How to clean the mold, make sure that the refrigerator is not moldy

If you notice the mold in the refrigerator, you need not only to fight it, but also to find out where it could come from. How to get rid of harmful fungus and prevent its appearance in the future - read in the review.

Content of the material:

  • 1Causes
    • 1.1What is dangerous mold
  • 2How to get rid of mold
  • 3Special Tools
    • 3.1How to deal with the smell
  • 4Folk remedies
    • 4.1Hydrogen peroxide
    • 4.2Laundry soap
    • 4.3Soda with Vinegar
  • 5Prevention


There can be three obvious factors, because of which the refrigeration technology is moldy:

  1. Irregular operation of equipment (for example, with a long shutdown for the winter - the so-called "summer" refrigerators).
  2. Storage of spoiled food on the shelves.
  3. Untimely (irregular) cleaning.

Also, by loading in the refrigerator compartment a lot of washed, but not dried vegetables or fruits, you increase the humidity in the compartment. Excessive humidity - excellent conditions for the development of fungus.

What is dangerous mold

It can damage the body: it weakens the immune system, can cause allergic reaction, coughing and even asthma. In severe cases, when the concentration of the fungus rolls over, it is recommended even to move to another housing. Therefore, after seeing even the very first signs of mold, immediately declare war on it.

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It is difficult to remove a fungus, especially from some surfaces. So, to remove mold from wood or concrete, titanic efforts and the use of special means are needed. Plastic walls of the refrigerator are more amenable to processing, so you can remove harmful stains in a few hours.

How to get rid of mold

To the spores of the fungus did not go to the walls or other household appliances, begin to immediately fight them. How to remove stains from moldy surfaces:

  • Unplug and thaw the appliance. It is advisable to discard foods that have been leaked.
  • Take out shelves, grilles, containers and other components. Soak them in soapy water (you can use a dishwashing detergent or an "anti-mold").
  • Try to remove the condensate drain tank and clean the moisture-evacuating tube. Often the blockage of the drainage hole is to blame for high humidity.
  • Armed with a sponge, erase the spots that are on the elastic band. You can wipe the seal with hydrogen peroxide to further bleach the material.

  • Rinse and dry the body parts.
  • Inside, wipe the chamber with a dry cloth made of natural cloth moistened with acetic-aqueous solution (concentration 1 to 1). This will remove the unpleasant odor.
  • Look for the UV lamp and irradiate the compartment for half an hour to kill the spores. No lamp? Just ventilate the refrigerator and run it.

Special Tools

If finances allow, go to the store for professional "chemistry". Today, you can find funds from many leading brands, and they are sold most often in the departments of household chemicals next to cleaning and washing materials. Consider the most popular and effective.

  • "Mister Muscle". You can take any option from the line: "Universal "Cleansing Cream Green Tea "For glasses and other surfaces."

  • «Cif». For example, Ultra White, Active Lemon, kitchen spray Power & amp; hine and others.

  • "It's strong." Cillit "Antipute + Hygiene Cillit Bang "Black mold Cillit "Means of plaque and dirt" will suit you.

  • Diabak.

  • TOP HOUSE - refrigerator cleaner.

  • Luxus - "Professional Spray for cleaning the refrigerator Grapefruit" and "Pure refrigerator Lime".

  • FLAT - a cleaner with different flavors: apple, lemon, orange, etc.

  • "The Penosaurus."

Important! Before buying, read the label: you may not want to use some of the listed formulations alongside the products.

How to deal with the smell

If after treatment a specific odor remains, we will tell you how to remove it on your own. To you will help:

  • lemon peel;
  • fresh potatoes;
  • soda;
  • raw rice, laid out on a platter;
  • Activated carbon.

You can also wash the casing inside with lemon juice or water-vinegar solution to remove odor sources on the sealant, on the door or on the wall of the refrigerating chamber. To the smell disappeared permanently, 2-3 days of treatment is sufficient. As for absorbents (odor scavengers), they need to be changed once a day.

Folk remedies

Let's talk about ways that do not require special spending, and components can be found in every house (hardware store, pharmacy).

Hydrogen peroxide

Walls and other surfaces can be treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Be careful with dark surfaces - the substance is famous for its clarifying properties. For the same purposes, ammonia can be used.

Laundry soap

Ordinary soap bar too can quickly destroy mold. You will need a brown soap with a specific smell. Make saturated soapy water and wash the cameras, then wipe dry.

Important! Putting food back into the chamber, wipe it! Even if they are not infected with a fungus, they can carry on his invisible spores.

Soda with Vinegar

Combining the simplest substances - soda and vinegar, you can once and for all clean the refrigerator compartment of the harmful fungus. In a solution of soda and vinegar it is necessary to soak all the shelves and trays, and also wipe all the inner surfaces of the chamber. If you notice mold traces in the freezer, treat it as well. When the compartments are dry, wipe them again with 6% vinegar and allow to dry again.

Attention! Using vinegar, walk along the seal - not only on the sides, but also on the top and bottom along the perimeter. It can be the main source of fungus. What if the rubber can not be cleaned, smells bad and is constantly covered with a new coating? Justchange the sealto a new one, and the problem will be solved by itself.


To ensure that the refrigerator is no longer moldy and not a health hazard, it is necessary to prevent the development of parasites. The complex of measures will not cause difficulties:

  • Treat the foods and throw away rotten and spoiled ones.
  • Hermetically pack food in containers, bags or food film, so that the crumbs do not clog the condensate drain.
  • Wipe the walls and the seal from time to time. Than to wash off surfaces, we wrote above, - choose a suitable method.
  • Defrost the appliance before leaving for a long time. Do not close the door - let it be ventilated.
  • Use bags with silica gel to lower the humidity in the compartments.
  • Dry fruit and vegetables before loading into the appropriate boxes.
  • Cover the liquid foods so they do not evaporate.
  • Do not place hot, not covered food on the shelves.

Now you know why mold has appeared and how to get rid of it. Adhere to the rules of operation and take care of the device, and the "uninvited guest" will not bother you anymore.

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