At what height and distance to install sockets and switches

Typically, requirements apply to individual government agencies, and other comments are in the nature of recommendations. For example, switches are usually placed at a height of. .. 1 meter from the floor. We are sure that they are higher for most readers. For school and preschool institutions, it is prescribed at what height and distance to install sockets and switches without fail. Read documents on this topic today.

Socket with grounding

Where to read about the installation of sockets and switches

We warn that the height of the installation of sockets and switches will not become the one and only subject today. Private traders and builders make a lot of mistakes when laying lines, willy-nilly have to discuss the topic. It seems that the installation of a grounded outlet does not contain crime, but individual devices are not taken to be grounded, and in other cases it is necessary to carry out installation with reservations. At the same time, the installation rules for switches are not so numerous as to devote a separate review to them. Allowed to put sockets on the slopes of windows with the implementation of the relevant safety requirements( on a par with bathrooms).

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Most practitioners prefer to study the OES.The code does not take the form of a law; it is partially loved by builders and simply good owners. We strongly recommend that you read in electronic form to visitors. To simplify the search, press Ctrl + F and fill in the “switch” and “rosette” lines, without endings, to find the maximum number of occurrences of words in the text. You will see that the installation standards for outlets and switches do not concern the installation height. So, let's proceed to viewing the EIR( Part 7 mainly).

Protection against direct contact in ultra-low voltage circuits

Paragraph 1.7.73 speaks about the type of protection. We explain. Implied sources of voltage not exceeding 120 V for direct current or 50 V AC.It is believed that such systems are completely safe, for this reason they are allowed to be used in bathrooms in an area closer than 60 cm to the edge of the water distribution point. In respect of 220 V networks, liberties are not allowed. It is allowed to use extra-low voltage devices in zone 0, if the voltage does not exceed 12 V.

Please note( not stated directly in GOST 50571.11) that it is necessary to connect sockets through individual isolation transformers. The devices do not increase or decrease the voltage for the sockets; they simply carry out a galvanic isolation. Look at the choice of sockets: preferred without protective contact.

Take a hand a European plug from a microwave or a large household appliance with a ground( refrigerator, washing machine).Usually there is a metal hole slightly to the side of the plug pins. This is a niche under the protective contact sticking out of the socket. This ensures reliable grounding devices. Indeed, it is difficult to find in the store outlet with a protective contact. A plug under these sockets are found everywhere.

Incompatibility of

sockets The second requirement for sockets for extra-low voltage systems is their incompatibility with conventional ones, under 220 V. Above, we gave an example of connectors with a niche for protective contact for industrial voltage. In this case, try dialing “U-87 RB low voltage plug” in Yandex, understanding what is being said. The main thing is that the shape of the plug is different from the typical one. In the bathroom, you need to comply with some simple requirements: in the near zones, the insulation of devices( including sockets) is reinforced, and the case protection is not lower than IP2X.Wiring must withstand the test voltage for insulation breakdown in a volume of 500 V for at least 60 seconds. We take GOST( for example, 7399) and find that the SOG wires are tested at 2500 V. We make sure that the insulation does not include metal components. Otherwise, the wire cannot be used on the territory of the bathroom.

Installation height of

luminaires GOST 50571.11 states that in zones, starting with the second and above( for safety), class II lamps( reinforced insulation) are allowed to be at a height of at least 2.25 meters from the floor. Switches and sockets for 220 V are not provided in our close bathrooms at all. The minimum distance from the above devices to the edge of the sinks, shower - at least 60 cm.

Distance from water to the lights

A lot of attention is paid not to the height of the installation, but to the location, type of insulation and voltage. All of the above leaves a mark on the choice of purchases for repair. As for heights, the phrases are optional:

  1. For example, section 6.6.30 of the EMP 7 states that in the workshops, sockets should, as a rule, stand at a height of 0.8 - 1 meter. It is allowed to mount higher, up to 1.5 meters, if the supply voltage is supplied from the ceiling.
  2. As for the other rooms, they are arranged for reasons of convenience, not more than a meter from the floor. The lower limit is not limited, it is allowed to put sockets on a specially adapted plinth.
  3. In kindergartens, switches and sockets are installed at a height of 180 cm. So that the children do not get out.
  4. Switches may be installed under the ceiling, if they are controlled from the cord, in general, it is recommended to install within 0.8 - 1.7 meters from the floor.
  5. Please note that the power supply for luminaires with extra-low voltage is allowed from the outlet, although for other light sources, for example, sconces, only switches mounted directly on the power cord are used. This is seen from the list of solutions for organizing the illumination of mirrors in the bathroom. Lamps are permissible to take LED at 12 V. Accordingly, pin cartridges are selected so as not to be confused when replacing. Rarely, but there is an E27 base for voltage of 12 V.
  6. In public catering establishments and trade pavilions, sockets are placed at a height of 1.3 meters from the floor.
  7. At schools, on student desks( laboratories, physics and chemistry classrooms), they place sockets at the same time as the general switch located on the teacher’s desk. Power is supplied through a differential circuit breaker or an individual isolating transformer.

