Planting currants at their summer cottage

Black currant is very easy to take root, but if it is not properly planted in the ground, the bush will not give great harvests. Currants seated cuttings or annual saplings. Two-year or three-year-old seedlings take root worse, because they have developed a branched part, and the root system is not powerful enough.

Choosing a quality currant seedling

Pay attention to the presence of land on the roots of the plant. If the root is clean and slightly dried, then most likely this seedling sells an unscrupulous reseller. Such a seedling was subjected to long-term transportation, which means it is poor-quality planting material.

Read also: How to fertilize a currant bush without damaging the roots( video)

A high-quality one-year sapling should have two shoots with a large number of deciduous buds and a well-developed fibrous root system.

If you still use biennial seedlings with a developed upper part, then such plants must be cut, leaving 3-4 buds on each shoot.

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Leaving the developed branching part, you make the plant only worse. The weak root system of the two-year-old seedling cannot provide a sufficient supply of nutrients to the branches.

Planting currants in the ground

In order to ensure good fruiting in the future, it is necessary to choose a suitable site for currants. Although currant tolerates penumbra, grows quickly in a darkened area, but it will not give good yields. Therefore, the best place for planting currants is a well-illuminated area.

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Currant will take root in loamy or acidic soils, but its growth will be slowed down and it will bear bad fruit. Currant loves soil rich in organic matter, so take care of the future harvest is necessary even when planting a seedling in the ground. Dig a hole about 1 m in diameter and depth and fill it with humus. You can make mineral fertilizer in the soil.

The “root neck” of a seedling needs to be buried in the ground to form a developed root system and more seedlings, so the plant is planted at an angle of 45 °.

Then the roots are covered with fertile soil, the land is watered. Pour about 5 liters of water under the bush. When the ground settles, shrouding the roots, you need to sprinkle the seedling with dry earth so that only shoots remain on the surface. They are pruned, leaving 3-4 buds on each. The currant from these buds will form new shoots and next year you will have a well-established, well-established currant bush.

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