Planting and caring for a beautiful white acacia tree

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The white acacia grows well in the southern regions and in the temperate zone. Her planting and care is not difficult: just take into account the features of unpretentious wood.

Trees are an indispensable element of the site's landscaping, and the white acacia is excellent for this task. It has a decorative appearance, its flowers exude a pleasant but unobtrusive aroma, and special care for the plant is not required. Moreover, it tolerates unfavorable weather conditions and grows rapidly, including in the middle zone.

Acquaintance with white acacia

From the botanical point of view, the name of the species is incorrect: by "white acacia" is meant the robinia of the false-acacia. She is the closest relative of the acacia "true entering with her into the Bobov family, but the plant genera are different.

This spreading tree with an openwork crown, reaching a height of up to 18 m. It grows very rapidly: it extends up to 5 m to 3 m. The leaves are bright green. The flowers decorating the tree from late May to July are like small white moths. They are gathered in drooping clusters. Inflorescences smell pleasantly and attract bees, so the tree is a honeycomb.

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In southern regions, robinia is an evergreen plant, but in the middle zone it discards foliage, which in the fall acquires a golden color.

Robinia is a valuable decorative culture. It is used in group and single plantings to decorate plots near houses and institutions, streets, avenues and parks. You can appreciate her beauty in a photo of a white acacia in a landscape design.

Each year, white acacia adds about 80-100 cm in height (especially in young trees), and in the width of the crown - 30 cm.


There are two ways of reproduction - by seeds (sprouting in a greenhouse) and by a radical growth. The second option is used more often, because it is faster and easier.

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Start preparing for planting with a choice of location. For this it is useful to know the preferences of robinia:

  • the tree loves sunlight, so it is recommended to plant it in open areas;
  • a false acacia tolerates air pollution, and it is suitable for landscaping areas in cities and regions with poor ecology;
  • the plant is frost-resistant: it can be planted in a temperate climate, since adult specimens withstand temperatures of -35 ° C;
  • painfully reacts to cold wind and drafts;
  • is undemanding to the soil, but prefers a light primer (with no or minimal clay) and does not tolerate stagnant water.

Planting and caring for white acacia, the photo of which does not convey the beauty of the tree, is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to take into account the climate: if the region is characterized by northern winds, it is recommended to plant white acacia in a place protected from them. For example, behind a wall of a house or trees with a dense crown.

Read also:Pink acacia in the unfavorable climate of the middle belt

Adult trees usually give a basal shoot. It is enough to dig out the process and plant it in a new place. To do this, make a small pit, fix the plant in it and shed the soil. Very soon the seedling will get accustomed and will begin to grow rapidly.

White acacia does not like sodden land. Therefore, the basal area should be weeded, removing the weeds with long roots, and mulching. For the same reason, the tree is not recommended to plant in the vicinity of fruit trees that have a developed root system.

Harder to multiply robinia with false-acacia seeds. Beans mature by the end of November, after which they are collected and stored in paper in the refrigerator. The best time to plant is spring.

Seeds must undergo pre-sowing treatment: scalding with boiling water followed by immersion in cold water for 12 hours. Then they are planted in loose soil or a greenhouse. The optimum temperature for the development of young white acacia is from 22 ° C to 25 ° C. By the end of the year the seedlings reach 1 m. The next spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place.


The distance between planted seeds should be at least 20 cm.

Care instructions

Special care is required for young seedlings. Soil around them should be regularly weeded and loosened. That the plant grows faster, it is recommended to make organic top dressing and spray it with a fistostimulator (for example, "Epin"). In regions with cold winter, young specimens are sheltered so that they do not die from frost.

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Adult white acacia is undemanding to care. They do not need to be insulated for the winter. Usually the tree is content with natural precipitation, so additional watering will be needed only in a very arid summer.

Plus white acacia - an enviable resistance to pests and diseases.

All robynii well respond to the introduction of organic. Excellent sucked manure. On fertile soils, two additional dressings will suffice: in the beginning of spring and at the beginning of flowering, and not depleted, fertilization is recommended every month.

White acacia is well suited to the formation of the crown and transfer pruning cuttings. The optimal time for the procedure is early spring. Remove dry shoots and shoots around the roots.

Planting a white acacia and leaving in the suburbs (as well as in other regions with a similar climate) does not require much time and effort. The main thing is to choose a bright place for the tree without stagnation of water. Young specimens require a little more attention: watering and shelter for the winter, and adult robins perfectly grow without much care, pleasing the eyes with snow-white clusters of flowers.

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