Isolating TransformermAThis means that when using a washing machine, which is in violation of the rules in the bathroom, we usually use an outlet that is traditionally outside, under the switches. It also needs to be connected via a differential circuit breaker. If you plan to work under the balcony, it is necessary in the room to do the same.

Agree, these rules are rarely followed. Rather, on the contrary - the rules for installing sockets are violated everywhere, accidents occur. The outdoor sockets, of course, are also connected via a differential circuit breaker( the response threshold is not more than 30 mA).

Individual isolation transformer

If the floor, ceiling or walls are made of metal, power must be supplied through the individual isolation transformer. Pay attention to the first epithet. It means that it is impossible to feed from a common transformer, for example, as stated above, a bathroom and an outlet in a room for working under a balcony. There are models with a number of secondary windings. Cost a little more. In the general case, it is necessary to buy two pieces( or a single double) and supply them accordingly. ABB sells isolation transformers that are permitted to be mounted on a DIN rail in a standard manner. You will need to leave space for the installation there, and remember that the output winding is not grounded at any point. This is strictly prohibited, the meaning of the installation of an individual isolation transformer disappears. Therefore, by definition, sockets installed at any height are installed without ground lobes.

Carefully in this case, follow the requirements for grounding and protective zanuliyu devices in the bathroom. The socket plug is allowed to be used, but the conductor from it without electrical contact with the output winding of an individual isolation transformer goes to switchboard.

Location of the plug

Finally, a completely ingenious phrase in paragraph 1.7.152, which states that for a portable device the plug is on the side of the receiver. Suddenly a person thinks of replacing the plug of an electric drill with a socket?

A residual current circuit breaker

As a rule, protection circuit breakers are located in a switchboard, but it is allowed to use sockets with a built-in RCD.

Specificity of the room and features of the

sockets. In the premises for keeping animals, the sockets are connected through a differential circuit breaker. In children’s rooms, it is necessary to use products with special protective curtains covering the holes leading inwards to the current-carrying parts.

Group lines of luminaires

Please note that when arranging group lines of luminaires it is prohibited to put a protective and neutral wire under a single clip. We believe this is due to the simple fact that some of the devices are capable of being located in rooms with heightened danger or on the street where connection is required through a differential circuit breaker. In the above case, the combination of the protective and zero circuit normal operation of the device is roughly violated.

Location of sockets on the wall.

Sockets and switches should not be located on both sides of the wall on a common axis for different apartments. For a residential unit such liberties are allowed. For example, often the socket is fed from the distribution panel only on one side of the wall, and the second takes the voltage from the first. At the same time, there is not just a nest, but a through hole in the wall. See photo.

Through Socket

Where to Install

Sockets Usually, the owners are not aware that the distribution points of electricity follow strict rules( SP 31-110):

  • One outlet is installed at four meters of the living room perimeter. If the total length of the walls is, for example, 12.5 meters, four points are mounted: one for the surplus. Until 2006, it was allowed to put on the outlet for every 6 square meters of perimeter.
  • In the kitchen, regardless of the perimeter, at least four sockets are placed on the entire area. And the double is considered immediately for two. If you plan to use an electric oven or hob, you need to provide power directly from the distribution box( without doubling the outlet).The distance from the device to the outlet in this case is not standardized.
  • When an outlet is an open installation, it is customary to lay the wiring outside on the wall. This is not a dogma, in contrast to most of the indications here, the standard only gives recommendations. Just the socket of the hidden installation looks inappropriate, and the installation is time consuming.
  • In the corridor put on the outlet for every 10 square meters. If the total is 21, you need three pieces: one for the excess over the whole.
  • Dual socket in the room is considered a single point. In the kitchen, an outlet for 16 A is envisaged and is assessed as two pieces. Do not place sockets above and below the sink. According to GOST 50571.11, a distance of at least 60 cm from the edge is chosen, but special protection measures are applied, like differential automata and individual isolation transformers.

In these cases, we are talking about 10 or 16 A sockets, unless otherwise specified.

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