Most discomfort during trips to the country deliver mosquitoes. Small “bloodsucking” love cool and wet weather. Despite the huge range of cosmetics and other devices, insects continue to torment summer residents.
Sometimes, for humanitarian reasons, people do not want to kill various animals. For such nature lovers, ultrasonic repellents are invented - fashionable and practically useless devices. Various oils and aromatic lamps do not always help, and sleeping in such conditions is quite difficult.
Special traps are considered one of the most effective anti-mosquito agents. For example, the Inadays inaTrap model attracts insects with the soft light of a fluorescent lamp and carbon dioxide that mimics human breathing. After a meeting with a small fan( 9 cm), annoying mosquitoes no longer cause inconvenience.
Unfortunately, this device is not recommended to be used in the presence of people. Carbon dioxide emitted by man when breathing, as well as the smells of alcohol and cosmetics reduce the effectiveness of the trap. It is best to turn on the device in advance, for example, a few hours before bedtime. Another drawback is the high price( from 2500 rubles).
If you are not ready to invest in the fight against mosquitoes, pay attention to the devices with a different principle of operation. In the role of bait, the bright lamp again appears, attracting the "blood-sucking".Around the light source is a metal grid with a DC voltage - safe for humans and deadly for insects.
The cost of an electric trap in domestic stores is about 1000 rubles, but fans of bargains order similar devices on the AliExpress website. Manufacturers from China guarantee effective destruction of mosquitoes for only 130 rubles.
Most buyers recommend buying electric traps, which do an excellent job not only with bloodsucking, but also with nasty midges and other winged insects.
The electric trap from China is an original night light and your mosquito-saver. The case of the device does not heat up, no foreign smells were noticed. In the early days of use, according to reviews, it is not easy to get used to cod. These sounds occur when an insect comes into contact with a metal grid.
Some buyers are unhappy with the bright blue color that prevents them from falling asleep. This is perhaps the only drawback of the electric trap for mosquitoes from China.