Refrigerators Side-by-Side: TOP 7 best models of how best to choose +

Stir in the large household appliances for the kitchen, including for high-quality and reliable refrigeration units, does not subside ever. Request for ordinary users become more complicated, so manufacturers employ new technologies, engineering, enhance the functional - in short, doing everything to meet the demand.

Refrigerator Side-by-Side - is a symbol of progress, which embodies all the best qualities of classic models.

The content of the article:

  • Features Form Factor Side-by-Side
  • Benefits American style refrigerators
  • Choosing the optimal model
    • Determine the required size
    • A useful working volume
    • The presence of climatic zones
    • Department of the freezer
    • The presence of accessory accessories
  • Worthy of overpayment options
  • Ranking of the best models on the market today
    • Location # 1: Vestfrost VF 395-1 SBW
    • Location # 2: Samsung RS-57 K4000SA
    • Location # 3: Kraft KF-F2660NFL
    • Place # 4: LG GC-B247 JEUV
    • Location # 5: Liebherr SBS 7212
    • Place # 6: Bosch KAN90VI20
    • Place # 7: Daewoo Electronics FRN-X22B4CW
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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Features Form Factor Side-by-Side

Side Refrigerator type buy Side translated into Russian language means - side by side. Other modifications it different vertical arrangement of the cameras, and the refrigerators and freezers are arranged parallel to each other.

Refrigerators premium

Two- and three-compartment refrigeration units, structurally related to the category of side-by-side, are considered premium equipment on the right. It is not only a larger storage space, but also in the arrangement and technical equipment

This invention belongs to the American engineers, so an alternative model name - the American standard.

Parameters such units vary greatly - they are available in different configuration. As an exception to protrude European embodiments where the standard depth is 600 mm.

Swing refrigerator side buy side

Dimensions refrigerator side buy side in a width and depth substantially greater in comparison to the classical models. Such large-size equipment can be placed only in the spacious kitchen

An important feature of swing models of the American standard is unusual placement of the heat exchanger.

Unlike Forms factors Top-mount type or Bottom-mount, the heat exchange unit is not placed on the rear panel, and under the bottom of the refrigerator. This priority technological method allows the built-in appliances in the kitchen furniture or move up close to the wall.

In addition, the heat exchange element in the model of side-by-side is equipped with a special device, dust repellent. Thus production engineers once and allowed to everyday problems cleaning hard to reach parts.

Four-side buy side

Depending on the model type refrigeration side buy side, the number of doors might vary from two to four

The disadvantage of such a compressor's location is considered to be a ban on the installation of the refrigerant under floor heating system. And as you know, technology is not covered under the warranty if non-compliance with operating conditions.

Benefits American style refrigerators

The main reason why consumers opt for modification of Side-by-Side - impressive size appliances.

They are ideal assistants not only in a large family, but also for those who are used to stock up on food packages for the future, as is provided for use up to 800 liters. useful volume, which is almost three times higher than the standard versions.

The useful space of the refrigerator

Large size type side by side units provide good opportunities for the orderly arrangement of products not Only in the refrigerator compartment, but also a full-size freezer, due to which there may be placed, in shell semi-finished goods

Delimited space refrigerator and freezer compartments allows convenient place products. Versatile hinged doors open enough for a full review of the inspection cameras. Due imposing volume unit can be upgraded by various functions.

It is straightforward and transportation. Since most of the art side buy side is represented by two independent products, each of them can be delivered separately. With the monolithic version will be a bit more complicated and have to make the measurements of openings.

Absolutely all models are equipped with two independent electronic controllers, whereby the temperature control is performed in each chamber.

Only one of the units can be activated as needed. The cooling system may be provided with one or two compressors.

separate chambers

Due to the use of independent units of refrigeration and freezing compartments Twin Tech Frost Free Technology (contour separate cooling) during storage products do not mix odors in chambers

Using a system of forced discharge refrigerant circulating in a closed space, prevents the formation of frost and ice.

