Top 10 steamers according to customer reviews

  • What is a steamer and how does it work?
  • Varieties of steamers
  • How to choose the best steamer?
  • Rating of hand-held steamers for clothes 2018
  • The best floor steamers

Surely, each of you used and knows what an iron is. Among the majority, the process of ironing does not bring any pleasure, but only occupies the first place among the tiresome and unloved household chores. Especially when smoothing difficult to give in fabrics or things that are crumpled before our eyes is to be. In this case, do not be upset! It's time to buy a good steamer, which will greatly simplify the process of ironing. To understand why the device is alternative to irons and how to choose the right steamer for clothes, the best 2017-2018 rating of the year, we’ll tell you about this article!

What is a steamer and how does it work?

Please note that modern technologies are rapidly developing and, although devices such as steamers for home use have appeared on the market quite recently, they proudly gained the confidence of many housewives and are popular. With their help, you quickly, and most importantly, effortlessly bring any thing from the wardrobe into the proper form.

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As you may have guessed from the name, “steamer” is a device that performs a wide range of functions, based on the strong effect of steam on the surface of textiles. The design has a water tank that heats up to high temperatures. As a result of boiling, the steam flow enters a flat nozzle, with which the fabric is treated. Due to the strong pressure, the fibers of the material tend to "relax", allowing the surface to be smoothed. It is also worth saying that steamers have an advantage over conventional irons. With their help, you not only stroke the thing, but also easily remove unpleasant odor and stains.

See also - How to choose a steam cleaner - ranking the best in 2018

Varieties of steamers

The modern market has a huge number of steamers for clothing. And depending on what purpose and principle of work they have, professionals classify them into:

  • Vertical Steamer. With such a compact ironing, you will afford all the problems. Devices of this type are considered multifunctional and are distinguished by high power indicesIt works in a vertical position and is perfect for use both in production and at home. The only thing that is not recommended for use on the ironing board.
  • Hand Steamer. The best otparivatel for the people who constantly are on business trips and traveling. The device has a miniature size that is indispensable on the road. On average, with active use, the duration of work is more than 15 minutes.
  • Steamer floor. It is considered one of the sought-after and productive steamers suitable for use on indoor premises. In addition, the model has high power parameters and is equipped with a capacitive water tank. It is worth saying that floor-mounted appliances are ideal when ironing large amounts of clothing in uninterrupted mode from 1-2.5 hours.

How to choose the best steamer?

How to choose the best steamer for your home, and then not regret it? This question is quite relevant among those who decided to buy this modern and useful device. It is worth saying that the best steamer for clothes is one that fully satisfies the preferences and needs of each customer, both in price and in functionality. In order to understand which steamer is better to purchase, you should decide where it will be used and carefully study the parameters and characteristics. Pay attention to:

  • declared power. Among all parameters, it is considered the main and important indicator. If the steamer is used for domestic purposes, power from 1300-1700 W will be quite enough. It should be said that the power does not appear on the quality of the ironing itself, it only affects the speed of work.
  • Water tank capacity. Also an important factor when choosing. If the device is used exclusively in industries or textile stores that require large amounts of work on smoothing things, then you should buy steamers with large tanks. Note that the smaller the container, the more often it will be necessary to fill it with water. Also, more expensive models allow you to add water in the operation mode, which cannot be said about cheap ones, where filling is carried out only after switching off.
  • Type and quality of water. Rating steamers expensive models are equipped with a special filter that allows the use of running water. Thus, you will always be sure that neither sediment nor scale will destroy the metal. But if you take into account low-cost models, you will have to buy only distilled water, due to the lack of a filter.
  • Number of modes. Inexpensive steamers for clothes are often mono-functional, but this is quite enough for domestic use. The best steamer for clothes - is considered a device with a wide range of modes. Using it, you can set the appropriate mode in intensity, taking into account the characteristics of the fabric.
  • Steam Ironing Material. Buying a device for life, you should pay special attention to the material of the housing structure. Professionals recommend choosing a technique, the sole of which is made of metal and ceramics. Plastic, in turn, short-lived and quickly fail. The more holes, holes - the better when working. Also, it is better to choose a model with a heated plate, which helps eliminate water splashing.
  • The intensity of the vapor flow is measured in grams / 1 minute and can range from 35-50 g.
  • The length of the hose. Please note that if a heating element is provided in the iron itself, then the longer the hose is, the more convenient it is; otherwise, in the absence of it, this can be a disadvantage.
  • Manufacturer. Choosing home appliances, the brand plays an important role. We recommend choosing products of proven brands, as you will be completely confident in quality and warranty service. Remember! If the price of goods is greatly underestimated, even though there is a branded emblem - this is definitely a Chinese fake!

