Useful properties and contraindications to coriander honey


Coriander honey has not yet become widespread, despite the fact that its composition is unique.This grade is especially appreciated for the high content of iron and manganese. Its color, aroma and taste attract many connoisseurs to enjoy a useful and tasty product.


Table of contents

  • Taste and color of coriander honey
  • Ingredients: vitamins and minerals
  • Beneficial features
  • Contraindications and harm
  • About mead coriander
  • Storage conditions
  • What are the main diseases that heal?

Taste and color of coriander honey

Amber or light brownthe color of coriander honey is due to the high content of manganese and iron. Immediately after pumping it is transparent.

Coriander honey after pumping out

Due to the presence of essential oils in its composition, honey has a rich, sharp, spicy flavor. The taste is specific, sweet with a caramel flavor.

It crystallizes rapidly: in 2 months after pumping it is structured into a coarse-grained mass. After sugaring, honey darkens.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

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The dark color of coriander honey indicates the presence of a large number of microelements.

Glucose in the composition of this variety is many.This explains its rapid crystallization. The high content of fructose allows it to be eaten by people with diabetes mellitus. But it should be done in moderation, contraindications are given below. Use should be made of other varieties with a lot of fructose.

Dark coriander honey in cans

The protein-carbohydrate composition is as follows:

Composition %
Proteins 1
Fats 0
Carbohydrates 81

In the composition of coriander honey there are more than three hundred minerals and trace elements.

The main following microelements and mineral salts:

  • Manganese;
  • Iron;
  • Nickel;
  • Chromium;
  • Copper;
  • Fluorine;
  • Zinc;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Iodine;
Particular attention should be paid to manganese and iron. These elements in the composition of more than in any other variety, which allows him to be an auxiliary tool in the treatment of anemia.

In this honey, many essential amino acids.The composition includes ascorbic acid(vitamin C), vitamins of group B, vitamin K and E, other.

Honey is very nutritious. In 100 g of the product contains about 310 kcal.

You may be interested in the composition and properties of other varieties of honey:

  • Useful properties and contraindications of cotton honey
  • Benefits and harms of spray honey
  • Useful properties and contraindications for angelica honey
  • Useful properties and contraindications of honeycomb honey

Beneficial features

Coriander honey is taken as an analgesic, antispasmodic and antiseptic. The product improves digestion, increases appetite and potency.This variety gives an expectorant effect and heals wounds. It activates mental activity, quickly leads to a tonus of the body. In addition, honey is a choleretic and soothing agent.

Coriander honey in honeycombs

The composition of this variety allows to successfully fight with harmful microbes, increase the body's immunity. Adults need only eat two tablespoons of this delicacy a day - on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.


In addition to medical and food applications, heused in cosmetology as an additive in creamsand face masks. The skin after the procedures becomes soft and silky, acne disappears.


Contraindications and harm

Patients with diabetes are advised to use honey after a preliminary medical consultation.Children under two do not need to give it. Restrictions exist by the amount of adoption, as coriander honey is caloric.

You should be careful to people who are allergic to bee products.

About mead coriander

The honey of this type of honey is coriander- annual herbaceous plant. It is often called a coney, cilantro or kimza. Loves a warm climate, is found in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.

The plant is considered medicinal, it helps against nervous and mental diseases. Coriander leaves use cooking, cosmetics, fruits - in the confectionery industry as spices.

On a flower of coriander bee

During flowering, the plant spreads a specific odor that smells like bugs. Therefore, it is sometimes called a bug. But after maturing coriander has a pleasant spicy flavor.

Blossoms honey for a month - from the end of June.Is an excellent honey, nectar gives off abundantly. Under favorable weather, the harvest may be overtaken by sunflower.


Storage conditions

Coriander honey does not become solid even after crystallization. It is easily cut with a knife or raked with a spoon.

Optimal storage temperature- from 4 to 18 degrees of heat with a relative humidity of 60%. If this indicator increases, honey in the open state absorbs moisture.

It is not recommended to store honey at a temperature above 35 degrees Celsius and below the same temperature, but with a minus sign. Otherwise, you can lose its many useful properties.

For long-term storageit is better to use glass containersand in no case - metal. We avoid his prolonged exposure to sunlight.

What are the main diseases that heal?

Coriander honeyhelps to cope with sexual dysfunctions, meteorism, disease of the duodenum, gastritis, liver, pancreas. Thanks to him, it is easier to cure helminthiasis and get rid of tachycardia.

Honey from coriander in glass jars

Honey helps with colds, bronchitis, the initial stages of asthma, other diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as with avitaminosis and scurvy, headache and insomnia. It treats skin diseases, helps to get rid of vision problems.

Because of the high iron contentcoriander honey is useful for people suffering from anemia. Helps cure diseases of gums, heals wounds in the oral cavity.

Coriander honey is not a cure, but it is used as an auxiliary to the basic treatment.

Coriander honey in its pure form in Russia is a rarity. Lime, or honey from herbs is much easier to find on the shelves in stores and in the market. Those who managed to buy it can count on the beneficial effects of this bee product on the body.

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