Also provides automatic defrost and antibacterial function, as embodied in the infrared system. By means of such exposure significantly extended shelf life.

An essential advantage are different temperature zones and a controlled climate. These include:

  1. freshness zone that some manufacturers may be cited as the living area air. This compartment at 0 ° C and +1 ° C. Here store products to be use in the near future and do not require freezing: fish, meat, etc... Cooling is performed by blowing of the freezing compartment. The camera is sealed and the coolant does not penetrate.
  2. Camera with adjustable humidity. Here are placed vegetables, fruits and herbs. According to need, comprising feeding dry air.
  3. for cooling beverage department. In this block, at temperatures below 2-3 ° C, than in the main compartment.

It is worth noting that the different climatic ranges are present only in units of this type. In most of the large dimensions allow it to efficiently distribute as much interior space.

Freezer in aggregates Side-by-Side can store the products at -24 ° C

a freezer compartment temperature of the refrigerator reaches the American standard -23 (-24) ° C, while it only works with No Frost system (+)

Despite the long list of positive characteristics of the model form factors side by side and have disadvantages. First and foremost it is worth mentioning the large dimensions - this technique is not suitable for a small kitchen.

In second place - the price category, which is the highest among refrigeration. And in last place - increased energy consumption is at least twice the rate of standard models.

Choosing the optimal model

Undoubtedly, the technique itself format side buy side is a modified example of the embodiment and the latest technology.

Category name already indicates the high quality, because the production of such equipment is only possible in the large-scale enterprises. Nevertheless, it helps to understand some of the functions necessary to pay, and what is and is not involved in the operation.

Original steel model

Refrigeration form factors side by side fits perfectly into a modernized and restrained interior kitchen in high-tech style

Outline the range of important characteristics that influence the choice of a particular model of a new refrigeration unit:

  • the necessary size, optimal for accommodation in nutrition unit;
  • a working volume chamber for storing a full set of necessary quantity of product and semi;
  • zoning area of ​​cameras;
  • the number and dimensions of boxes in the freezer;
  • accessories locks and limiters;
  • functionality.

Let us dwell on the most appropriate settings, and look at what we can offer manufacturer. At the same time we take into account the exclusive models relating to the premium, which can only be purchased under the order.

Determine the required size

Since the main characteristic distinguishing art type Side-By-Side dimensions are worth careful measurements produce the intended placement site.

Manufacturers offer a range of parameters: height varies from 170 cm to 220 cm, depth - from 63 cm to 95 cm.

Built side buy side

If the kitchen is renovated and the furniture will be ordered under the technique, in which case the dimensions do not play a significant role. However, when replacing old refrigeration unit measurements will be required

Width measurements may differ depending on the model series. The following parameters need to pre-measure the correct placement of large equipment

  • platform that will host the product;
  • niche in the kitchen, if it is assumed embedded installation type;
  • doorways and staircases, through which will be transported.

Due to the unusual location of the compressor cooling units can count on their snug fit to the wall.

A useful working volume

American Standard produced with imposing indicators useful internal volume chambers - from 300 l to 800 l.

Here every customer determines the individual indicator. However, space is measured not only by a numerical value, but also the convenience of a zonal distribution.

Refrigerator Electrolux

Electrolux refrigerators are not only excellent performance of spaciousness, but also convenient for the zoning room stockpiles provisions

Not all manufacturers can boast rational division, especially in the narrow models. Due to two valves in them to visually create the illusion of more interior space, when in practice, on the shelf does not fit, even a couple of small pots.

A similar problem is also present in the freezer, where all work must be small in size.

The presence of climatic zones

Of course, a great technique is to provide the same extensive storage capacity for the various categories of products and that it is necessary to use.

