Cleaning pipes with soda ash: how flushing works - Setafi

Cleaning pipes with soda ash is one of the effective ways to eliminate stubborn grease deposits on internal surfaces. You can also use the product together with baking soda, for example, to clean plumbing, tiles. Instructions for use are described in detail in this article.

The content of the article

  • Soda ash, caustic and baking soda: which is better
  • Instructions for the use of soda ash

Soda ash, caustic and baking soda: which is better

Often, the engine cooling system is flushed with caustic soda, it is also used to clean pipes and plumbing surfaces. Although in everyday life, soda ash and ordinary baking soda are also used. The general principle of action of all these agents is due to the fact that when dissolved in water, they give an alkaline reaction.

Numerous charged particles (ions) appear in the liquid, which interact with fats and literally break them down. But the described types of soda have an unequal effect. Therefore, it is useful to know, for example, how to wash aluminum radiators or plumbing. To do this, use the following tools:

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  1. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3).
  2. Calcined - sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).
  3. Caustic - sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda (NaOH).
Cleaning pipes with soda ash

The weakest effect is baking soda, since its alkaline reaction is not so strong. For example, a person can drink a fairly strong solution of this substance as a folk remedy for heartburn. Soda ash and especially caustic soda are much stronger. Their solutions are never used for food purposes and do not even allow contact with the skin, especially in the eyes.

Since caustic soda is of particular danger, soda ash is more often used for domestic purposes. This tool has several advantages:

  • perfectly removes fat, including stubborn;
  • gently cleans the surface of the toilet, tile, sink, bathroom;
  • reduces water hardness;
  • kills most known bacteria;
  • helps to cope with tissue pollution.

If you use sodium carbonate correctly, it has no disadvantages. But you need to remember that the substance absorbs moisture well and is quite dangerous. Therefore, it must be stored in a dry, child-proof place and as far away from food as possible.

Instructions for the use of soda ash

The tool can be used in different ways - dissolving in water or even in dry form. For example, to clean pipes, you can use the following instructions:

  1. Wear gloves, mask and goggles.
  2. Prepare a bucket of 10 liters.
  3. Use a scoop to measure and pour 2 kg of product.
  4. Fill with water almost to the top and mix thoroughly.
  5. You need to be prepared for the fact that the liquid will heat up a little, so it is better to use cold water (straight from the tap).
  6. Gently, in a thin stream, pour the solution into the pipe.

Cooking the entire volume at once is not worth it, since it is difficult to lift a 10 l bucket and regulate a small flow. In addition, 4-5 liters are enough for sewerage in an apartment building. Therefore, the indicated volume and mass of the agent can be divided by 2.

There is another way to use soda ash. It is mixed with food in equal amounts and a little water is added to get a gruel. This mixture is placed on the sink, toilet, tile or other surfaces. Let it sit for 30-60 minutes, then rinse with water.

Thus, soda is one of the best means to combat body fat. In fact, this is an alkali of different strengths. It is most effective to use caustic soda, but soda ash is safer. That is why it is often used in everyday life.

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