Landing of wagelas and care of it in the open ground

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Veigela is one of the plants of the family of honeysuckle, distinguished by pink, white, yellow or cream inflorescences. Correct planting and care for Veygel in the open ground begins with the selection of the place - it is desirable that it is the sunny side, protected from strong winds.

If you plant a veigel between buildings, where there are strong drafts, unrevealed buds can crumble.

For the wigel, a sandy loam or loamy neutral soil is suitable. The only species of this shrub that is well established on weakly acidic peaty soil is the Middendorf Weigel.

Landing of the wagelas in the open ground in the Leningrad Region is carried out in a previously prepared pit of about 40 cm in depth. If you plan to put fertilizers on the bottom, you can increase the depth to half a meter or even slightly more. It is desirable to mix fertilizers with compost, and lay the broken bricks to the very bottom of the pit to prevent water from quickly leaving into the lower layers of the soil. In addition, after planting and abundant watering the soil is mulched.

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Autumn planting of veigels in the open ground is undesirable, as even young plants planted in the spring can hardly tolerate frosty and snowy winters.

Care for young and adult wagel

As in the case of any shrub, the main care for veigel in the open is cutting. It is best to conduct it from the beginning of spring to June - releasing twigs from diseased or dry shoots, you will give the young growth to play with redoubled force. Even if the branches are not sick, to give the bush a more well-groomed appearance, it is possible to trim branches that are knocked out of a common shape. If everything is done correctly, the bushes will quickly recover and in summer they will please you with green leaves, and later with flowers.

If no pruning was performed in the spring, you can decorate the shrub in the beginning and middle of autumn, but then it is recommended to cut only dry branches.

Landing wagelas and caring for it in the open ground is a simple task, but this does not end the growing of shrubs. While the wagel only gets accustomed to your site, it is worth giving it a little more care: so that the plant does not Frozen, wrap the bushes with spunbond (sold in household and flower shops) or simple kraft paper. With the same purpose it is necessary to sprinkle the earth around the trunk with fallen leaves or lapnika.

Read also:Planting and caring for the plant Honeysuckle

If these tricks do not help and the winter Weigela suffered badly need to give it a permanent abundant watering (10 liters of water per bush). Hot weather can also damage the plant, so water it as often as possible. To ensure that the liquid does not leave quickly and keeps the root system fresh, mulch the soil by adding wood chips or humus.

The adult wagel is much more unpretentious, but even a few years after planting, the treatment for veigel in the open ground should be as follows:

  1. For winter set around the bush fence, which should protect it from damage under the weight of snow. If the winter is not very snowy, just periodically shake off the snow raids from the branches.
  2. In the early spring and summer (just at the time when the veil can be transplanted), produce additional fertilizing. For this purpose, urea or double superphosphate is suitable. You can also check with the retailer-consultant in the flower shop which of the fertilizers you already have can be used for veygels.
  3. If the wagel is hit by bacteria, the so-called Bordeaux liquid can save it. It is mixed in equal proportions of copper vitriol and lime milk, which are sprayed on the affected areas.
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Why did the wiggle cease to bloom?

Even if Weigel planting and caring for it in the open ground in the suburbs (in temperate latitudes) have been carried out correctly, there is no guarantee that after a while the bush is no longer bloom. However, the first thing to pay attention to is just the unsuccessfully chosen place for planting. Weigel does not like the shadow and bloom in the absence of the sun just can not. In addition, the shady side can cause the bushes to ripen for a long time. Young shoots can also suffer from a lack of sunlight: they will quickly become rustic, which will affect the overall development of the bush.

Two more reasons why the wagel may stop blooming is the damage to the root system by beetles and insufficient watering. Timely soil fertilization and frequent watering are practically a panacea for all wagel diseases, so do not neglect the minimal care of the bush.

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Reproduction of wagelas in various ways

Shrubs Weigel loves warm and sunny latitudes, but proper planting and care Weigel in an open ground in the Urals (in the conditions of sharply continental climate) may also give excellent results. It is important to remember that this shrub can be propagated in two ways.

Vegetative (separation of cuttings or layers)

This is the most acceptable for the Weigel method of reproduction, which allows you to get several healthy young plants. As already mentioned, pruning and planting the vegels into the open ground in spring is the best option. It is more likely that by the winter the shrub will take root and will be ready to face frosts and snowfalls.

The cutting of suitable shoots is carried out in autumn, and their landing in early spring, in boxes with pre-fertilized soil. For greater safety it is required to put boxes in greenhouses or greenhouses under polyethylene film.

With the help of seeds

Seeds appear only 3-4 years after planting. Unlike propagation by propagation by cuttings, it is better to plant seeds in the fall - once they have ripened, they can be used for planting. If there was a need to preserve the seeds until spring, you need to pack them in paper or cloth bags, and in the spring to sow at once in the open ground, and in boxes or pots.


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