To save on electricity in the entrance rooms will help the double-gang through switch (ДПВ). This device provides equal control of lighting devices from several places, making the process more comfortable.
When installing the ABS, it is important to properly plan the placement of wiring, based on the geometry of the room. Let's look at the features of connecting two-way switches
The content of the article:
- Purpose and types of feed-through switches
- Preferred locations
Device and working scheme of DPA
- Option # 1 - dual-zone placement
- Option # 2 - three-zone placement
- Junction box installation
- The sequence of actions when installing the DFA
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Purpose and types of feed-through switches
The essence of pass-through switches (PV) is the ability to turn on and turn off light bulbs independently from several places. Therefore, the scheme of operation of this equipment implies the presence of at least two knife switches.
In terms of functionality, household pass switches can have from 1 to 3 keys, each of which is independent of the other adjustment mechanism.
The front panel of the switch can be placed LED backlight for better visibility of the keys in the dark
Different toggle switches control different circuits of lighting devices, therefore, specifically the AODs are designed for chandeliers or ceiling lamps with two electrical circuits.
As the lighting control points increase, the number of wires involved in the circuit increases dramatically. Because of this, in the home layout, two or three pass-through switches for one luminaire are preferably used.
By interface, PV can be divided into:
- mechanical;
- sensory;
- remote
The latter are rarely used due to impracticality, but you can find them in stores. Touch switches are good because any contact with them leads to alternately turning on or off the light. Mechanical keys are more familiar to humans and allow them to feel the change in the position of the toggle switch.
On the rear panel of the circuit-breaker switch is a wiring diagram that allows you to not get confused and attach them correctly
The visual performance of DPA can be very diverse. In electrical equipment stores, you can select the switches of the desired color, shape and design. External parameters of the device do not affect its functionality.
Preferred locations
Pass-through switches are installed in any place accessible to hands. It is not necessary to constantly use both devices to control the light. The main can be one switch, and the second used only when necessary.
If the wires of conventional switches were laid in the corrugation, then it is possible to replace them with a loop through without damaging the walls
Predominantly FEL are installed in such places:
- At opposite ends of a long corridor. If there is an additional door in the middle, you can also place a limit switch near it.
- In the large bedrooms. One ABS may be placed classically on a wall near the door, and the other by the bed.
- On the flight of stairs.
- On the paths and paths of houses, cottages, villas. It is convenient to get out of the house in the evening, walk along the lighted alley and turn off the light near the entrance gate.
- In large halls with multiple entrance doors on opposite sides.
The circuit breaker at the same time saves energy and ensures the safety of people movement. The only disadvantage of this device is the increased complexity and cost of the initial installation.
Device and working scheme of DPA
A pass-through switch is more correctly called a switch, because it does not have a definite position at which voltage is supplied to the lighting device. The key marking does not have standard “on” / “off” labels or icons in the form of a stick and oval. Usually on the switch there are only two multidirectional arrows, which indicate the dual purpose of the toggle switch.
If there are doubts about the correct construction of electrical circuits, they can be checked with a multimeter by connecting a regular battery to the junction box entrance.
Unlike the standard two-button switchhaving one input and two outputs, the device is a symbiosis of two independent single-key circuits located in the same package. Dual pass switch provides separate control over two lines of illumination. Each electrical circuit can be closed independently from any of 2-3 devices.
It is convenient to consider the scheme of work of the induction furnace with placement in two places on the example of one pair of toggle switches. One supply wire comes up to the switch from the junction box, and there are two out of it. Depending on the position of the key, some of the wires will necessarily be energized. Both wires go to the second switch, and one goes from it to the lighting device.
Thus, the switching of any key leads to the opening of one circuit and the closure of another. As a result of this action, the switched off light lights up, and the switched on light goes out.
The complexity of the electrical circuit of the circuit-breaker does not affect its reliability. The likelihood of failure of such a system with safety precautions is minimal
The above example shows that from each toggle switch to the junction box should go for three wires, that is, only six wires from each of the VAD. And to the central transition switch with three-zone control fits as many as eight cores. All this must be considered when planning electrical wiring in the House.
Option # 1 - dual-zone placement
Installation of ABS should preferably be done before interior decoration.
After all, the scheme of installation and connection of a two-button walk-through switch assumes the presence of as many as four strobes:
- One from the source of electricity to the junction box.
- Two from junction box to PV.
- One from the box to the light sources.
After wall chipping It is necessary to determine the number of necessary cables and the number of lived in them.
After plastering the walls, it is important to remember the location of all the electrical wiring so that when drilling holes in the walls do not stumble on them
Two three-core or three two-core wires must be laid between the junction box and the first AEL. Two conductors will be used to apply voltage to the switch, and the remaining four will follow through the junction box to the second switching device.
Three second wires are laid to the second DPA in the gate. Two cores of them go to the lighting devices, and the remaining four - to the first switch.
One or two wires with a “zero” can be supplied to the lighting devices. The specific number of wires depends on the power consumption and the convenience of parallel connection of lamps. An ordinary two-wire power cable fits the junction box itself.