In the modern market, a wide range of household appliances from various companies and manufacturers are presented, among which noteworthy are: Philips, Kitfort, Polaris, Mie, Endever, Zimber, Maxwell, Grand Master. In order not to make a bad choice with the choice of a suitable option, we prepared a basic rating of steamers for clothes.

Hand-Steamer Rating for Clothes 2018

  • Polaris PGS 1412C is a demanded model, in addition to its main steaming function, often used to remove lint and remove various stains. The device is easy to use and appreciated for its high quality. Given the positive feedback from users, this model conveniently and securely fits in your hand and copes well with ironing things of various fabrics.
  • The Maxwell MW-3704 VT model is the best hand otparivatel among analogs in which price-quality are combined. A high rating, an otparivatel for clothes received in 2018.The device perfectly copes with small folds and hard-to-reach places, which is beyond the power of other models.
  • Philips GC320 / 25 Steam & Go - hand otparivatel for clothes, deservedly hit the top of the year 2017.Stylish model, ideal for ironing knitwear and delicate fabrics. Among the advantages noted: small size, disconnection in the absence of water and of course ease of use. Now, wherever you are, Phillips Steamer helps you quickly refresh and bring clothes to the right look.
  • Rating of steamers for clothes among multifunctional, ranked model Mie Piccolo. An amazing invention that combines the kettle and the steamer. Adaptation can certainly be called high-quality with powerful steam. It is completed additionally with nozzles for different types of fabrics and a protective mitten.
  • Manual steamer for clothes, inexpensive and comfortable rating - model ENDEVER Odyssey Q-410.The device is often used to smooth things from delicate fabrics. Also, it is often used for cleaning dense things from nubuck and suede.
  • The affordable and most efficient steamer is the Zimber ZM-10085.With it, you can steam thin and rather dense tissue. The advantage is high power, thanks to which, the ironing process will be fast and efficient.

The best floor steamers

  • Kitfort KT-910 is one of the best and most advanced floor type models. The device has a wide range of use, as it is endowed with a powerful steam supply. Professional clothes steamer can be used not only in everyday life, but also in clothing stores, allowing you to quickly give the product an aesthetic appearance. The main advantages: high quality, reasonable price and many accessories and accessories for a comfortable and highly secure steaming.
  • Vertical steamer for home, Philips GC534 / 25 Clear Touch ranks the best. The model is equipped with a display and touch controls, has several modes for steam supply, and also comes with various nozzles.
  • MIE Deluxe is a modern model with three modes of steam supply and an electronic display. Differs in a reliability of a design and easy adjustment on height. Also, the main advantage can be considered power, where the emission of steam reaches 85g / min.
  • Polaris( Polaris) PGS 1806VA - the famous steamer for clothes, ranking the best among its predecessors. The tank holds 0.6 liters of water, with intensive work that lasts approximately 30 minutes. Also, there is the ability to adjust the rate of steam supply.

Before buying equipment for use at home, you should always carefully read the specifications and know exactly where it will be applied. It should also be remembered that a cheap model is not always a quality and better option. Properly chosen steamer for the house will be a reliable and loyal assistant for many years. We hope that our rating of the best steamer for clothes of 2017-2108 helped you to make a choice!

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