Miter saw or circular saw, what to choose, which is better?

Many people believe that saws, despite the name, are similar to each other and can easily replace each other in work. However, this is not quite true. Each tool has its own purpose, a number of tasks that it can solve, so we advise you to choose the right device.

The content of the article

  • Which is better: a miter saw or a circular saw?
  • What is a miter saw?
  • Circular saw - what is it?

Which is better: a miter saw or a circular saw?

Beginning craftsmen often sin by replacing saws, who have not yet studied the clear purpose of a particular tool and do not use them for certain tasks. It is easy to explain: the working body of both devices is a round disk. At its core, a miter is the same circular, but fixed with a movable mechanism above the bed.

Before buying, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the purpose of each of them and choose the one that best meets the tasks.

What is a miter saw?

The trimming procedure is the precise cutting off of a piece of workpiece by a cross section. Most models are light and mobile, but there are also large stationary tools, and you can also install a mobile device and fix it over the workpiece.

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The size of the saw blade in it is usually 8-12 inches, which corresponds to 20-30 centimeters.

Application miter saw causes a clear transverse cut of the workpiece, and this can be done at any given angle. The operator makes only one quick movement - the material is cut. This is useful when you need to cut moldings, skirting boards or planks.

Miter saw

The main advantage of this type of tool is the ability to make an even and accurate cut even at an uneven angle. In addition, it is the most secure of the existing ones.

Craftsmen consider a miter saw to be a luxury, because it only makes small cuts up to 15 centimeters long. For sawing large workpieces, you will need a circular saw.

Circular saw - what is it?

Its difference is in the disk, often abrasive or having teeth, of a large size, which is capable of making long cuts. It moves around the axis, separating materials with any structure. First of all, a circular saw is used in working with wood.

You can install other disks on it and work with hard materials.

They are able to make long longitudinal cuts. Easily transported from place to place and work with almost any material when you install the appropriate attachment. Of the minuses - it is unsafe and requires skill, work experience for a competent cut.

a circular saw

When choosing a tool in the store, set a specific task. Only after evaluating your own capabilities and the nature of work from the workpiece, purchase the device.

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