Good cleaning tips from a Jewish woman for cleanliness and order in the house

In general, cleaning for a Jewish woman is a special ritual. This is especially true of cleaning on Pesach - the central Jewish holiday in memory of the Exodus from Egypt, one of the three pilgrimage holidays. Moreover, while doing pre-holiday chores to restore order, a woman is obliged to remember some commandments that must be fulfilled during Pesach.

House cleaning in this case consists not only in washing the floor and dusting, but even eliminating the violation of some taboos associated with the presence of chametz - any flour dish, including bread, during the preparation of which the fermentation process occurred in the dough - in the house during the holiday Passover. However, this may only seem complicated and strange. In fact, Jewish women take on such a duty with ease, and the very expectation of the holiday brings joy.

But not only before Passover, women pay attention to cleaning. Their houses always smell clean and pleasant, there is nothing that could hint at the carelessness of the hostess.

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The content of the article

  • Jewish cleaning rules
  • Do not hide, but remove!
  • Special floor and room cleaning
  • Wall cleaning

Jewish cleaning rules

Jewish women do not do excessively hard work and unnecessary cleaning. They constantly maintain cleanliness in the house, which helps them to be famous for ideal housewives, who are always clean and tidy. Here are the most popular secrets used by Jewish women in everyday life.

Do not hide, but remove!

Most of us from time to time choose some secret place where everything that is possible is stored. Usually this process is called "then I'll clean up somehow." But then for some reason this does not come soon, because we often run the risk of getting a whole bunch of rubbish, which, whatever one may say, will have to be dealt with. And long and boring.

For Jews, it's different. They are not accustomed to masking the mess, but put things right in their places, and send the trash to the trash. Quite a practical and convenient habit that helps not to clutter up the house. Moreover, many Jewish housewives are sure that it is better to spend the whole day to find their place for each thing than to hide them in different corners in an attempt to restore order in the house.

If there is no place for something, then it is not so necessary.

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Special floor and room cleaning

Usually in Jewish houses, stone or tile is laid on the floor. True, in rare cases, wood and laminate are found. In any case, special attention is paid to flooring.

The floors are washed approximately once a week, but they do it very carefully. Even their process is different from ours. Jewish women pour water directly on the floor, then add a little cleaning agent there, and then simply brush the water into some corner, from where it is then collected. Then all floors are wiped dry.

Yes, mopping floors once a week seems to be not enough. But Jewish women have their own idea. To freshen the air in the house, they sprinkle water in the air and often wipe the dust.


Wall cleaning

In order to avoid an unpleasant smell in the house, Jewish women... wash the walls. According to them, this is what helps to keep indoor air clean. The walls are cleaned almost every week first with a brush, then wiped with a damp cloth soaked in water with the addition of essential oils, and then wiped dry. This is a very strange ritual, but it really perfumes the house.

Here are some simple tips from a Jewish hostess that help her keep her house clean. And which of these secrets do you use in everyday life?

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