How to water the garden without a watering can, homemade options

Walking in the garden with a watering can is hard and thankless work. If it is too big, then it is uncomfortable to wear and requires great physical effort. And if it is too small, you will have to constantly fill it up, making throws to the water tap. But there are many ways to do without a watering can in the garden and at the same time not leave the planting without moisture.

The content of the article

  • How to water the beds without a watering can?
    • Drip irrigation
    • Individual watering
    • Watering with a wick
    • Sprinklers
    • Hoses

How to water the beds without a watering can?

Most garden plantings, including trees and shrubs, are sensitive to lack of moisture. Without water, useful substances and vitamins do not enter the soil, due to which development is very slow and bad.

Each plant needs to be provided with moisture by any of the proposed methods.

Manual irrigation is the most common. Our grandmothers also watered the garden with a bucket or watering can, carrying huge weights. Today, sprayers and watering systems are very popular, but they also need to be periodically filled with liquid.

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We offer several irrigation alternatives gardens, which significantly save time and facilitate the physical labor of the gardener.

Drip irrigation

It can be organized in different ways. For example, stretch hoses between the beds and make small holes in them. After turning on the tap, water will begin to drip slowly, filling the soil with moisture.

It is best to run such a system at night.

If there are no extra hoses in the garden, we suggest hanging plastic bottles with a cut bottom over the beds with plantings. First, small holes are made in the lid of the container. All that is required from the gardener is to fill the bottles with water in advance.

drip irrigation

Individual watering

Some plants (tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and other vegetable plantings) require regular watering. We also suggest using plastic bottles, but do not hang them, but dig them a little near each bush.

First you need to cut off the bottom of the container and make medium-sized holes in the lid. Now it remains only to periodically fill the containers with warm water.

individual watering


Watering with a wick

The easiest and most affordable option, which experienced gardeners are happy to use. For implementation, unnecessary containers will be required - they are dug into the ground next to the plantings. Then they take a dense cord or tourniquet, which is also stretched between crops, buried in the ground.

We send the second end to a container, which we then fill with water. In this way, the liquid enters directly into the root system, without requiring further loosening.

watering with a wick


If there is a financial opportunity to install sprinklers in the garden, this will be the right decision. Turning on at a certain time or at the request of the gardener, they irrigate all plants in a given radius with small droplets of moisture.

You can take water from the general water supply system or prepare huge containers in advance and accumulate rain moisture, which is then also used.



A budget replacement for sprinklers is to stretch hoses between the beds or buy at least one long one. It includes water and all available plants are watered from above. If you put your finger on the edge of the hose, it will spray liquid like a watering can.

watering from a hose

These are affordable options that can easily take root in the garden and help you water the garden faster than with a watering can.

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