The fashion for household appliances is changeable, but some devices remain relevant always. Mainly these are the devices, without which it is simply impossible in the kitchen, for example, refrigeration units.
According to experts, the Siemens refrigerator is considered one of the best among analogues. This is a constant choice of fans of style and quality. Why? Let's try to figure it out.
The content of the article:
- Features of the equipment from Siemens
What to consider when choosing?
- Number of working chambers
- One or two compressors?
- Method of dealing with frost
- Energy class of equipment
- Type of control equipment
- Special features for comfortable operation
Top 7 most popular models of Siemens
- Model # 1 - Siemens KG49NSB21
- Model # 2 - Siemens KG49NAI20R
- Model # 3 - Siemens KA90IVI20
- Model # 4 - Siemens KG39NXW20
- Model # 5 - Siemens KG39VXL20
- Model # 6 - Siemens KA92NLB35
- Model # 7 - Siemens KG39EAX2OR
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Features of the equipment from Siemens
The brand's products are notable for the highest “German” quality, innovative developments, functionality, and special appearance. That is why it is so in demand by buyers.

Siemens assembly shops are open in various countries. Their distinguishing feature is the large-unit assembly, which ensures the high quality of the finished product.
Before buying a refrigeration unit of this brand, you need to understand that it is most likely that you will not be able to acquire a true “German” of the German assembly. This is due to the fact that the concern has been expanding with confidence for a long time.
The times when his assembly shops were located only in Germany long in the past. Today, Siemens plants are scattered throughout Europe and Asia.
This is an assembly production, and the assembly is large-unit, so the quality of the units remains as high as possible. The masters say that if you compare the device, released in Germany, with his brother, "born" in St. Petersburg, you will not see any difference.
Both are equally neatly assembled, the “filling” and the look are similar. In terms of quality, Siemens can be trusted.

The brand is famous for its carefully thought-out camera ergonomics. For example, such removable hanging systems for storing bottles easily move around the entire compartment, which allows each time to choose the most suitable place for them.
A company with experience of decades values its reputation and is responsible for each unit of its products. A distinctive feature of the Siemens brand, in addition to the highest quality, is the special design of its equipment.
The last option - refrigerators with a glass door. Using a special technology, colored glass is superimposed on the metal and as a result, unusual and very stylish devices are obtained.
These doors are very durable, because they are made of special hardened glass. The choice of colors of this performance is still small. Black models are especially in demand.
Siemens brand is famous for the active implementation of innovative developments. One of them - hyperFresh system. This is an improved “zero” or freshness zone. There are similar ones in refrigerators of different companies, but nobody offers such opportunities yet.
Thanks to hyperFresh, the user can choose the best storage conditions for products of a particular type.
It is enough to place them in a container and select the appropriate mode, as the system will independently select the necessary humidity. It will be supported inside the box automatically.
For example, for greens and salads, high humidity is necessary, for vegetables or fruits - moderate, for fish or meat - low.

The hyperFresh system was developed by Siemens. It involves several freshness zones with different humidity, which allows you to select the optimal storage conditions for products.
The hyperFresh system keeps the temperature at around zero and creates a different moisture content. All this makes it possible to keep food fresh three times longer than in aggregates with standard storage conditions.
Another advantage of the system is mobility. If necessary, containers can be removed from the refrigeration compartment, thereby freeing up the useful volume.
Another interesting and very useful innovation is the iSensoric intelligent sensor system, which ensures optimum performance of all refrigerator systems.
There are three types of such sensors: freshSense, hyperFresh and noFrost. They are engaged in the collection and analysis of information coming both outside and inside the device. This allows you to maintain the most stable storage conditions of products.
The brand pays great attention to the issues of comfortable operation. An interesting solution - non-standard models with increased volume. They provide the user with up to 55 liters of additional volume, which is certainly very convenient for large families.
In addition, the company equips the chambers of their units with profile guides. This makes it possible to extend the glass shelves by about half. This ensures optimum visibility and easy access to any shelves.
The design of guides assumes easy sliding and high durability.

