Application of soda
Multifunctionality of baking soda can only be surprised: no matter what the problem is, we can’t do without it. It is not surprising that for home laundry whitening it is also used, and very effectively. This method has more than one century, it remains relevant to this day and has several varieties.
- The first method, let's call it “for the lazy,” involves adding the agent directly to the water during the wash. Just a few tablespoons of soda, poured into the capacity of the washing machine, will effectively bleach the things that have turned gray from time, which seemingly have lost their original color forever.
- The second method is based on soaking linen in soda solution, which is prepared from five tablespoons of this product, two spoons of ammonia, mixing the ingredients and diluting into five liters of water. Soiled linen in such a solution should be soaked for several hours, followed by ordinary washing in a washing machine.
- Another method is suitable for otstiryvaniya resistant yellowness, but without a half-hour boiling is not enough. But things will delight you with its snow-white.
Not a single barrel of honey can do without a fly in the ointment: if things are bleached often, the fabric becomes too thin, which makes the products unsuitable. Soda belongs to the category of the most benign products and does not damage the structure of fibers.
Whitening of wool and silk.
. White things of silk and wool will eventually turn yellowish. Wool is a very delicate material, and most industrial bleaches are not suitable for products made from it. Yes, and wash these items in the washing machine is also undesirable.
- For example, the use of “Whiteness” can have an absolutely opposite effect: spots will appear, besides, the material will be spoiled and you will have to say goodbye to your favorite thing.
- Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent home bleaching agent. For bleaching products from wool and flax, you can use soaking in a special solution, which is prepared from 5 liters of water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of powder, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Here we also add 4 tablespoons of salt( preferably large).The components are thoroughly mixed and soaked cooked things for at least two hours. During the rinse, make sure that the yellowness has disappeared. Hydrogen peroxide can be bleached and products from other types of fabric.
- For wool, as for silk, we can recommend mustard. A tablespoon of powder is poured with hot water( 1 liter) and the water is allowed to settle for 2 hours. Then the water is poured into another container and again mustard is poured, you need to repeat these steps as many times as you need water for washing. Next, wash with infused and drained water.
Bleaching flax
How to whiten linen from linen? Flax - the material is quite strong and may be subject to more severe procedures. To whiten at home, for example, washed linen linen towels, you can use the wash in hot water with soda ash. Soda can be added directly to the washing machine.
Persol is an excellent tool for bleaching flax products. You can add it regularly during the wash, and linen items will become much whiter. If the fabric is heavily gray, soak the laundry overnight in hot water with the addition of detergent and persalt.
TulleIf you need to whiten tulle or once white guipure at home, commonly used substances such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will be useful. Pour 10 liters of water into the big basin( water should be hot) and pour 2 tablespoons of salted ammonium chloride and hydrogen peroxide in the same place. Fabric should be soaked for 2-3 hours and then washed as usual. Curtains and guipure after soaking with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will become snow-white again.
Special bleaching agents
Ideally bleached linen and cotton chemicals, for example, “Whiteness”, but for synthetics and wool it cannot be used in any way. Products made of delicate fabrics are more suitable special bleach, which does not contain chlorine. Some manufacturers produce powder bleaches that do not harm the fabric structure and can even cope with stains from painting on a white or other background. To such means include "Vanish", the products of the company "Amway" and "Faberlik".
Snow-white things always look gracefully and solemnly, and it happens to the tears to hurt when they lose their appearance. There are various ways that at home can help restore their whiteness, it is only important to take into account the properties of the fabric.