Mineral fertilizers for flowers do it yourself

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Will they be as effective as in-store preparations?

Regular feeding of ornamental plants, especially houseplants, is the basis of their successful cultivation. Such plants have limited space for growth. In addition, the volume of the soil is also small, and over time the nutrient reserves in it are depleted. Therefore, it is important to replenish stocks of trace elements using mineral supplements.

In specialized stores there is a large selection of ready-made mineral fertilizers for flowers, but if desired, nutrient mixtures and solutions can be prepared with your own hands. In terms of quality and principle of operation, they are no different from store fertilizers, because the main components are purchased there.

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The main condition in the manufacture of mineral fertilizers by hand is to adhere to the exact dosage in order not to harm the plants.

Nutrient solution for flowering plants

During the flowering season, the pet subwindow pets especially need additional nutrition. During this period, they need phosphorus dressings most of all.

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For the preparation of feeding you will need:

  • superphosphate( instructions for use in the garden) - 1.5 g;
  • ammonium sulphate - 1 g;
  • Potassium salt - 1 g.

Combine all ingredients with 1 l of water, mix well. Use for watering flowering plants at the root every 7 days.

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Mineral mixture for decorative colors

For root top dressings of deciduous crops once every 7-10 days it is good to use the following ratio of microelements per liter of water:

  • superphosphate - 0.5 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 0.4 g;
  • potassium nitrate - 0.1 g.

Mineral fertilizers from available means

Liquid mineral fertilizer can also be made using improvised means, for example, from wood ash left over from a barbecue or garden cleaning. This dressing contains many trace elements, but a very small amount of nitrogen, and is recommended for introduction in the period of flowering plants. It is very simple to prepare a liquid infusion: mix 75 g of ash in 5 l of water and let it stand for 15-20 minutes. Strain.

The prepared solution should be used immediately; it cannot be stored.

To compensate for the deficiency of individual elements in the flowers, you can make the following fertilizers:

  1. With a lack of calcium, .Infusion on the egg shell: chop 5 shells, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 5 days. Water under the root. Ground shells are also good to add to the soil.
  2. With a lack of potassium and nitrogen .Infusion of banana peel: Pour 3 skins of bananas with boiling water( 1 l), let stand for 4 hours. Use for watering. The crushed fresh peel to add to the soil.
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