At what height to hang the TV

Many are likely to be surprised, but in any operating instructions of the TV, there are indications, at what height to hang the TV. Often are a few ways that differ greatly. The instructions indicate how to and how not to hammer away at the wall, given the nuances: the depth of drilling, diameter hanging bolts and tools. I do not remember where so much the manufacturer takes care to not fall device. Modern TVs weigh and cost a lot, and fight easily.

How to hang a TV

Instructions for TVs are good, but the Russian language is often not completely rewritten. Ideally you should see the original publication before following the Russian-language paper. Head over to the LG, he caught the eye of the TV to the OLED 55EA980V. OLEDs have long used exclusively as backlight until the developments stable and long life. The difficulty is that the technical characteristics of the subpixels is strongly dependent on the color. For a long time aspect was considered a major obstacle.

Such a device even on Yandex-market costs from a quarter million. manual search returned no results: the official website of OLED TV in the section does not provide its name.

instagram viewer

The choice of the height

Copy the address bar, but it turns out that the site supports incremental search. We go into the body of the apparatus, on the OLED poke and see that the model is not available.

We go in search of the TV and trying to drive a name, get to the product page where the instruction is not present, it is already beginning to creep into the idea that there is no paper at all on the site. We go to the support and trying to drive in «55EA980V» line. There were instructions and patch software updates. Download and look at what's inside.

P.S.: Much faster will see the result when you click a button Technical support about the center of the right side of the page describing the product.

Instructions OLED 55EA980V TV with the LG website

LG is famous for its intricate guidelines. There's a good look for information on how to watch movies online via a special service. And at what height is best to hang the TV, you will have to think on their own. The fact that there is no table of contents. The site of the electronic vylozhenskrin the menu guide. How to install TV - is not clear. Hammered vpoiskovik «55EA980V guide" and swing the guide, as mentioned above, in the English language.

We describe it, so that readers are not looking at a site LG instructions, of which there is simply no. This policy of the company - do not upload all the documents.

Note. We are not responsible for what is written in the instructions LG ( site address) and for the quality of the translation Yandex.

Technical characteristics of OLED TV 55EA980V

Before attempting to hang OLED TV 55EA980V, see what it is. Please note that the specifications had to be taken to the Yandex-market. With remarkable patience and extract them from the official website on the tab specifications, but because of the layout information, learn the TV's weight is difficult.

Mounting the TV

  1. Screen size - 55 inches.
  2. Full HD resolution.
  3. Three digital television adapter - satellite, terrestrial broadcasting, cable TV.
  4. Weight 17.2 kg.
  5. The height of the TV without stand - 79.9 cm.
  6. TV Width - 122.7 cm.
  7. TV Depth - 19 cm 2.

The instructions on how to compile the nonsense written, comparable to what is written below.

Brackets for OLED TV 55EA980V

We are now looking to sell the bracket. For OLED TV 55EA980V dealer offered three options. Let us consider, to the extent possible, the availability of devices:

  • Kromax TECHNO-12 is a swivel bracket and is designed for a maximum weight of 30 kg. It says that it is designed for LED TVs up to 55 inches diagonal, fall into this category. We can hardly imagine why such a whopper rotate. Probably need a bracket to hang the TV on the ceiling arch. In this case, it makes sense to tilt. Handy tilt-swivel bracket for placement in the corner.

Adjusting the TV height

  • Bracket VLK PLB-4S for oblique hanging TVs up to 37-inches. The authors do not bother to compare the specifications of the model with the parameters of the fastening devices. This bracket is not suitable.
  • Wall bracket Tuarex ALTA-5007 does not apply for the same reason. Limit diagonal fixing - 42 inches. With the mind to study the information.

Helped experts call LG's Technical Support. This TV hung on the wall can not be in principle. A guide refers to a different model, but does not expressly stated. The result is a solution to the problem - brackets 55EA980V TVs do not exist in nature. Before buying we recommend to contact company specialists and specify the details. In this case, a small oversight on the preparation of the instruction manual does not turn into greater complexity, when money has already been paid. One dealer says that finding a bracket for this model possible.

More trust LG technicians as 55EA980V is the first OLED TV with a curved screen. Can he put in a closet or on a shelf, but with a better idea of ​​the bracket dropped. By the way, the great depth of the model is obtained by bending a large screen, and the display is flat as a rug. The rear wall of the OLED TV 55EA980V completely flat except for slots with connectors.

Setting the TV

Curved screen comes with a chic stand CrystalStand. It stretches along the length, but stands in the center and on the edges of a sufficient distance so that the TV does not fall. The stand CrystalStand is part of the speaker. Do not look where the column. Film ultra-thin invisible technology. We recommended to pay particular attention to the edges of the palm OLED TV 55EA980V, where there are clearly distinguishable rectangles - columns.

Touch operation of TouchScreen technology (more like a board b2b). Clearly discernible buttons pressed his fingers and placed on the bottom of the screen. Conveniently, but not to display soiled, it is better to use a remote control.

We mention that the room should not be strong drafts to review the object fell. Because of sail products OLED TV 55EA980V just blown away on the floor. A quarter of a million pieces of open windows.

At least three dealers said they hang the TV at eye level will not work

Brackets for television sets

Since I raised the issue of brackets for TVs, then let's see what happen. found:

  1. Fixed brackets for TVs.
  2. Inclined Brackets for television sets.
  3. Tilt-swivel brackets for TVs.

Examples have already led, see possible cost. Prices range from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand. rubles, if it was not an especially large specimens of household appliances. Tilt-swivel bracket for TVs VIVANCO 2566 / MA 6330 can withstand 100 kg and cost about 10,000 rubles. Online stores are filled with meager descriptions, but we are interested in locking system. Who tried to fix 100 kg, easy to understand what is at stake. Brackets for television sets are made of solid steel and the adjustment mechanism of the slope, probably step. Otherwise slip axle due to vibrations transmitted to passing traffic building.

Brackets for television sets easier controlled by the elongated slots, tighten the screws. For a 20 kg mass distributed over the screen area, and this lack.

You did not mention about the height of the calculation - it is obvious. Note that the OLED TV is convenient to hang straight from the ceiling at a slight downward angle. All other provisions are easily determined by the place of the spectator.

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