Causes of swarming of the bees


Almost all apiaries have such a phenomenon as swarming of bees.Swarming is a natural process of breeding a bee familyand to force not to do it, it's like to forbid women to bear children. In order for him to apply to beekeepers, he should be kept under control. Timely warning and proper monitoring of the process will not allow families to be weakened. You can increase the apiary and by the time of the honey harvest you will get full-fledged families.


Table of contents

  • Why bees begin to swarm, reasons and how to fight
  • Signs of swarming family, season and methods of control
  • How to get out of the swarm state, what to do?
    • Catching a swarm with traps
    • Fishing without a trap
  • How to remove a bee swarm from a tree?
  • How to control and prevent swarming?
  • How to make artificial swarming of bees, what result?
    • Option 1: using a tapping from the nucleus
      • How to do it?
    • Option 2: divide the family by half
      • How correctly to divide?
    • Option 3: for bees in a swarm state
    • Option 4: Separations from different families
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Why bees begin to swarm, reasons and how to fight

  1. In the springStrong families accumulate a large number of young bees. They are not engaged in the work of fattening the brood. If at that time the plants are not yet able to extract nectar, then these bees remain without work and this family begins to swarm.
  1. If the hive has an old uterus. It does not give enough pheromones, because of this there are a lot of tinderies, construction activity goes down, which is the reason for the laying of queen cells.
  2. If you are on timedid not increase the shell on the hive.
  3. Badair exchange.
  4. The hive is tooa lot of bee brood.
For the timely detection of the state of swarming, the hives should be inspected once every 10 days.

Signs of swarming family, season and methods of control

In order to determine the state of swarming,you need to know the signs. There are several of them:

  1. In honeycombsa lot of drone brood.
  2. Before swarmingthe queen almost stops sowing the brood.
  3. On honeycombsappear queen cells.
  4. Bees cease to work and for the most partgather on the board.
  5. Increase volumehumming.

In order to more accurately identify the state, you canin the hive to establish a control frame. How to do it?

Divide the frame by half. In the lower part, pull the wax band, and the upper one should remain empty. If the bees calmly squeezes the honeycomb and fill it with honey, then everything is fine, but as soon as you see the queen cells and the drone brood - this starts the swarming process and you have to fight it.

Roy is ready to fly out in a short time - 8-9 days after seeding the queen. The first will fly only in sunny, windless weather, but the following can go anywhere.

Swarming periodusually occurs in bees for 2 months - May and early June. But this is not absolute, because there were cases in July and early August.


How to get out of the swarm state, what to do?

Which methods would not be used to prevent the swarming state, it should be prepared. In such casesyou should catch a flying swarm. Thus, we can strengthen weak families or create a new full-fledged family.What should be done for this?

  1. To have in stockempty hive.
  2. Before swarmingset traps.
  3. To buy bees for baitpreparations "Apiary" or "Apimil".
Roovni prepare from autumn. Rinse with boiling water. Dry and store. Paint, if the old paint is scraped and aerate the smell. For catching, you need to have 2-3 traps.

You can catch a swarm in many ways.

  • traps;
  • without traps.

Catching a swarm with traps

Traps or swarms should be prepared in advance. If you do not want to use the purchased ones, then put it together. For more successful catching, put 2-3 traps.

The trap for the swarm

Roevnia looks like a box with a lid. It should be a capacity of at least 50 liters, because more often a large mass of bees and a trap of a small volume may not attract their attention. Drill in it the chute and ventilation holes. Put the frame with the sushi. They should be 5-8 pieces. To attract bees, grease with preparations or grind pine needles.

Do not put honeycombs in a trap. They will attract ants and other insects.

To set traps, choose quiet, low-lying places. It should not be far from the apiary. Most often, bees choose spruce and pine for swarming. At an altitude of 6-8 meters, secure the wire with a wire. To strengthen it is necessary it is strong, that from a wind they did not reel.

