tissues cling. They are usually small and difficult to see, but can be felt if you pass your hand over them.
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  3. Another explanation for why the washing machine tears things is due to the fact that the drum is loose, unstable, especially during intensive rotation.
  4. If the unit is equipped with a top load, it may have protruding parts or notches of plastic - this is the reason why the washing machine tears clothes.
  5. Finally, in some cases, the reasons are objective and related to the characteristics of the washing itself, for example, high temperature and strong rotation of the drum. Some delicate fabrics or fine fabrics may not withstand these conditions.
  6. Also, the washing machine tears things in cases where a “powerful” powder is used, which includes many active ingredients.
  7. Finally, it is possible to explain why the washing machine tears things up with foreign objects that sometimes fall into the drum (for example, small locks, rhinestones, latches, decorative elements).
Why does the washing machine tear things

What to do if things are torn

First you need to figure out the reason why the machine tears things when washing. If the problem is exclusively related to clothing, you need to wash it in special bags. This is especially important in the case of bras, shoes and other non-standard items.

However, the explanation of why the machine tears things can be built in another way. If the causes are directly related to the incorrect operation of the device, the problem can be solved independently, guided by the instructions described.

Foreign objects have entered the drum

If too much stuff gets into the drum, it can lead to quite serious consequences. Such items can damage clothes, that is, become the reason why the washer tears things. There is no problem if they remain in the drum, but it also happens that they fall into the tank. Then you have to remove the top panel and carefully inspect the interior, removing things.

To prevent such a situation, before each wash, you need to inspect clothes, open every item, especially carefully check pockets, including inside pockets.

Why is the washing machine tearing things

If the clothes do not have any sharp objects, and the washing machine spoils things, then you need to inspect the unit itself. For example, a small bolt or other objects with sharp edges may get stuck in the drum or in the rubber cuff, which led to a malfunction.

Inspect the cuff and drum very carefully using a bright flashlight. The stuck items can be very small. Therefore, the cuff is unbent and palpated by hand. If there is a hole, a stuck bolt, the seal will have to be changed.

Malfunction of the drum, hatch

Very often, the washing machine tears things in cases where there are protruding parts or other defects on the surface of the hatch or drum. To solve the problem, you should carefully inspect the drum. It is quite simple to do this if the machine is of a horizontal loading type. For inspection, they also use a flashlight and carefully feel the surface with their hands to make sure there are no chips or burrs. It must be understood that even a small injury leads to tissue damage.

If you can’t find a chip, and the washing machine tears the laundry, then you can use a stocking pulled over your arm or take tights. The hand is drawn along the entire internal contour. If there is a burr, they will be damaged - a puff will appear, which clearly indicates a malfunction.

To eliminate such damage, leading to the fact that the washing machine tears things during washing, you can use ordinary sandpaper. Stripping is carried out not too fast movements, so as not to scratch the surface of the drum itself.

If the machine is vertical

If the washing machine tears things, the reasons are most often associated with various kinds of defects. Moreover, this phenomenon is observed both in classical models and in devices with vertical loading. In the latter case, the problem may appear due to the fact that the door is slammed too hard.

Over time, this can lead to partial damage to the plastic layer, the appearance of chips. Linen will cling to these small burrs - then it is clear why the machine tears things when washing. In such cases, it is necessary to replace the blocker. Moreover, during the repair it is better not to use the device so as not to damage the clothes.

Vertical type machine

Wrong mode selected

If holes appear on the clothes after washing, and the surface of the drum is perfect, the reason is probably due to the fact that the user has set the wrong mode. For example, if you wash a silk fabric in the "Synthetics" mode, this will definitely have a bad effect on clothes. Intensive wash cycles with a spin cycle are not suitable for certain types of fabrics, for example:

  • silk;
  • woolen;
  • nylon;
  • polyester;
  • cambric;
  • cashmere;
  • microfiber.

Things with decorative elements, trim, such as lace, rhinestones, ruffles and others, may also suffer. They need to be washed on a delicate cycle or even by hand. Spinning in such cases is not allowed.

Worn bearings

Finally, to explain why the washing machine tears clothes, you can wear the bearings. Even if the drum itself looks quite normal, it can rotate incorrectly and give a lot of misalignment that the rubber cannot compensate for. Things fall into this gap, because of which they are torn.

In such cases, it will be necessary to repair the bearings, you need to act as follows:

  1. Remove all panels from the front, back and top of the machine.
  2. Disconnect the parts, including the shock absorber and counterweight.
  3. Remove tank.
  4. Remove bearings and install new ones.
  5. Install each spare part in place and check how the unit works.

If the washing machine tears things, you need to figure out what is the reason. As a rule, this can be done independently, without inviting a specialist. But if the repair is rather complicated, it is better to contact a professional.

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