How to install roof fans yourself? – Setafi


Previously, on the roof of residential or public buildings, a dormer window was used as ventilation. This is a small window that adds natural light to the attic and ventilates the entire room in the attic and lower floors. In our article, we will talk about an advanced alternative to this design - a roof fan, which can be installed literally without special knowledge and skills. The main thing is the correct sequence of actions. In just 2 minutes you will have a universal "tablet" for roof installation work.

The content of the article

  • What you need to know before installing a roof fan
  • How the roof fan mounting system works
  • Installing a roof fan - the correct procedure
    • Units for installing a roof fan on the roof
    • Fastening structures

What you need to know before installing a roof fan

If you are just thinking about such a system, we will now tell you which of the fans will definitely suit you.

So, in the store, the seller can talk about several options for ventilation, both general and specialized. For example:

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  • heat-resistant - the fan is installed on the roof to remove smoke in case of fire;
  • explosion-proof - get rid of explosive gases in the room.

The simplest systems, if you do not need the format presented above, ensure that there is no condensation in the house and provides a constant flow of fresh air. Constant ventilation eliminates harmful gases, odors from the kitchen, bathroom and other foreign mixtures, which definitely should not be in a private house.

An important function of ventilation is that it works more efficiently than ever in a fire - most of the carbon monoxide under the influence of "blowing" by propellers is removed outside the fire area. Believe me, in difficult times it can save a life.

How the roof fan mounting system works


The main details in this system:

  • frame;
  • electric motor;
  • shaft with blades;
  • subframe;
  • mounting bowl;
  • pallet;
  • protective visor.

The working part is mounted on the engine shaft, without any drive. Therefore, the system moves only in the horizontal plane. Check valves do not allow air from the apartment to get back.

Axial fans have a propeller that brings the flows out along its axis. Radial models are different: first, air enters the housing, then the motor adds speed to the flow, and only then pushes it through all the tubes out of the room.

Installing a roof fan - the correct procedure

Before starting work, inspect the device: we need to understand the further scheme for installing the fan on the roof. Pay attention to the type, dimensions, angle of inclination of the blades of the mechanism.

Units for installing a roof fan on the roof

If your visor is made of delicate materials, then it is worth developing an individual project for installation. This is because the features of the coating are different and it is difficult to pick up the right scheme offhand. Further actions are performed in the same order as for the rest.

For a hard roof, you can proceed to install the roof fan on the glass. This "bowl" is made of galvanized steel. If your house already has ventilation outlets in brick or concrete, use them as a place for a glass. Believe me, save a lot of time.

If there are none, then we install the glass under the roof fan vertically directly on the base of the coating. The height of the glass is 40 cm, and the diameter is derived from your needs.

After fastening, we insert a pallet that will not let debris into the system. It is mounted on bolts or screws. And inside we mount the fan itself.

Fastening structures

Before installing the motor itself, check if there is an anchor inside the mounting cup - the diameter must fully correspond to the mounts on the electric motor.

Further, the machine itself rises to the roof with a manipulator or crane. If you don’t have a nearby crane, or don’t want to spend money, assemble a simple construction winch. Before immersing the fan in the glass, cover the latter with a rubber gasket. Next, insert the anchor bolts into the places marked on the bowl.

There must be a gap between the component structures. To remove it, knead the cement mortar and cover the plane with a dense layer. Sealant can also be used if the fan is installed on a glass that has been standing for a long time.

At the site of the breakdown in the roof, we close up all the holes with heat-insulating elements. As they say, so as not to blow away. Remember: all the work will be done correctly only if you take your time and do everything wisely!

When all installation work is completed, you can connect the device to a power outlet and observe the result.

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