Zoned large refrigerator

The large space of the refrigerator with swinging doors perfectly divided into zones with differing climate. It arranged several compartments with the temperature and humidity required for the storage of certain type of products

So, what areas we offer to take advantage of the manufacturer:

  1. Natural Fresh - sliding storage containers provisions requiring low climatic conditions from +1 to 0 ° C. Zero camera can be divided into two compartments: the dry and moist freshness. In one - high humidity ratio in the other - is low.
  2. Fresh Zone - Department for short-term accommodation of perishable products: all kinds of meat, fish and dairy products. Here, the temperature is maintained at a lower level as compared with the refrigerating unit.
  3. Super Drawer - area with controlled temperature for fruit and vegetables. Roomy boxes sliding on runners with comfortable partitions for separating fruits allows to achieve maximum comfort in nominating containers.
  4. Mini Bar - equipped with special shelves for bottle drinks.

In addition to these characteristics, in all of these areas can be adjusted climatic conditions, allowing more accurately follow the recommendations for exposure of a favorable climate for each product category.

Refrigerator Liebherr

Refrigerator Liebherr SBSes 7165 is designed for people who know a lot about wine business. The device is equipped with two two-piece departments with independent climate. They are designed to store wine

But do not forget that unnecessary functionality not only occupies a portion of storage space, but also affects the overall cost of the product. Some engineering samples suggest the presence of all these climatic sections.

Nevertheless, challenges remain - as they are needed. If, for example, the freshness and the zero zone cameras have virtually identical performance.

The same question with a minibar - this section takes a weighty part of the freezer compartment. Although true wine connoisseurs will appreciate section climate and humidity similar cellar.

Department of the freezer

Different models may be freezing compartments occupying from 1/3 to 1/5 of the total volume of the art.

Volumetric freezer is best to choose when there is a need to freeze large amounts of raw materials. The standard in this department temperature reaches -18 ° C, which allows for long-term storage provisions.

Refrigerator with a freezer cabinet

Freezer compartment side format aggregates bei side capable freeze about 10 kg product per day. In this case, some devices have a special deep-freeze system

Having defined the required displacement, you should pay attention to the width and depth of the container, so that after the purchase was not necessary every time before placing kibble great products. The best option - a full-size freezer.

The presence of accessory accessories

If the equipment belongs to the highest class of technology in all ways, then equipment must be at the appropriate level.

Since the radius of the opening flaps of the refrigerator is 120 degrees, and the installation of such a technique is often produced close to the kitchen furniture, full plowing door may damage the surfaces.

Closers on the door

Door closers are relevant device for refrigerators any modification. This system allows you to quietly close the door without human intervention

Therefore, the manufacturer is obliged to provide for such a situation and to complement the product and locks limiters, provide a safe door opening mode, while retaining their outward characteristics. Closers and oboyudostoronnie canopies are also mandatory accessories.

Worthy of overpayment options

Each manufacturer, advertising their products, trying to impose not only necessary, but also all the useless functionality.

For example, various cooling system with a difference of 1-2 ° C with virtually identical properties - Shopping System, Party Bar and more. They do not represent any value, but their use is not more than a few times a year.

Now you need to think about it, because every system is played by a special device, and accordingly, this mechanism or increases the size of the unit, or picks up useful space is not enough, perhaps even It makes a noise.

Thermostatic system

Mandatory feature in side dy side is the presence of a thermostatic system, and which is carried out by maintaining the predetermined temperature ranges in departments

To begin, consider mechanisms so popular - ice maker and dispenser. Useful devices built directly into the space of the freezing chamber door.

There is one caveat - you must be prepared for additional costs for the installation, that need to embed the system in the general assembly the water...

In addition, the dispenser is necessary once a year to change the filter element. Here the decision is made individually - the function is good, but has faced obstacles when connecting.

