The device of the lawn mower: the principle of operation of the trimmer, its varieties and device diagrams - Setafi


An electric trimmer accidentally broke down, and you don’t even know a primitive equipment diagram? It is difficult to understand the details: what and where to twist, where to insert and what part do you need to buy? We will help you understand how the line grass trimmer works by providing some useful tips and notes. This article is aimed at helping a beginner to understand the device of a lawn mower and an electric analogue, to understand the principle of operation and its components. Let's get started!

The content of the article

  • Electric scythe and gasoline model devices
    • Engine and working part
    • Structural basis: handle-mounts and rod device
    • Belt system
    • Working basis: what is hidden in it
    • How does a gas and electric trimmer work?
  • What are the features of a gasoline and electric spit
  • How does a gas trimmer work and what are its main differences
  • How does an electric trimmer work?
  • What other options for trimmers can be found
  • How to set up the trimmer before work

Electric scythe and gasoline model devices

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Structural part and el. the trimmer circuit is no different from model to model, so we will analyze all the parts in stages. The electric trimmer circuit is quite simple, and even a beginner can easily figure it out.

Engine and working part

The device of any electric trimmer is presented as follows: a motor, a shaft and cutting components are attached to a long metal pipe. They can be located either close to one, or in different parts of the instrument (top and bottom, which is more favorable for work). The structure is connected by a strong rod - a shaft. Shaft installation is determined by several options:

  1. In a straight bar, the design is simple: rotational actions are transmitted from the engine to the working spindle, and it starts the cutting head of the device.
  2. A flexible cable is attached to the curved rods inside - there is no shaft as such.
  3. If the engine in the electric trimmer circuit is located at the bottom, then it does not need a shaft at all. Everything works directly: from the motor, the working moment is transmitted directly to the spool, without "intermediaries".

Structural basis: handle-mounts and rod device

The bar differs in its density. In electric trimmer devices, there are flexible, straight or retractable (telescopic) rods. In the middle of the bar is the basic electronics that starts the device: a stopper, start and speed settings buttons, a cable for adjusting the supply of gasoline (for lawn mowers).

The handle can be moved at any time in order to simplify the work with the device. It is enough to unscrew a few hex bolts and set the optimal distance. You will not break anything in the principle of operation of a gasoline trimmer!

Belt system

Often, if the braid is too heavy, an additional belt is included. It is installed on a separate trimmer mount and reduces the load on the body of the worker, and also increases the stability of the device in the hands. This is especially important when you are using steel knives.

Working basis: what is hidden in it

how-to-adjust-a lawn mower

To protect the mower, a plastic protective cover is installed in front of the working part itself. It also allows you to set the optimal line distance so as not to mow with meter-long pieces of wire - they will get tangled and will not give any effect on the grass.

What can be installed on the spool:

  • Line reel (for plastic wire);
  • Plastic knives (typical for an electric trimmer);
  • Steel knives with sharp teeth (for lawn mowers).

There are semi-automatic reels. Their plus is that they independently push the fishing line when you press the mowing surface. The main thing is to monitor the amount of wire in the line stacker. Excess length, if it turned out to be pulled out, is cut off with a blade on a plastic casing.

How does a gas and electric trimmer work?

The garden tool works like this: when you start the motor and press the button, the shaft starts to rotate. The movement from the motor is transmitted along the shaft (if needed) to the working spindle. A nozzle (fishing line or knife) is pre-installed on it. When touching grass or weed at high speeds (from 3 to 12 thousand revolutions per minute), the nozzle cuts off the surface. The quality of mowing directly depends on the speed of the trimmer and the serviceability of the working nozzle.

What are the features of a gasoline and electric spit

Several performance indicators depend on the type of tool and the energy used by it: productivity, maintenance, speed, weight and other points. We will analyze the features of the device of electric and gasoline trimmers separately.

How does a gas trimmer work and what are its main differences

The main thing to highlight is that the motor is located only on top. There is also a fuel tank and a starter. The internal combustion engine operates in several stages before the direct supply of the working torque to the shaft:

The flow of the fuel mixture into the chamber (the composition of gasoline and oil in a ratio of 1 to 50);

  • Compressing the mixture;
  • fire;
  • Formation of combustible gases;
  • Combustion products push the piston system, releasing energy for working movements.

There are two types of engines used in gasoline vehicles: two-stroke and four-stroke. The first system makes only two movements in one cycle - up and down, and the crankshaft rotates once. Accordingly, in four-stroke - 4 revolutions and 2 rotations of the crankshaft.

For a two-stroke engine, regular gasoline cannot be used. It is necessary to knead a special composition with oil in a ratio of 1:50. Everything is poured into another type of engine separately: gasoline in one container, and the oil part in another. Each of the substances is not mixed with the other in the process of work.

The 4-stroke version is more powerful and economical than the 2-stroke version; noise and vibration is also lower than the competitor. However, 2-stroke variants are quite popular as they are comparatively cheaper and easier to manufacture. You will find motors in the most popular models of mowers (for example, "Stihl" or "Bosch").

The gasoline engine is started with a lanyard starter. It is located behind the motor part. It is enough to pull the cord all the way a few times, and the engine will start. Before starting the starter, press the power button of the device, otherwise the circuit will not work.

There is also an analogue - an electric starter. It allows you to start the machine with just one push of a button or turn of a lever.

To turn off the power of the device, just press the button on the handle. The number of revolutions per minute is also regulated there. The easiest way is by pressing the trigger.

The petrol trimmer can run on one petrol for about 40-60 minutes. It is recommended to take breaks every 15-20 minutes so that the motor does not overheat, then your device will last much longer than with continuous operation - proven by experience and practice.

How does an electric trimmer work?

How does an electric trimmer work? The engine no longer runs on fuel, but on a 220-volt network or battery.

If in the first option the radius of work is limited by the length of the cable or extension cord, then in the second option - by the battery charge.

Electric models differ from gasoline ones in low power. They are great for mowing the lawn, but hardly for working on strong weeds. In addition, it is not recommended to install metal knives on them - only plastic or fishing line.

The motor in electrical devices is located both below and above. To start the device, the starter is not needed - just turn on the start button. This technique works for about 20-30 minutes without interruption, then it takes a little time for the motor to cool down.

What other options for trimmers can be found

Devices are divided not only by the quantity and quality of fuel, but also by design. It is customary to single out portable models (with handles and a belt) or on wheels - these are enough to start and just roll around the site.

There is also an "exotic" - gasoline trimmers with a backpack. It houses the engine, fuel tank and mounts. The basis is a flexible hose with a cutting part.

How to set up the trimmer before work

Before you start working on the site, you should perform the preparatory steps:

  1. Adjust the length of the handles and belt, lubricate the gearbox with a special compound.
  2. Check the condition of the filters.
  3. Fill the tank with compound or charge the battery (optional).
  4. Plug the electric trimmer into a power outlet.
  5. Wind the line on the spool before installation or prepare the knives.
  6. Inspect nozzles and stem for damage. Do not use knives with broken parts and without sharpening.

The procedure for preparing the device may differ depending on the characteristics and manufacturer of the braid, in which case the instructions from the manufacturer will never be superfluous. It is worth studying it in detail, and only then proceed to work on the basis of the read rules and regulations.

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