How to store bananas: 4 rules of storage of fruits of different maturity

Recently, I had a question - how and where to store the bananas so that they remain fresh and tasty. I found the answers. I'll try and help you understand how to store bananas properly.

To preserve the freshness and taste of the fruit, you need to comply with certain conditions of storage
To preserve the freshness and taste of the fruit, you need to comply with certain conditions of storage

How to keep the freshness of bananas?

Bananas - a perishable product. But, despite the fact that their price is very attractive, to buy their future use it is not desirable. However, even bought some fruits should be stored properly to prevent darkening and damage.

Rule 1. Optimal storage conditions

  1. Best of all these fruits will be stored at a temperature of +13... +14 °FROM. Thus it is necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  2. The ideal humidity storage of bananas - 85-90%. If you have a basement or cellar - store them there.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Air circulation. It is better to keep these fruits in a well-ventilated area.
  5. Whole bunches kept longerIf the foot wrap in tape or polyethylene.
How to keep bananas - not blackened? Very simple - wrap their legs stationery scotch
How to keep bananas - not blackened? Very simple - wrap their legs stationery scotch

Bananas can not be stored in a plastic bag - it holds moisture and can cause rotting of the fruit.

Rule 2. degree of maturity

Surely you have noticed that you can buy bananas in different colors in the store. And this figure must be considered when storing:

  1. green - unripe fruits. Their clusters rather dense and difficult to separate. The flesh is green fruit is not very sweet and has a slight taste of grass. These are the bananas are stored as long and ripen in the process.
Green fruit become ripe and tasty, if stored properly
Green fruit become ripe and tasty, if stored properly
  1. Yellow - ripe fruit, completely ready-to-eat. They have a pleasant aroma, taste and texture.
Yellow bananas - ideal for use in food
Yellow bananas - ideal for use in food
  1. Darkened with black spots - overripe fruit that can be eaten.
Blackened bananas - most perishable fruit, so to keep them for a long time will not work
Blackened bananas - most perishable fruit, so to keep them for a long time will not work

Rule 3. Features Storage yellow fruit in the peel

Is it possible to store bananas in the fridge? A natural question, but it is not so simple. The fruits of different maturity in need of special conditions and shelf life.

Simple instructions will help you to understand all the intricacies, and act correctly.

Picture storage Features
Storage of green fruits:
  1. Green vegetables in any case can not be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. They can be left at room temperature and allow them to ripen.
  2. To ripening proceeded slowly and evenly, better to put a bunch of green bananas in a dark paper bag for five days.
  3. The temperature should be no higher than 20 ° C.
  4. If you put bananas next to ripe apples, fruit will ripen faster.
  5. After bananas turn yellow, they can be shifted in a vase for fruit and stored at room temperature.
Storage of yellow fruits:
  1. Choose a cool placeAway from direct sunlight.
  2. A whole bunch of a convenience store can be divided into individual fruits.
  3. Each foot desirably tape or foil wrap - is to prevent damage to the fruit.
  4. If you put next to yellow bananas unripe pear or avocado, this will help to slow down the overmaturity banana and keep its yellow color.
Storage of overripe fruit:
  1. Overripe fruit should be placed in the refrigerator. There they will darken evenly, and the flesh remains firm and palatable.
  2. But it's best to eat these fruits immediately after purchase, and do not store more than a day.

Rule 4. Features Storage shelled bananas

Peeled bananas may be stored in the freezer up to six months
Peeled bananas may be stored in the freezer up to six months

In some cases, you can keep bananas in the refrigerator in a purified form.

Picture storage method
  1. Al fresco prepared for salad or slicing fruit quickly darkenAnd when applying for a table may look unappetizing. In this case, help lemon juice or pineapple vinegar.
  2. Just sprinkle the exposed parts of sliced ​​fruitAnd their color will remain unchanged for two hours.
  1. Peeled and all the threads of the fruit can be stored in the freezer in sealed plastic containers.
  2. For convenience, they can be cut.
  3. Such storage time may last up to six months.
  4. However, after defrosting such bananas are only suitable for prepared with their own hands puree and other desserts.

What you should pay attention to?

  • Bananas do not tolerate direct exposure artificial sources of heat or sunlight. They do not ripen and spoil immediately.
  • If perespevshem fruit has gray stains or mildew - this indicates improper storage or transportation rules. Buy such fruit is not necessary - it can be dangerous to health.
  • If you often get ripe bananas, Think about buying a special console for storage.
A special stand with a hook - a convenient and beautiful way to store bananas
A special stand with a hook - a convenient and beautiful way to store bananas

Bananas - favorite treat of fruit flies. If you have a home bred such, it is better to keep the fruit in a closed paper bag or in the refrigerator.


Now that you know what to store bananas in the fridge or not depends mainly on their degree of maturity, as well as the goals and shelf life. Useful video in this article will help you to more clearly understand all the details. And if you still have questions - ask them in the comments, we will deal with.

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