In this article we will talk about what it is - a water ionizer, what is the use of it and whether it is worth doing additional water treatment at home. Get comfortable, we're getting started!
The content of the article
- How does a water ionizer work
- Why do you need a water ionizer and is there any real benefit from it
- What effect does the water ionization system have on the body?
How does a water ionizer work
The production of ionized liquid was still being studied at the beginning of the last century. It was "conventional" to think that all water should be treated with a silver object or baking soda. So it turned out without harmful bacteria and improved well-being.
It is worth saying that this method does not bring a significant transformation of water, since to begin with a full-fledged chemical reaction lacks one important element - a constant electric discharge.
What is water ionization? The ionizer is a compact water treatment equipment. It has several chambers that allow the production of acidic or alkaline water for domestic use. How the water ionizer works:
- The primary liquid enters the device, passes through the filtration system. Under the influence of the filter, heavy metals, salts, sand and other pollutants are removed from the water.
- The filtered water goes to the next compartment. An electric element is placed in it - here the orders of charges of the elements of the liquid are compared.
- By the way water passes through the ionization machine, special compartments are replenished with a ready-made liquid - alkaline. And already it is recommended to eat and just drink it. It contains useful elements (calcium, potassium, etc.), it is also used as a bactericidal agent and for traditional medicine.
Why do you need a water ionizer and is there any real benefit from it
The constant use of water from the ionizer, enriched with a huge amount of useful micro and macro elements, should be carried out systematically - otherwise the effect will be invisible or minimal.
Installation of a stationary ionizer of one of the types allows you to develop the habit of constant use of harmless water, which gives vitality and tone to the body.
Additionally, the purchase of a device with ionizing properties guarantees a constant source of "living" water for cooking. You can drink water with pleasure and not be afraid of harmful impurities - they are simply no longer there, even if they were in the initial version.
It is worth saying that if you violate the rules for using a household appliance (for example, you forgot or simply do not drain the remnants of the processed liquid, do not clean it in time the inside of the device from the products of the ionizer, the filter is replaced at the last moment), there is a high probability of getting very harmful water with a high concentration ions. And this option can neither be drunk nor used for cooking. But there is also an alternative.
Solutions of high concentration are used for inhalation, healing baths or lotions. But if water gets into the internal paths, then the result is deplorable. At least - long-term malaise.
To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, you must constantly check and clean your ionization device. Do not forget about the timely replacement of filters and other consumables, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Always read it, because there is a lot of useful information.
What effect does the water ionization system have on the body?

Water obtained from the electrolyser. Back in the 90s of the last century, scientists from the country of the “Rising Sun” established that in order to get at least some effect from alkaline water, you need to drink at least 7-10 liters of it a day! Therefore, it is not worth worrying about the fact that constantly drinking alkaline water is useful. Despite the fact that the average consumption of mineral water is a liter per day.
You can read additional scientific articles or publications in journals. There is only one conclusion - even in Japan it has become a ban to say that alkaline water is beneficial for the human body.
There is also an opinion that such a solution disinfects the body and treats skin diseases. It's also a very contradictory statement. A study was conducted, during which it was found out about the complete inefficiency of electrolyzer devices in the treatment of dermatological diseases.
In the same study, it was partially confirmed that water from the electrolyser accelerates wound healing. But large scientific studies have not yet been carried out.
The only option where alkaline water is actively used is hemodialysis. But there, filters are used not to obtain drinking water, but to extinguish the elements of hemodialysis. You understand the principle of operation and the effect of a water ionizer. Let's move on to the next option.
Hydrogen with elements of hydrogen. This version of “ionized” water has not been thoroughly studied. It is assumed that hydrogen placed in a liquid medium should act on the principle of an antioxidant.
This is a substance that neutralizes the "bad oxygen" that destroys our tissues.
Studies carried out on other types of antioxidants (C, E) have shown that they are inactive against diseases of the heart, for the lungs, are absolutely useless for cancerous tumors and improvement of mental abilities.
Water obtained by ionization of metals. Water with useful metal particles is not yet used anywhere. The world health system believes that the effect of disinfecting drinking water in this way has not been proven. And in general, metal ions almost do not cope with harmful bacteria and viruses. Or they work too long. For example, an ionizer can eliminate hospital pneumonia in only 6-72 hours!
Conclusion: water with silver ions does not affect the human body in any way - either positively or negatively.
What do you know about what a water ionizer is for? Did you use it yourself and get any effect? Share information with our readers in the comments! Good luck to everyone and see you soon!