Ice maker and dispenser

An ice maker is able to generate per day up to 4 kg of ice. Chilled water from the dispenser is pre-cleaned by means of a special filter

Among the proposed functions, which can be engaged in a life and bring more comfort during operation, the following:

  1. Quiet ZoneTM - a system that reduces the noise level. Not bad, if the overall unit will operate quietly. For high-rise buildings, such a mechanism would be inappropriate, because it is often the unit is on the ground floor, and a lounge on the top. But for apartments will come in handy.
  2. "Vacation" mode. Option is necessary to turn off one of the chambers in the departure time. Thus it is able to save the frozen provisions and reduce electricity consumption.
  3. Anti Finger-print - protection from bacteria and fingerprints. The actual problem in aggregates Side By Side - traces of touches. The only company offering this option - Electrolux.

Having dealt with the useful and necessary features of models will become better acquainted with the representatives of this kind of technology has the best characteristics.

Benefits of Vacation mode

Models side-by-side for the most part provided with a system transforming unit for saving the operating mode "holiday" in the case of prolonged absence hosts

Ranking of the best models on the market today

Such well-known companies such as Liebherr, Shivaki, Electrolux, Gorenje represent the latest developments in the segment of cooling equipment. And a lot of newcomers, whose production deserves no less confidence, for example, Neff and AEG.

Despite the popularity of the brand, will conduct an independent review of the best refrigerators of "American Standard".

Location # 1: Vestfrost VF 395-1 SBW

To date, an alternative promoted brand Liebherr, which recently presented a lot of claims, considered a company Vestfrost.

Vestfrost VF 395-1S BW - ranking model of this brand. Structurally, the shown unit consists of two separate devices - a freezer compartment and a refrigerator, which can be assembled into a monolith or placed separately. Refrigerator Vestfrost VF 395-1S BW6: useful volume of 241 liters. Convenient boxes with hinged lids and shelves located as ergonomically. It is possible to outweigh the door.

The unit has energy efficiency class A +, as well as individual equipment of the electronic control system. It is made in a fairly compact size, compared with the technique of this type from other manufacturers.

The most successful performance in white. The equipment operates on the drip system with a turbo fan for cooling the provisions uniformly. Of the additional features - the option of intense frosts.

Among the shortcomings noted model: lack of lighting in the freezer compartment and a standard type of compressors.

Location # 2: Samsung RS-57 K4000SA

Impressive version of the refrigerator from Samsung - a great selection of family friendly. The unit occupies a leading position for the following reasons:

  • quality production at all levels ranging from the built-in hardware and finishing techniques;
  • ergonomically organized internal space of the cameras;
  • simple operation;
  • the original design.

A special feature of this model is a unique system called "double door". Opening the refrigerator door, the user appears to ShowCase Division, located behind a glass showcase.

There are 6 compartments, divided into 3 zones. They are designed for storage of different categories of products. Competent organization space also is an indisputable advantage of technology. In refrigeration mode temperature boxing system supported multithreading All-around Cooling.

Refrigerator Samsung RS-57 K4000SA: 569 l useful volume (208/361 L). The space can be independently modeled by means of a folding shelf that provides a great opportunity to place the overall package. Of the additional options available superzamorozki system. The main technological advantages: digital inverter compressor and LED display with a nice blue LED light.

Negative aspects of such units is not so significant: large dimensions and weight category, no shelves for wine.

Location # 3: Kraft KF-F2660NFL

KRAFT technique can not be attributed to recognized brands. Nevertheless, production is trustworthy and butterfly refrigerator Kraft KF-F2660NFL this confirmation.

Due to the used blowing and cooling systems Multi-Flow System & dynaCool dynamically refrigerant circulates throughout the space and uniformly cools the food package.

Like all review model has a type of frozen No frost. When power is turned off may retain freshness until 10 hours. KRAFT KF-F2660NFL: useful volume - 516 liters (339/177 L). Class A Power Consumption Freezing capacity 10 kg / day. Materials of shelves and boxes are distinguished by excellent quality - tempered glass and high-impact plastic.

