We determine which is better: a gasoline or electric saw (photo) - Setafi

An electric or gasoline chainsaw is a mandatory attribute of any builder and summer resident. This no longer requires proof or refutation - an indisputable fact. A saw that never fails in an important situation should always be at the hand of the master.

A power saw will cut branches in the garden, cut down large trees, install a roof frame and a dozen other important things around the house. Since everyone is already starting to forget about manual equipment - it is too outdated, it requires physical effort and a lot of time, then there is one question on the agenda of our article: which saw is better: gasoline or electric? This is what we will try to find out in just a few minutes. Go!

The content of the article

  • Which chain saw is better: electric or gasoline, by what criteria will we compare the tools
    • How reliability affects which saw is better: benzo or electric
    • Chainsaw or electric saw: which one to choose in terms of performance
    • Which saw is better and more economical: benzo or electric
    • What about instrument maintenance
    • Which saw to choose for the price: benzo or electric
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Which chain saw is better: electric or gasoline, by what criteria will we compare the tools

In Runet you will find the maximum number of classifications and differences, the better is a gasoline or electric saw. We will present our version of the comparison, which included:

  • Reliability.
  • Saw performance indicator.
  • Economy in fuel consumption.
  • Degree of service.
  • Price, where without it.

Before proceeding directly to comparing which is better: a gas or electric saw, let's outline the main differences. They are visible even to the naked eye.

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The gasoline-powered engine operates offline. The electric motor is tied to a 220 network, so the radius of its operation is significantly narrowed by the size of the wire and extension cord. Going far into the woods with an electric model is not possible unless you have a generator handy.

Electric loses at construction sites where there is no light; large garden and summer cottages - all according to the same criterion.

However, all these situations are isolated and extreme. In other options - why not buy a silent version of the saw that does not release gases and does not stink of gasoline and burning after work? In addition, it is also very lightweight.

So, which chainsaw is better: electric or gasoline - the question is always relevant. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in choosing a device, you need to determine the range of your tasks and capabilities.

  • Figure it out for yourself: what loads and tasks the saw will perform. You can even write everything down on a piece of paper so you don't lose anything in your head.
  • Also consider how often the device will be used by you during work, what daily loads the tool is waiting for, and so on.
  • Do not forget about the maintenance of the device: can you service the instrument yourself, or will you have to look for a familiar master?
  • Is there enough money to refuel a chainsaw with expensive fuel and oil.

Only after this short briefing can you move on to the next points of our comparison.

How reliability affects which saw is better: benzo or electric

The electric drive is easy, simple to learn and understandable even for a beginner. Although the gasoline scheme is productive and reliable. And how to be here?

The design of the internal combustion engine is such that the endurance of the circuit is initially much greater than the electric version. There's nothing to be done.

The gasoline engine has more speed, but expensive materials are used for its production. They allow the system to work under prolonged loads and in different weather: even snow, even rain and slush.

The gasoline model has a much more perfect cooling system. Protection against overheating is also better: there is an air filter, there are sensors for controlling the inflow of heat and its removal from the system; the level of gasoline and oil is monitored for productive work. All this makes it possible to increase the resource intensity of a gasoline saw compared to an electric one of the same power.

With proper use of the device on gasoline, its engine will last 10 years or more, withstanding various loads even daily. This is definitely not under the power of an electric motor.

We conclude: for the construction of large structures and bulky work, give preference to a chainsaw, and for household small tasks, an electric saw model is enough.

All this, of course, is taken into account only when models from trusted manufacturers are compared. But in fact, it may turn out that the Husqvarna chainsaw rating will lose to the electric version just because the chainsaw is not original, but a simple copy. Pay attention to this when buying.

Chainsaw or electric saw: which one to choose in terms of performance

The performance of a saw is easy to determine: it is the amount of work performed by the tool for a specified period of time (minute, hour, etc.).

The productivity indicator is influenced by several factors, or rather, two:

  • saw motor power.
  • The quality of the saw consumable (chain).

If you are looking for an assistant for garden work without daily stress, then your option is a low-power electric saw. It will save you a lot of money, because you will not overpay for the extra power of the device (the power of such devices is about 2 kW and below).

For other jobs that require a "formidable weapon", you will also need a powerful electric motor or a 2-3 kW gasoline version.

An important point that everyone forgets: with the same engine power, gasoline saws are better than electric ones. Why? The first has a much higher efficiency (coefficient of performance). The engine power is transferred almost entirely to the cutting chain. The electrical efficiency is lower.

That is, a 3 kW electric saw and a chainsaw of the same power give a different effect when working.

In addition, electric drives are not installed more than 2.5 kW, and therefore they can be safely called amateur, and nothing else. However, this low power is offset by fuel savings and lightness of the device.

At chainsaws, the engine can stand at as much as 5-6 kW. These are professional models of saws that are used only for industrial cutting of timber. They are powerful, but overall and heavy, so they are not suitable for everyone.

Comparing the cutting parts and types of motor, it is worth saying that the gasoline version for the most part has a longer chain than the electric one. The advantage of a long tire is that it is easy to cut thick parts of trees and logs with it, the cut is made deeper and smoother.

But the tire of the electric saw works faster, and the hands do not have time to get tired of it. As you should have understood by now: for large tasks - benzo, for light ones - electric. Do not confuse, so as not to complicate your work and budget.

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Which saw is better and more economical: benzo or electric

Fuel prices skyrocket. To say that gasoline is now a luxury is like saying that the sky is blue. An indisputable fact.

An electric saw will cost less in terms of “refueling”, since we only need electricity to operate it. The device does not require constant filling of gasoline, it does not need to buy oil.

Also, the electric saw does not suffer from such worries as the constant replacement of spare parts and structural repairs. Bought and use.

A fuel-powered saw looks cost-effective in terms of where we need a large amount of work to be done. We save time and partly money by working with a fast and productive tool. Yes, and having bought one saw, albeit with minor repairs, you can use it to the full for several years in a row, which cannot be said about electric models.

What about instrument maintenance

The electric saw is an easy-to-maintain device, plus it is comfortable to use. Technical inspection stops at one moment - add oil to the crankcase and lubricate the chain. Nothing more is needed.

They also have a fairly simple preparation for work: plugged it into a power outlet and went to work. A gasoline saw is much more difficult to operate.

You will need to constantly replenish the chain lube with oil and carry out a complete maintenance of all parts of the tool. The motor requires regular cleaning and refueling with a properly mixed solution of gasoline and oil. And cleaning the filter and spark plugs is generally a chore.

When there is no time for a constant inspection of the device, but you just want to take it, turn it on and cut it, take a power saw. With it, life is easier and there are fewer problems. You just have to sacrifice performance and run time.

Which saw to choose for the price: benzo or electric

An electric saw for every task – saving not only in terms of time of use, but also in the purchase itself. This is because the models are somewhat cheaper than the gasoline counterpart. Low cost is not proportional to poor quality. This price is due to the fact that the electric motor is not as difficult to assemble as the internal combustion engine of a chainsaw.

The electric motor uses simple parts and materials. You will not find expensive chrome, steel or cast iron here; no combustion chambers, fuel tanks or spark plugs. Everything is primitive and at the same time works like clockwork.

A high-quality gasoline engine requires expensive materials, but it also works much longer than an electric one. For the daily routine, choose the right chainsaw and do not spare the budget for the tool. It is better to buy quality once than to spend money on mediocrity and donate hard-earned money several times later.

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