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When growing flowers, complex mineral fertilizers play an important role in their development, especially preparations containing phosphorus and potassium. Due to potassium, the chlorophyll index increases, and the ornamental plant species are maintained. Phosphorus is responsible for flowering, making it more lush, plentiful and long, in addition, it accelerates the overall growth of flowers. In the complex, these two microelements actively nourish flower plantings, stimulate flowering, prevent budding, and also increase seed germination.
See also: Fertilizer superphosphate - use in the garden!
Popular preparations for fertilizing flowers based on phosphorus and potassium.
Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used as the main fertilizer of flowers. Dosages and method of their use depend on the specific type of drug. Treat one of the most popular complex fertilizers on the basis of potassium and phosphorus:
- fertilizer "AVA";
- Carboammofosc;
- liquid fertilizer with Atlanta fungicide effect.
We should also note the autumn granulated fertilizer Agrekol. It contains 13% of phosphorus and 27% of potassium, as well as magnesium, and does not contain nitrogen at all. The drug is used for autumn feeding of perennial garden flowers in order to strengthen plants and prepare them for the winter period. In August, the granules should be scattered around perennials and dig, mixing them with soil. Then water the flowers liberally.
AVA fertilizer
The preparation is recommended to be used when sowing flower seeds using one of the following methods to choose:
- to shed the soil before sowing with the prepared solution;
- mix the drug with the seeds and sow in the wells;
- soak the seeds before sowing in the solution.
In addition to phosphorus and potassium, it also contains nitrogen. Can be used before planting flowers on all types of soil.
Preparation Atlanta
Concentrated aqueous phosphorus-potassium solution is used for foliar fertilizing flowers( per 1 liter of water - 2.5 ml of the drug).
Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer Atlanta cannot be used with preparations containing copper and mineral oils.
Due to the fungicidal effect after fertilizing Atlanta plants, they not only develop and bloom more actively, but also become more resistant to fungal diseases and adverse weather conditions.