In addition to the sophisticated design the manufacturer has added functional filling: protection of children, sound alarm when the door is open, highlighting all the cameras, including block "Supercooling". The last option is required if there is a need for rapid cooling provisions.

Of the disadvantages can be noted remaining fingerprint at the touch, weight 95 kg, and excessive heating of the refrigerator walls.

Place # 4: LG GC-B247 JEUV

Not the biggest model of the discharge side-by-side pleases solid volume of usable space. Fridge can hold 613 liters, of which 219 liters accounted for the freezer. Two cameras are equipped with two separate doors, arranged in the refrigerating compartment freshness zone intended for long term storage of a number of perishable products without freezing.

Cooling cameras LG GC-B247 JEUV made according to the technological principles of the No Frost. Thanks to the stable air circulation device on the walls of the condensate does not settle, after which there is no ice crust. camera unit does not require defrosting, which still need to be carried out from time to time for cleaning the unit. Silent ensures reliable operation inverter compressor.

electronic type control, a display for tracking performance. The model can produce superzamorozku preserving products in the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. There is a system of protection against interference in the selection process and the installation of the younger generation programs.

Location # 5: Liebherr SBS 7212

For stable operation, this model has two compressors, each of which maintains its own chamber. Deluxe model offers to the future owners of 651 liters of storage space. Of these, 261 l accounts for the freezer compartment, which can be frozen in a day up to 20 kg.

Freezer unit Liebherr SBS 7212 is cooled by the scheme No Frost, preventing the formation of frost and snow coat. The refrigeration compartment is cooled by dropping technology, which means that it will have to periodically be defrosted manually.

Management is entrusted to an electronic system. At the open door refrigerator respond sound signal at excess temperature will signal and the sound and color. When disconnected from the network refrigerator will maintain the necessary cold foods as much as 43 hours. For convenience doors handles are equipped with pushers.

Place # 6: Bosch KAN90VI20

It works seamlessly German refrigerator offers potential owners of 568 liters. Freezer compartment 195 employs L, it is possible to freeze a day up to 4 kg. The unit is capable of producing both Supercooling and superzamorozku.

Cooling both cameras Bosch KAN90VI20 model is performed according to the No Frost technology. Forced defrost them manually is not required. Condensate is automatically removed due to the stable air circulation inside the compartments. The model can maintain the required temperature of the storage compartment 12 hours after interruption of electricity supply.

electronic controls. On the excess temperature limit of the model will react sound and color, on the open door of a sound report. Option is used, which protects children from assistance in choosing the working program of the refrigerator.

Place # 7: Daewoo Electronics FRN-X22B4CW

A solid offer from South Korean manufacturers of the popular and high-end appliances. At the disposal of the future owners will be 620 liters usable perfectly well-equipped space. Freezer employs 240 l of the total engine capacity, it may be carried superzamorozka.

Both chambers are two-door model Daewoo Electronics FRN-X22B4CW cooled by No Frost system. In them there will be no condensation or frost build-up of snow. Thawed such equipment only occasionally, in order to restore order.

Electronically controlled, a display for monitoring performance. The work involved a single compressor. Model generator not equipped with ice.

Rankings are based on data equipment sales in online stores. Opinion on the reliability of repairmen at our disposal there. Buyers are usually guided by the reputation of the manufacturer and on the experience of the owners of technology, purchasing it in trade organizations offline.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Buying a refrigerator with ice maker and dispenser, the most difficult task is to connect these devices to the sewage system. For information on how to do this in the video:

Dreaming of buying megavmestitelnogo refrigerator and paying attention to the type of units Side-by-Side, you need to become more familiar with their functionality.

Because in addition to the basic - Refrigeration - such devices are retrofitted with a considerable number of unique features that simply are not available in standard models. However, this affects the final cost of the refrigerator. Therefore, you should choose the model carefully, so as not to overpay for unnecessary features.

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