How to work as a perforator? The device and operating modes of the puncher - Setafi

There are several ways to work with a puncher. The tool functions in several modes, the main ones are drilling, slotting and drilling. For proper operation, you need to set the switch and hold the device firmly. The main features of the use are described in detail in this material.

The content of the article

  • Tool device
  • Operating modes
    • drilling
    • Hammer drilling (drilling)
    • chiselling
    • Reverse
    • Other modes

Tool device

To understand the punch, and how to use it, you should familiarize yourself with the device of this tool. It is a mechanism powered by an electric motor. It consists of 5 main components, indicated in the diagram.


The main element is an electric motor. When the chain is started, it begins to rotate rapidly, due to which the nozzles rotate and at the same time make shock movements. The main parts of the engine are the rotor, as well as the stator mechanism. Each of them has several windings that create electromagnetic fields.

The coils are brought out to the armature contacts. Due to the fact that the windings are switched, force fields are created that rotate the rotor. All perforator modes work on this principle.

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Another element is the safety clutch. It is necessary to stop the rotation of the cartridge in case of jamming of the working nozzle. The coupling is mounted on each device, otherwise the tool will “turn” out of the hands, which can lead to injury.

The next component is the percussion mechanism. It provides all the ways how to work with a hammer drill on concrete and other surfaces. In practice, 2 types of mechanisms are used:

  • pneumatic;
  • mechanical.

Most often, the first option is used. When the main shaft rotates, the “drunk” (also called oscillating) bearing moves forward and transmits momentum to the ram, which is part of the cylinder. It contains compressed air, which pushes the piston. At the same time, the striker hits the working part of the cartridge. And the drill, fixed in the cartridge, hits directly on concrete or other surface.


A cartridge must be included in the device of the Makita puncher or other models. It can be 2 types of SDS - plus and max. In the first case, the shank is clamped with 2 locking balls.


In the second case, tools with other types of shanks are fixed in the chucks.


Operating modes

There are different ways how to work with a puncher. The tool operates in 3 main modes. Some models have additional options as described in the following sections.


To work in this mode, you need to set the switch to the place marked "drill". The device is used for drilling to form holes in wood, metal and other objects. In fact, it works by analogy with a drill. You need to install the drill in the right place and get to work.

Hammer drilling (drilling)

Some materials, such as brick, reinforced concrete and concrete, are particularly dense. Therefore, drilling them is very difficult. To understand how to properly use a hammer drill in this case, you should use the hammer drilling mode.

To do this, the switch is placed opposite the designation of the drill and hammer. The tool rotates and performs translational movements at the same time. This is a special mode of operation, which involves the use of special drills made of carbide materials. They destroy even reinforced concrete structures and at the same time provide safety for the operator.


The operating modes of the puncher allow you to perform different tasks. For example, if you need to hammer concrete, you should set the switch to the hammer position. Then the mechanism does not rotate, but moves exclusively reciprocating. To do this, you need to use a spatula, chisel or pike. When working in impact mode, it is necessary to hold the tool very firmly, since considerable force is required.



To understand how to work with a puncher, you also need to master the reverse mode. This is the reverse stroke, which is needed in cases where the drill is stuck in the surface. All instruments are equipped with this function, but the technical solutions are different.

In inexpensive models for domestic use, electric reverse is used. In professional devices, a gearbox with mechanical shifting using gears is more often installed.

Other modes

On expensive perforators, additional options can be installed. For example, there are models with bit rotation. Due to this, after each blow, the chisel is rotated one degree or another. The tool is less likely to get stuck in concrete, so it's easier to work.

Regardless of the selected mode, you should carefully study how to hammer a wall with a puncher. The tool is powerful and requires safety precautions. Therefore, the operator must wear a mask and goggles. If the hole is too long, you should start with small drills, working gradually. Before you begin, it is recommended that you carefully inspect the tool to make sure it is in good condition and complete.

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