In some models of units from Siemens there is an increased separation, the so-called “Big Box”. It is intended for storage of dimensional products. For example, a large watermelon, a box with a cake or pizza will fit here.
Lighting of the refrigeration compartment is also well thought out. The brand uses a combination of spot type luminaire on the top panel with built-in side light sources. This gives the most soft lighting that allows you to see everything that lies on the shelves, and at the same time does not dazzle.
All the above features can be attributed to the number of advantages of the brand.
Not without flaws. Among them, experts attribute, above all, the clearly overestimated cost of refrigeration units. By purchasing equipment from Siemens, the user pays not only for it, but also “for the brand”, which, of course, cannot but upset the prudent owner.
Yes, these are really high-quality and functional devices, but they will cost quite expensive.
Another significant drawback is the problem with spare parts. Like any other technology, Siemens devices break down. True, they do it quite rarely, much less often than Chinese equipment, for example. But if this happens, it can be very difficult to acquire the necessary spare part.
There are cases when it was necessary to wait several weeks for her arrival from abroad. And the cost of such parts and, accordingly, the repair will be high.
What to consider when choosing?
The German company produces very different models, among which everyone will be able to choose the most suitable option for him. Refrigerators from Siemens quite seriously differ.
Specify what you should pay attention to when choosing them.
Number of working chambers
Among Siemens products, it is probably impossible today to find unpretentious single-chamber units. Basically, the company produces two-chamber apparatuses consisting of a freezing and refrigerating compartment of various capacities.
Most of these devices can be considered a three-chamber, since the so-called “zero zone” is present in the devices. The latter may consist of one compartment, but more often two or even three.

The brand has developed several models of the format "side-by-side", which are very popular among owners of spacious kitchens.
In each of them, a certain humidity is maintained, which favorably affects the freshness of stored products.
Siemens traditionally produces devices with a bottom freezer, there is simply no top configuration. Paying tribute to fashion, the brand has developed several models in the lineup side by side. When the refrigerating and freezing compartments are the same in capacity and are located side by side, having one common wall.
One or two compressors?
Siemens puts on its products high-quality isobutane compressors that work with a good refrigerant. In sum, it provides efficient and fast cooling.
After seeing the model range of units, you can find that there are both one and two-compressor models here. In the latter case, a big plus will be completely separate control of both cooling circuits.
This provides additional energy savings, the possibility of the most accurate temperature setting of each camera. If necessary, you can turn off one of the compartments when the second is fully operational.
Among the disadvantages of dual-compressor systems, they are usually noted for their high cost and increased risk of breakage due to structural complexity. This option is chosen most often for units of increased volume, in particular, devices like side-by-saide.

The brand produces two and one-compressor models. Among the latter there are interesting developments that work simultaneously with three cooling circuits. At the same time, their cooling efficiency is at the highest level.
Devices with a single compressor were initially deprived of all the advantages described above. But the cost is much lower.
However, there is an interesting engineering solution that allows instruments with a single compressor to be almost the same as two-compressor analogues. This is a solenoid valve that separates the control of two circuits. Siemens uses such an option in its units.
Method of dealing with frost
Most models from Siemens are equipped with a system NoFrost or even Full NoFrost. This means that the frost inside the working compartments is not formed in principle.
This is achieved by the built-in fan blowing the contents of the compartment with dry, cool air. Thus, the moisture is removed and does not settle on the walls of the chamber in the form of frost.
The system can be implemented both in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. The best option is in both. Such devices do not require defrosting, only periodic hygienic processing.
Choosing "Anti frost" you need to remember that poorly packed products in such conditions dry up very quickly, because the humidity in the chamber is very low.
Another drawback is a smaller useful volume of compartments, but the company's engineers managed to level it.

Most models of the Siemens brand work with the system “Anti frost”, more often in full version. However, in some cases, a drip thawing method is used.
Among the models of the brand you can find devices with drip system. It assumes the presence of a drainage system, through which moisture accumulated on the rear panel is drained from the camera.
It is quite practical and effective. However unacceptable for the freezer compartment. In this case, it is subject to manual defrosting, which should be carried out with the accumulation of snow "fur".
Energy class of equipment
An important aspect of the choice is the level of energy consumption of the unit. Determine how economical a device can be by its energy class, which is labeled with letters. Use the Latin alphabet from A to G inclusive.
The most economical devices are labeled A, or A +, or A ++. The last two options indicate that the device consumes less energy than the most economical class A.
All subsequent letters indicate that the device consumes more energy. Classification is determined in this case by comparing the actual and projected energy consumption. The smaller the first, the more economical the device is considered.
However, this way it is impossible to figure out the actual energy consumption. And it can vary significantly even among devices of the same class.

