Heating stairwells of multi-storey residential buildings: what should be the temperature - Setafi

Heating of staircases is regulated by the current legislation, as well as regulatory documents - GOST and SanPiN. In accordance with their requirements, even in winter, the minimum temperature at the entrance should be + 14 ° C. If in fact it is lower, it is necessary to record this fact and submit an application to the management company. How to do this is described below.

The content of the article

  • Temperature standards at the entrance
  • The procedure for paying for heating in the entrance
  • What to do if it's cold outside

Temperature standards at the entrance

Heating of stairwells is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. One of them is GOST 30494-2011, which indicates what temperature should be maintained during the cold season. The optimal scores are:

  • corridor between apartments, vestibule from 18 to 20 degrees;
  • flights of stairs, vestibule, entrance from 16 to 18 degrees.

In the same document, the permissible temperature for rooms is prescribed:

  • corridor between apartments, vestibule from 16 to 22 degrees;
  • instagram viewer
  • flights of stairs, vestibule, entrance from 14 to 20 degrees.
Heating of stairwells

There are similar requirements for heating in the entrance of an apartment building and in SanPiN 2.1.22645-10. Thus, even in winter, the entrance should be warm enough - not lower than + 14 ° C.

In fact, a decrease in temperature is only allowed in the event of an emergency. Moreover, it must be eliminated urgently - from 4 to 16 hours. The total time for turning off heat supply both in the apartment and in the entrance should be no more than 24 hours per calendar month.

The procedure for paying for heating in the entrance

Heating of staircases in multi-storey residential buildings is paid for by all owners living in the building, as well as tenants using residential and/or non-residential premises. Until recently, there were different methods of calculation - in accordance with the readings of meters (if installed) or according to the standard.

However, from June 1, 2021, a new order was approved throughout Russia. In accordance with the amendments to Government Decree No. 344, heating in the entrance of an apartment building is carried out only according to the standard adopted in this region. In receipts, you can see different amounts, but in any case they should not exceed the standard value.

The rest of the payment rules have not changed and continue to be valid until now:

  1. The billing period is one calendar month.
  2. The payment system is credit, i.е. First, the consumer receives the service in full and only then must make the payment.
  3. Payment must be made by the 10th of the following month - otherwise the utility company has the right to charge penalties for each day of delay, as well as apply to the court for compulsory penalties.
  4. The fee is paid either only during the heating season, or in equal shares during all 12 months of the year.

What to do if it's cold outside

If the temperature in the entrance is below the established limits, it is necessary to act as follows:

  1. Document the fact - take a thermometer reading (preferably a few), take a photo and video.
  2. Make an application to the management company (it is advisable to apply to all residents of the entrance).
  3. Wait for the arrival of a specialist and the preparation of an act by him.
Heating in the entrance of an apartment building

The next step is to identify and eliminate the cause. It can be associated both with the heating system itself and with other factors, for example, old, uninsulated windows, freezing walls, etc. The terms of elimination, as a rule, are 30 calendar days. days.

If the breakdown is not found within the prescribed period, and it will still be cold in the entrance, the owners and tenants have the right to file a claim with the court. If the case ends in their favor, the management company will be obliged not only to eliminate the cause, but also to recalculate for the entire period.

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