Advise fertilizer for long-acting petunias

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Hello! I planted petunias in the country to revive the site. It turned out very beautiful. But it does not turn out to go to the dacha every week, and you have to take care of flowers all the time. I don’t worry about watering - it rains regularly. But what about fertilizer? Please advise fertilizer for long-lasting petunias so that it does not have to be applied to the soil too often.

High-quality fertilizer for petunias is very important, as well as for any other abundantly blooming flowers. The plant must have enough nutrients to feed multiple flowers. And for this, it must have a powerful root system. Therefore, fertilizing should be made at different stages of growth.

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The first feeding

The first two weeks after planting a petunia in a pot or open ground it is not necessary to fertilize the young sprout, which is available in ordinary soil. It is enough to regularly spray or water young seedlings with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate - this allows you to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant "black leg", often ruining the flowers.

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After two weeks, the soil can be watered with a solution of yellow crystal - it allows you to speed up the process of root formation, which means that petunias will grow faster and bloom more intensively.

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Applying a long-term feeding

When the plant is strong, it will release 4 and 5 leaves, you can add additional fertilizer. If you are interested in fertilizer for long-lasting petunias, it is best to choose special fertilizer sticks. They are designed for three months, that is, by using them in early June, you provide your plants with high-quality feeding throughout the summer.

The instructions state how much these sticks should be used. It is important to choose the most suitable variety - there are both universal fertilizer sticks for flowering plants, and designed specifically for petunias. The latter are preferable - they are collected precisely those substances that are most important for the stable development and abundant flowering of petunias.

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Fertilizers are pressed into sticks, which gradually dissolve, after each watering, providing your favorite plants with all the necessary trace elements. Using fertilizer is as easy and simple as possible - just stick them in the soil, and you can forget about the need for additional care for flowers.

Learn about fertilizer in the sticks more you can from the video

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