To determine the energy class of the refrigeration unit, it is sufficient to carefully examine the special markings on the device body.
This is due to the fact that power consumption depends on the number of working compartments, their volumes, type of compressors, etc. Therefore, the manufacturer has introduced additional labeling.
It shows the amount of electricity that the device will spend per year. If you really need, you can multiply this number by the cost of 1 kW / h and get the amount that will cost the maintenance of the appliance for the year.
Type of control equipment
Most Siemens refrigeration units are equipped with electronic controls. This opens up ample opportunities for the user, because he literally gets a “smart” refrigerator.
Such a device independently controls the temperature mode of all compartments, monitors its performance and is able to successfully install into the Smart Home system.

Siemens produces electronically controlled units. Thanks to German quality, electronic components allow precise adjustments and serve for a very long time.
It is also possible to remotely control such a device via any mobile device. For the convenience of the user, all the data he needs is displayed on the LCD display.
The German quality of electronics guarantees the accuracy of settings and trouble-free operation of the device. There are in the line from Siemens and simpler devices with electromechanical control.
Special features for comfortable operation
Like most competitors, the brand equips its equipment with additional modes. What makes its operation as convenient as possible. Consider these options in more detail.
Autonomous cold storage. Activation of the mode involves the preservation of the standard temperature in the compartment after a complete power outage. The limited time is valid, it can be specified in the technical documentation of the device.
Battery cold. Siemens is completing the freezer compartments of its refrigerators with additional cold accumulators. They can be used for additional cooling during power cuts or as an independent source of cold.
Supercooling / superfreezing. The mode of short-term sharp decrease in temperature in the freezer or in the refrigerated box. As a result, foods are quickly cooled or frozen.