The main task in the installation of PV is the correct connection of cables in the junction box. It must be of sufficient size to accommodate a minimum of 16 wires. If you do the work slowly and ring out all the connections with a multimeter, then you end up with a workable electrical circuit.
Option # 2 - three-zone placement
Independent three-zone control of two lighting circuits differs from the above two-zone control by the presence of a special cross switch. It is located exclusively in the middle of the electrical circuit, although it has the same functionality as the other two ABS.
So that multi-level wiring does not interfere with further repairs, they try to maintain it at a distance of 15-20 cm below the ceiling level.
The double cross switch has an unusual design that contains a transit contact. One of the wires from the first switch is always connected to it, regardless of the position of the toggle switch. It closes in both positions of the cross-curved ignition device, which ensures the functioning of the entire electrical circuit.
The middle cross switch is not interchangeable with extreme devices. An infinite number of such intermediate devices can be added to the considered scheme, increasing the number of zones of on / off control of light in the room. But the complication of the scheme entails an increase in the number of necessary wires and gates in the walls, which will not add joy when installing the wiring by yourself.
With an increase in the number of control zones, the complexity of wiring does not increase much, but the number of switches must be considered when choosing the size of the junction box
For the installation of additional DPA, it will be necessary to make another cable groove from the junction box. It needs to fit as many as 8 lived: 4 coming from the first switch and 4 going to the second.
If professionals build the electrician and there is a financial opportunity to install all the switches, then using a three-zone control device for this purpose is an excellent option.
Junction box installation
All wires when installing the WIU must be concentrated in the junction box. This will reduce the number of strobes and simplify the maintenance of electrical wiring in the event of a change in the number of luminaires or a switching circuit.
It is advisable to post junction box between two limit switches at the level of the lighting device located in the center of the room. However, the final choice of the installation site is carried out on the basis of the specific configuration of the room and the characteristics of the layout of the electrical circuit elements.
Self-tightening terminals provide a tight connection, the strength of which does not change with time. They are safe and easy to operate.
The worst variant of the connection of wires in the distribution box - the usual twist with electrical tape. Such a method can lead to heating of the insulation and subsequent fire. It is best to connect the wires using special terminals, because they provide ease of installation and subsequent maintenance.
The sequence of actions when installing the DFA
Independent installation of a two-button walk-through switch requires not only preliminary theoretical preparation, but also knowledge of the installation procedure. It is important to do all the processes in a single pass, without modifying anything due to the omission of any stage. Next will be described step-by-step instructions for the installation of a two-zone BPA.
Step # 1: Design. At this stage, the following actions are carried out:
- Drawn general electrical circuit.
- The location of the junction box is determined, taking into account the maximum savings on the length of the wires.
- Calculates the footage of the required electrical cables and their type.
- Determines the location of the switches, taking into account ease of use.
- Selects the type of installation: hidden or open (in boxes).
You can design the placement of the ABS on your own piece of paper. Problems should not arise, because detailed similar schemes are on the Internet.
Step 2: Purchase cables, switches, junction box elements. It is better to purchase stranded wires so that it is convenient to bend them in the socket.
There should not be too many wires in the socket so that they do not bend over or press down when the switch is fixed
Step # 3: Junction Box Installation. It is from it is necessary to begin to lead the wire to the other devices. The junction box is located 15-30 cm from the ceiling in a prominent place. Connect it to the mains is necessary only after complete assembly of the entire system.
Step 4: installation of podozetnikov and preparation of fastening under lighting devices.
Step 5: Measure Cable Lengths between points of the electrical circuit and cutting off the necessary pieces. At the same time it is necessary to make a stock of 10-15 cm for the connection of each device. The wires are placed in the corrugation or cable channels, so that when the floods and wallpaper glue they are not exposed to moisture.
The corrugation will protect the wires from short-circuiting in case of unforeseen wall flooding by neighbors or rain, eliminating the need to look for a break across the entire slab
Step 6: Cable Connection, switch boxes, switches and fixtures in a single system. On the reverse side of the VAD should be a wiring diagram that must be observed. At the end you need to use a multimeter to check the performance of all elements of the system.
The metal parts of the luminaires must be grounded. Neglecting this requirement may result in electric shock. In addition, directly to the lighting devices should go "zero", and not "phase".
Step 7: Electrical connection and testing.
If the system check was successful, you can disconnect the apartment from the electricity and start redecorating: close up the grooves, close the electrical distribution box.
Following the described algorithm will allow to avoid errors during installation and execute it quickly.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
These videos demonstrate the work of walk-through switches in a real situation, allowing us to evaluate the convenience of their operation.
The video shows the wiring of loop-through switches from three places:
Wiring diagram of the two-gang pass-through switch:
Interactive operation of the dual-zone push-through switch:
It is not difficult to make independent connection of double-key walk-through switches in the house. At the same time, it is important to strictly observe the connection scheme and follow the described algorithm of actions. The result of successful work will be money saved by electricity and the comfort of residents when adjusting the lighting.
Do you have personal experience in installing double-key switches? Please give good advice to novice home craftsmen. Tell us the details of the editing that are known only to you. Leave your comments in the box below the article.