If you did everything correctly and the bees colonized the trap, they should be carried to a hive.Bear bees need late at night, when all the bees will fly to the village. Close the tapholes and carefully remove the trap from the tree. Put another on this place.

In the beehive, which is prepared in advance, transplanted the caught swarm.Before transplanting, examine the frames from the rovney, if they are bad, then remove them, and shake the bees in the beehive. When you look around, find the uterus and make sure that she and the bees have got into the hive. Put the missing number of frames with the drying and waxing. Cover with cover and cover. A trap for a while is recommended to be placed near the hive, so that the bees that have lagged behind are flocking to the evidence.

After successfully transferring the bees from the rovney to the hive, the trap should be cleaned and re-installed for capture.

Fishing without a trap

Instead of a rookery for catching bees, you can use the lower shell of the hivedadana or sunbed. To do this, you need to put it about fifty meters from the apiary. In it to put 8 frames with a drying and to rub attracting smells. In this wayYou can collect 2-3 swarms per season. The advantage of this method is that after catching the bees, it does not need to be moved anywhere. It develops a full-fledged family.

Monohull hive

The second way of catching.For him, it is possible to use ordinary carrying for frames. If you suddenly saw that the family is preparing to fight off, and you do not have a roving at your fingertips, then take an ordinary carry or a box of the appropriate size. Put a frame in it or two with a sushi.Smear them and carry them to Apiroem.


As soon as the departed swarm gets hooked on some favorite tree, put it on your head and slowly walk under it. After a while, the bees will begin to sink to the box. Do not be afraid, bees in this state do not sting.The main thing is not to make sudden movements. As soon as you feel that the box starts to be heavier, move even more slowly to collect as many bees as possible and it is important that the uterus descends into the box. As soon as she descends into it, then all the bees follow her.

After the bees are collected, it is also necessary to slowly take it off your head and hang it neatly on a branch or put it on a high stand.Do not put it on the ground, because if ants enter the box, the swarm will fly away. After a while, cover the drawer with a light cloth and leave it to cool. In the evening, pour the bees into a free hive or supplement them with a weak family.


How to remove a bee swarm from a tree?

The difficulty is to remove the swarm from the tree there. The main thing is not to miss this moment, because as soon as the bees are identified with housing, they will immediately fly away.To remove the swarm, use the following tools:

  1. Rovney.
  2. Scoop.
  3. Pulverizer with infusion of lemon balm.
  4. The stairs.
  5. Empty hives.
  6. The board is a trap.

If the swarm is at a low altitude, then it is easy to remove it. Suspend or set up a trap trapped with "Apiroy" and wait for the bees to gradually fly into it. Or we substitute a box under a swarm and shake it off with one motion. The remains can be collected in a scoop. Trap cover and leave until the evening.

A swarm on the tree

It is difficult to remove a swarm when it is caught in the top of a tree. In this case, you need to substitute a stepladder or a long ladder. Also use two poles. Attach a trap to one, to another hook.

Put a spray gun in your pocket and gently climb the stairs with the poles.

Before removing, spray the bees with water, so it will be easier to assemble them. Trap using a pole, bring a lump of bees. Hook the second pole hook the branch.Sharply and strongly enough, you shake the branch so that the ball falls into the rove. Try this one at a time. Now fasten the box to the branch and close the lid. The rest of the bees will crawl into it through the pilot hole.

If it is not possible to secure the trap, lower it to the ground and wait until all the insects are gathered. Now they can be transferred to an empty clue.

Put into evidence 2 frames with inoculation and bees will not fly away from it, but will work.

How to control and prevent swarming?

The process of swarming, how to control it, and prevent it is actual for both beginners and experienced beekeepers.

For a beginner in beekeeping, it is recommended to buy a breed of bees that are not prone to swarming. But such bees poorly collect nectar, compared with the ruffed bees. After allwhat is the swarmingIs the reproduction of bees. The natural, natural process that serves as a stimulating factor for them.