Among Siemens products there are also embedded models. This solution allows you to get a single interior without any elements
Vacation or holidays. The temperature in the refrigerator compartment is consistently maintained at about 14-15ºС, which, according to the manufacturer, guarantees the absence of an unpleasant odor.
Control panel lock or child protection. A very useful feature that allows you to save the actual settings of the device in any circumstances.
Top 7 most popular models of Siemens
Selecting for themselves the refrigeration unit, each of the users is looking for certain properties that are necessary for him. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify a number of models that are especially in demand.
Consider some of them in more detail.
Model # 1 - Siemens KG49NSB21
The model has an increased capacity of the refrigeration compartment. Its volume is as much as 307 l. At the same time the freezer is relatively small, only 82 liters. Such impressive parameters are achieved due to non-standard dimensions of the device.
Its width is 70 cm, which must be taken into account when “trying on” equipment to its kitchen. A large amount of refrigeration compartment thoughtfully equipped. There are 4 shelves, the same door balconies and two freshness zones. One with high humidity, the other - dry.
In addition, the package includes trays under the eggs, a removable bottle holder, ice baths, since there is no ice maker, and two cold accumulators.
A striking feature of the model is a black glass door. It is very beautiful, but, unfortunately, not very practical. If there are children in the house, it will be necessary to wash the door very often.
The unit qualitatively and quickly freezes, using multi-flow cooling. Its operation is ensured by an efficient compressor with a solenoid valve.
With all its impressive volumes, the device is very economical. Its energy class is A +. The carbon filters are built into the refrigerated compartment, which guarantees the absence of odors. The unit is equipped with electronic control and informative display system.
Among the additional options worth noting is the presence of useful modes of super-freezing and supercooling. The defrosting of the device is fully automatic, the Anti Frost system is implemented in both compartments.
The disadvantages include the need to very often wash the door, which turned out to be too branded, and the high cost. The latter seems overpriced to customers, since similar units from competitors can be purchased cheaper.
Model # 2 - Siemens KG49NAI20R
Another non-standard representative of refrigeration units from Siemens. Due to the housing width of 0.7 m, it has an increased capacity. It is similar to the model described above.
The body of the equipment is made of stainless steel, which greatly facilitates the care of him. The ergonomics of all working compartments are carefully thought out, so it is very user friendly.
The model can be considered a three-chamber, since it is equipped with a full-fledged zone of freshness in three compartments. In each of them the specified humidity is automatically maintained.
The device has multithreaded cooling, which gives a quick and very effective result. Capacity of the unit - up to 18 kg of frost per day.
There is a system of "intelligent sensors" and consisting of three compartments "smart" zone of freshness with automatically controlled humidity.
The device is very economical, belongs to class A ++ for power consumption.
The device is serviced by a single compressor, which is distinguished by an almost silent stroke. The chamber is equipped with a carbon filter, super-freezing and cooling modes are implemented.
Among the shortcomings, consumers note the absence of a lock on the lower container in the freezer, which can cause it to fall out when fully opened. And, of course, the high cost of the unit, which includes the "fee for the brand."
Model # 3 - Siemens KA90IVI20
According to customers, this is one of the best representatives of the Siemens line. Stylish, neat, roomy, it will perfectly fit into any, even the most sophisticated interior.
Among the useful options, you should definitely mention the No Frost cooling system, which prevents the occurrence of frost and eliminates the need to periodically defrost the refrigerator.
Another useful feature present in the Siemens KA90IVI20 is the water dispenser, thanks to which you will always have cold water in your kitchen.
The inner surface of the unit has a special antibacterial coating that prevents the occurrence of mold and the multiplication of pathogenic microbes.
Of the shortcomings, many users note the surface on which traces are already visible from the first touch, as well as impressive dimensions.
Model # 4 - Siemens KG39NXW20
The classic representative of the Siemens line with the lower location of the freezer. This is a good option in terms of price-quality ratio. And the design of the device makes it easy to place it in any interior.
Having a compact size, the unit has a total capacity of 315 liters. Of the useful features worth noting the cooling system No Frost, due to which the problem of defrosting the freezer "eliminates".
Freezer drawers have special grooves that prevent them from falling out of the unit, even if they are pushed all the way.
The case of the model is made of stainless steel, over which a special coating is applied, so there is practically no pollution. And if the surface is slightly soiled, simply wipe it with a damp sponge, and there will be no trace of dirt.
Among the disadvantages, the owners of Siemens KG39NXW20 note that the device is a bit noisy, especially in the process of freezing products.
Model # 5 - Siemens KG39VXL20
Another classic representative of the Siemens line. This two-meter giant has a refrigerating capacity of 257 liters, which makes it easy to place an impressive supply of food there.
Of the benefits worth noting the presence of Led-backlighting, which perfectly covers everything, even the most inaccessible places in the refrigerator. Also, the manufacturer has provided special removable bottle holders.
At the bottom of the refrigerator there is a tray for storing vegetables and fruits. Of the additional features in the model KG39VXL20 there is a function of super-freezing, thanks to which you can cool products very quickly.
One of the most significant drawbacks of the unit is the need to defrost the freezer manually. In the more expensive models, this need is absent, as they are equipped with the No Frost system.
Also, some users note that during operation the device was too noisy. This applies to almost all Siemens refrigerators.
Model # 6 - Siemens KA92NLB35
This two-chamber handsome has a very impressive size and no less impressive capacity. It is very convenient in care and operation.
The unit has an A ++ efficiency class and is able to freeze up to 12 kg of products per day. The internal space of the refrigerating chamber is divided by shelves of durable glass, which makes it possible to place a large number of products on them.
The freezer has a lateral arrangement that is pleasant to many users of equipment. Also in the model Siemens KA92NLB35 present function No Frost, eliminating the need to defrost the freezer from time to time.
A multi-flow cooling system ensures even distribution of cold air. A special anti-bacterial coating prevents the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria.
Of the shortcomings worth noting the high cost of the unit, similar models from other manufacturers can be found at a more affordable price. In addition, the external surface of the refrigerator is easily contaminated, so it will have to wipe it quite often.
Model # 7 - Siemens KG39EAX2OR
Classical two-chamber model with the lower arrangement of the freezer. Differs in rather small dimensions, good spaciousness and reasonable price.
A display is located on the unit door, which displays the temperature inside the refrigerator compartment. The inner space is divided by glass shelves, which can be rearranged on your own.
There is a mode of vacation, guaranteeing the absence of an unpleasant smell. Of the additional features in Siemens KG39EAX2OR, the manufacturer has provided a quick cooling and quick freezing function.
Also, the model has a sound and light indication that responds to an open door or an increase in temperature in the refrigerating chamber.
This is where the advantages of the device end. Of the shortcomings, almost all users note the need to periodically manually defrost the freezer.
In addition, the unit is quite noisy, so if you plan to install it not in the kitchen, it is better to give preference to another model.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Recommendations that can help in choosing a practical and multi-functional refrigerator:
A little bit about how Siemens creates its famous refrigerators:
Siemens is a well-known brand that has maintained an impeccable reputation for more than 150 years. Siemens refrigeration units are renowned for their quality, functionality and stylish appearance. They serve their owners for a long time and almost always seamlessly..
Of course, the equipment is more expensive than its counterparts, however, the buyer is almost always ready to overpay for flawless equipment from a manufacturer with a world name.