How to keep the winter green onion - 4 proven method


  • 1 training rules
  • 2 Fashion preform bow winter
    • 2.1 Method 1. Plain
    • 2.2 Method 2. Pickling
    • 2.3 Method 3. The blank in oil
    • 2.4 Method 4. Drying
  • 3 results

If you, like me, appreciate chives for its excellent taste and beneficial properties, it certainly miss him in the cold season. Today, I offer you an elegant solution to this problem. Now you will learn how to keep the green onions for the winter in several ways.

That in the winter time to prepare meals with green onions, you need to know how to save itThat in the winter time to prepare meals with green onions, you need to know how to save it

training rules

To keep the green onions in fresh form, it is necessary to pre-treatment correctly. This is one of the most important moments of harvesting plants for the winter.

Before freeze green onions for the winter, it is necessary to conduct preliminary manipulations that involve several stages:

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Picture Procedure
table_pic_att14959900581 Step 1. Selection of greenery.

Harvesting of green onions starts with its proper selection. Prefer bright green feathers without visible damage. If the tips of the plants are dry, cut them.

table_pic_att14959900602 Step 2. cleaning.

Thoroughly rinse the plant in running water, remove the remnants of dust and earth.

table_pic_att14959900613 Step 3. thread.

This step can be and miss if you want to leave a green solid. But I would still recommended that crushed green leaves - so much more convenient to keep the plant.

How big cut, you decide - it all depends on personal preference.

For example, I was part of the preparations I cut finely (their further use for sauces), and a part on the middle pieces (these can be added to a salad or a side dish).

Fashion preform bow winter

Save up to winter greens can be far more than one way.

Method 1. Plain

If you still do not know whether it is possible to freeze the green onions in the freezer, I will answer - of course, possible. Moreover, it will help keep the freezer plant for as long as 12 months.

Frozen cubes, as in the photo, it will be easy to add to any dishFrozen cubes, as in the photo, it will be easy to add to any dish

Normal freezing - the most common type of green storage. It is simple and does not require additional components:

  1. chop feathers greenery to the desired size.
  2. Lay them on formochkam Ice or baking. Fill the mini-containers are not more than a third.
  3. The remaining space is filled with water and place the containers in the freezer.
  4. When the cubes freeze, fold them in individual packages and use as needed.
If desired, you can add in the form of oil - so harvesting will be even tastierIf desired, you can add in the form of oil - so harvesting will be even tastier

In one package fold the limited amount of frozen blocks, to further not necessary to defrost large amounts of onion.

Method 2. Pickling

Save green onions can be and with the help of salting. Recipe ferment is quite simple:

  1. 1 kg of green prepare about 250 grams of salt.
  2. The plant is thoroughly dry. It is important that the water drops do not fall into the jar with the workpiece.
  3. Mix greens with half salt prepared.
  4. The resulting mass lay out a jar start layers a couple of centimeters, each new layer interspersed remaining salt.
Price salting is minimal, but you can store the onions for about 7 monthsPrice salting is minimal, but you can store the onions for about 7 months

Prepared with their own hands after pickling onions can be used only after 2-3 weeks. This time is necessary to marinate the greens well and gave the juice. As such, the plant can store up to 7 months.

Method 3. The blank in oil

Bow can be saved by using olive oil or sunflower oil, are best disclose its palatability. Instructions:

  1. Wash greens thoroughly and dry it.
  2. Cut the grass and fill it clean jar approximately ¾.
  3. Pour oil into a container and mixOn top of the mixture, pour a little oil.
  4. Close the jar a nylon cover.
Greens in the oil can be stored for at least six monthsGreens in the oil can be stored for at least six months

Such a blank is stored in the refrigerator for at least six months. A major advantage of this method - the greens do not lose their nutrients.

Method 4. Drying

Describing ways to store the plants, not to mention the plants drying:

  1. Wash greens and chop it.
  2. Lay the plant on white paper. It is important to put the plant in a warm place, where he will have the opportunity to dry. Do not expose the plant to direct sunlight - they will destroy the nutrients contained therein. If necessary wash his paper cover sheet.
  3. Wait about 5-7 days. The readiness of green will indicate its fragility. If the bow easily crumble in hands, it is possible to pour in a dry jar and stored at room temperature (in an oven, for example).
Drying plant can be in any amountDrying plant can be in any amount


As you can see, prepare the onions in the winter is very simple and it does not require special additional components. For more detailed instructions on processing of green onions can be found on the video in this article. If you have questions about logging technology or you want to share your recipe - sure to write in the comments.

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