Experienced beekeepers can always determine the swarm condition of bees and, if possible, prevent it. The main thing in controlling this issue is the constant presence of the beekeeper near the bees.In the swarming season, it is recommended to organize a stay or for some time to stay.

What should I do to stop the swarming process?Advice of experienced beekeepers:

  • buy beesnot prone to swarming;
  • regularlychange old queens;
  • remove queen cellson the cells;
  • do not put an apiary underscorching sun;
  • in a timely manneradd enclosuresstrong families;
  • excess broodin strong families (from such families it is necessary to make layers);
  • absence of a bribeleads the family into a swarm state.

If all conditions are met, the risk of swarming of the bees will decrease.


How to make artificial swarming of bees, what result?

Why do experienced beekeepers perform artificial swarming? itIt is necessary in order to deduce the bees from the swarm stateon the apiary and increase the number of families (Taranov's method).

To do this, respectively, you need to main honey. Educated new families will have time to settle in new houses.Artificial swarming is usually handled by beekeepers with experience. For a beginner, this is a complex process and takes a lot of time. But it is paid a hundredfold, since such families often work better than non-deferred ones.

There are several options for artificial swarming:

Option 1: using a tapping from the nucleus

Are usedLapping with uterus that wintered in the winter in cores. As a result, new families are developing rapidly. This is due to the installation of mature brood from a strong family.

Nuclei with layers

Such a family has time to get stronger to the main honey collector.

How to do it?

  1. Put an empty beehive next to that hive where it is planned to make a brood. In this case, the hive should be at the same height as the first, and painted in exactly the same color.
  2. In an empty beehive, put 2 frames filled with honey, perga. Also a frame with a sushi and 2 frames with a wax. In the center, leave room for two frames.
  3. Take from a strong familytwo frames with brood and bees. Put them in the center of the second hive (where you will settle a new family).
  4. In a new familywe place the purchased uterusor we put the queen cell out of which in the very near future will come out the uterus.
  5. The honeycombs needpour out two glasses of warm water.
  6. Cover it with a backing, a heater and a lid.
  7. Check this hive in 6-8 days. If the hive is left without the uterus, it is necessary to plant a new one, otherwise the uterus will not start the new seeding of the bee.

Option 2: divide the family by half

To divide the family by half. If it is strong and there is a large number of broods in it, then such a family can naturally breed, which distracts the bees from work and the time of the honey collection is lost, as well as the loss of bees.

How correctly to divide?

  1. Upon inspection, select the hive withstrong family.
  2. Deliverempty hivein 0.5 m from this hive.
  3. Pull outhalf the frames with brood and forage, and rearrange it into an empty hive.
  4. Add both beehives to thedrying and waxing.
  5. Close the hives.
  6. After a whilebees will be divided into two beehives.
  7. The new family shouldimplant a uterus.
  8. Graduallyhives need to be moved apart. Every day the distance is increased by 0.5 m.
  9. All this time beesthey feed sugar syrup.

Option 3: for bees in a swarm state

This option is usedwhen fighting the swarm condition of bees.

  1. From a strong familypull out 2-3 frames with brood and uterus.
  2. Transplant them intoempty hive.
  3. Deliverframeworks with drying between brood(1-2), and along the edges withwax.
  4. Beehive with a new familyput in place of the old.
  5. In the old hive to plant a young womb ormature motherhood.
The queen cells
  1. Youngwaterbefore the flight of the flying bee.

Option 4: Separations from different families

EmptyThe hive is collected from layers from different families. For this, a frame with brood from different families is taken and installed in a hive.

Make sure that the uterus from the old hives is not in this hive.

In the new nest, the uterus is plantedand insulate it. Put him in a new place. A young family needs careful monitoring.

The queen bee

Swarming - a complex process, but necessary for the apiary. In order to increase the productivity of the apiary, it needs to be controlled. If you create optimum conditions for bees and apply all methods to prevent swarming during the harvest, you can increase the apiary and collect an excellent honey crop.

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